Hi everyone.
This week we went to Planned Parenthood in Portland and it was warmer than last time we went! There was some bad weather but the main roads were fairly good. Due to the bad weather some of our group was not able to make it out to the abortion mill. Even with the bad weather Brian managed to get through the 4 or 5 feet of snow at the end of his driveway and made his way to Portland with Matt. Wesley made it up from New Hampshire as well. We had some friends join us later in the day. They had never been there before and wanted to see what all happened out there.
Because of the weather we got there a little later than usual. The good thing about getting there late is the "deathscorts" and the police are only there because of our group. They may have thought that we were not coming, but for whatever reason, when we got there there were nobody there except for Matt and Brian. We have only been there one week when there were no "deathscorts" but that was because we went on a Thursday when no one was expecting us.
That day, there was a Trump rally down the street back in August. When we left the rally we went to the abortion mill for a while. Other than that though I think there has always been "deathscorts" when we were there. Even though we had no officer, "M" from the shop next door, who really does not like us, went past us and did not yell at anyone or perform his mop water trick. He probably could have gotten away with doing a lot of things to us but he did not. Praise God for protecting us! For those of you who do not know what the mop water trick is: "M" will take some water and he will pour it out on the sidewalk. While that may not sound very bad the part I did not mention is that he pours it so that it will run towards the children from our group that are sitting on the sidewalk. He has said very evil things in the past before we got there and over all he is not a very nice man. Please pray for his salvation!
Thanks to the city of Portland we had a built in preaching stool yesterday. Where the snow was on the sidewalk, Daddy and Wesley were able to stand up on the snow and preach. Daddy even saw about 5 different people look out the windows of the abortion mill to watch him and hear the preaching. We do not know if anyone chose life but maybe someone did that we did not know about. Even if no one did we shared the Gospel and we leave the outcome to God.
Daddy got to have a good talk with a woman who we will call "K". She did not take a tract but at least she did not take it and throw it away, which means that we can give it to someone else. We did have some men come up to Naomi and I while Daddy was preaching about 10 feet away. Thank you Wesley for being there with us so that Daddy could continue to preach, and I could still have a man around while the guys were there.
We did have some one say that us girls should be out sledding instead of out there for evangelism. For some reason people at the abortion mill think that we are being forced by our parents to be out there. How wrong they are, we are always excited to be able to go! Besides, the younger kids were not even out there, they were over at the library with Mommy. We do not need anyone else to say that Mommy and Daddy are abusing us kids by making us stand out in the cold. So when it is cold out we do not let the younger kids stand out there with us. We have had people take pictures of the younger kids when they are sitting in the warm car with Mommy having snacks. When asked why they were taking pictures they say that, "interesting things are happening". We do things that would be considered taking care of children in other places but if we are outside the abortion mill all of a sudden it becomes child abuse.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for officer Keller! As you may know, I have not seen him a very long time. Yesterday after we left the abortion mill we were driving past a bank and saw an officer talking to some guy. We found out that the officer was not officer Grass as we had thought, but the man he was talking to was officer Keller. We pulled around and Daddy and I jumped out to say "Hi". He did not take a tract from us sadly. I think the other officer said it was against policy or something. Please continue to pray for officer Keller's salvation!
In upcoming news: We are considering attending a joint conference of Jeremiah Cry and NCFIC. It sounds like a great conference with some great speakers including: Scott Brown, Jeff Rose and Stephen Hopkins. They even have a few hours planned for street evangelism! The conference is March 17 and 18 in Wake Forest, North Carolina if anyone would be interested in attending. Here is a link to the website. The Aggressive Power of the Christian Church.
Tomorrow we are planning to join Redeeming Grace Fellowship for worship. There is a speaker from here in Maine who is a missionary in Mexico that will be coming, so that should be fun. Next week Jesse Barrington is coming up from Texas and I hope we get to go listen to his preaching as well. I really enjoyed his speaking at the Fellowship Conference New England back in August of this year and looking forward to possibly hearing his preaching again.
Please be praying for all the babies around the country and around the world who have been saved from being aborted. In just the past few years many many babies have been saved. Pray that they will be raised up in the fear of the Lord. Pray that at a young age God will show them their need for a savior and that He would grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ our Creator and Savior.
With love in the Lord,
Encouraging young women to serve the Lord in their youth and challenging Christians to reach the lost and to turn the world upside-down with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Babies! Doctrine of the lesser magistrate, and more!
Hi everyone.
This week we were very excited by the news that our family's newest member will be joining us in August of 2017! It seems that Brian and Tabitha Ingalls are not going to be the only ones welcoming new life into this world! Congratulations Brian and Tabitha! God has truly blessed both our families!
Something that I was looking at the other day was the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. For those who do not know what the Doctrine is a basic summary is this: Police officers are supposed to execute justice and uphold the Constitution, If their superiors tell them to do something unconstitutional or unjust, the lesser authorities (i.e police officers) have the right and duty to go against the commands or their superiors and if needed, they may actively resist them. For example, if an officer is told to stand outside Planned Parenthood to protect the women going in to murder their children. They have the right and duty to tell their superiors that they cannot obey because it would be going against their oath to protect human life. No matter what their superiors tell them to do, they are obligated to execute justice and to uphold the Constitution of the United States. For those of you who have not considered it before, Abortion is unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court was wrong to have said that it was okay in the Roe. Vs. Wade case and at all other times when they said it was okay to murder the pre-born. To see more about the Doctrine check out this website by Matt Trewhella.
For those of you who are not friends with Sye Ten Bruggencate on Facebook. 1) you should be! 2) The article he posted the other day was really disturbing. it was written by a pastor's kid. The guy was saying that the reason why some pastor's kids left the faith is because the church stole their Christmas. I will just say that if you have left the faith because the church "stole your Christmas", I would dare say that you were never saved in the first place. In fact if someone has left the faith for any reason they were never saved.
What have we come to as "American Christians" that we would be able to claim that we were Christians and then when somebody did something that we did not like we would turn around and leave the faith? I am telling you if something as small as not celebrating Christmas on Christmas day would make you leave the faith do not call yourself a Christian. If you are offended by me speaking the truth you can stop reading what I write but I want you to know that I love people because I am commanded to as a Christian. "And the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39. I say this because I want people to be saved and I do not want people to think that they are saved when they are not. I want people to have true relationship with God not a pretend faith that they will then abandon that faith when there is something they do not like. I want people to repent of their sins and turn to Christ in faith that can not be shaken!
If anyone would be interested in helping in abortion ministry but for some reason cannot get out to the abortion mill. 1) Please pray for those who are involved and for the people they are ministering to. 2) If you would like to, you could put together gift packets for women who choose life for their children. You could make or buy something such as a diaper bag that has a few outfit or a few toys and a blanket.
Our ministry is not just for women as they walk into the abortion mill. We want to plead with the women as they are going in and we want to share the gospel with them. We want to have a lifelong relationship with these women. If the women choose life we will help them by someone such as Brian and Tabitha adopting the baby if that is how the mothers choose. Or if the mothers choose to keep and raise the baby herself, we are willing to help them as they raise their child. If you want to you can help us in this mission if you would be interested in doing this please write to me at Maine4Jesus@gmail.com. Please realize that I am not saying this to people who are already standing at the gates of the abortion mills. I am saying this to people who would like to get involved but cannot get to the abortion mills. I would like to say thank you to all who are either involved in the fight by standing at the gates of death. And to those who pray for those involved in the fight even though they may not be able to be there with us due to work, school. or other things.
Please be praying for both Mommy and Tabitha as they both carry these new precious lives that God has blessed us with. Pray for the health of these babies and their mothers.
Please continue to pray for Officer Keller. I do not know why, but he is one of the officers that I really love in regard to thinking about him and praying for his salvation. Please join me in praying for his salvation! To see officer Keller outside the abortion mill while hearing the gospel preached check out this video.
Please be praying for Sye Ten Bruggencate as he is taking care of his mother full time. Pray for both his mother's health and Sye as he cares for her. Sye is a beloved brother in the Lord and a great man of God. Look him up on Youtube to see videos of him open air preaching. Also check out his debates that are there to. Check out his website while you are at it as well, Proof that God exists. Click on "I do not care if absolute truth exists." I find it very funny! You will see why when you click on it!
With love in the Lord,
This week we were very excited by the news that our family's newest member will be joining us in August of 2017! It seems that Brian and Tabitha Ingalls are not going to be the only ones welcoming new life into this world! Congratulations Brian and Tabitha! God has truly blessed both our families!
Something that I was looking at the other day was the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate. For those who do not know what the Doctrine is a basic summary is this: Police officers are supposed to execute justice and uphold the Constitution, If their superiors tell them to do something unconstitutional or unjust, the lesser authorities (i.e police officers) have the right and duty to go against the commands or their superiors and if needed, they may actively resist them. For example, if an officer is told to stand outside Planned Parenthood to protect the women going in to murder their children. They have the right and duty to tell their superiors that they cannot obey because it would be going against their oath to protect human life. No matter what their superiors tell them to do, they are obligated to execute justice and to uphold the Constitution of the United States. For those of you who have not considered it before, Abortion is unconstitutional. This means that the Supreme Court was wrong to have said that it was okay in the Roe. Vs. Wade case and at all other times when they said it was okay to murder the pre-born. To see more about the Doctrine check out this website by Matt Trewhella.
For those of you who are not friends with Sye Ten Bruggencate on Facebook. 1) you should be! 2) The article he posted the other day was really disturbing. it was written by a pastor's kid. The guy was saying that the reason why some pastor's kids left the faith is because the church stole their Christmas. I will just say that if you have left the faith because the church "stole your Christmas", I would dare say that you were never saved in the first place. In fact if someone has left the faith for any reason they were never saved.
What have we come to as "American Christians" that we would be able to claim that we were Christians and then when somebody did something that we did not like we would turn around and leave the faith? I am telling you if something as small as not celebrating Christmas on Christmas day would make you leave the faith do not call yourself a Christian. If you are offended by me speaking the truth you can stop reading what I write but I want you to know that I love people because I am commanded to as a Christian. "And the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39. I say this because I want people to be saved and I do not want people to think that they are saved when they are not. I want people to have true relationship with God not a pretend faith that they will then abandon that faith when there is something they do not like. I want people to repent of their sins and turn to Christ in faith that can not be shaken!
If anyone would be interested in helping in abortion ministry but for some reason cannot get out to the abortion mill. 1) Please pray for those who are involved and for the people they are ministering to. 2) If you would like to, you could put together gift packets for women who choose life for their children. You could make or buy something such as a diaper bag that has a few outfit or a few toys and a blanket.
Our ministry is not just for women as they walk into the abortion mill. We want to plead with the women as they are going in and we want to share the gospel with them. We want to have a lifelong relationship with these women. If the women choose life we will help them by someone such as Brian and Tabitha adopting the baby if that is how the mothers choose. Or if the mothers choose to keep and raise the baby herself, we are willing to help them as they raise their child. If you want to you can help us in this mission if you would be interested in doing this please write to me at Maine4Jesus@gmail.com. Please realize that I am not saying this to people who are already standing at the gates of the abortion mills. I am saying this to people who would like to get involved but cannot get to the abortion mills. I would like to say thank you to all who are either involved in the fight by standing at the gates of death. And to those who pray for those involved in the fight even though they may not be able to be there with us due to work, school. or other things.
Please be praying for both Mommy and Tabitha as they both carry these new precious lives that God has blessed us with. Pray for the health of these babies and their mothers.
Please continue to pray for Officer Keller. I do not know why, but he is one of the officers that I really love in regard to thinking about him and praying for his salvation. Please join me in praying for his salvation! To see officer Keller outside the abortion mill while hearing the gospel preached check out this video.
Please be praying for Sye Ten Bruggencate as he is taking care of his mother full time. Pray for both his mother's health and Sye as he cares for her. Sye is a beloved brother in the Lord and a great man of God. Look him up on Youtube to see videos of him open air preaching. Also check out his debates that are there to. Check out his website while you are at it as well, Proof that God exists. Click on "I do not care if absolute truth exists." I find it very funny! You will see why when you click on it!
With love in the Lord,
Saturday, December 17, 2016
They still murder babies when it's freezing!
Hi everyone.
Yesterday at the abortion mill was cold! It was 4 degrees and with the wind chill it was 20 below zero. Yet Planned Parenthood was still open which means the abolitionists were out to. Even when it was freezing cold Brian, Heather, Marguerite, James, and Matt were all out. I have to say, The others that were out yesterday stayed out longer than we did. Daddy and I only stayed for about an hour and 20 minutes. Even after that short of a time Daddy was limping because he could not feel his toes. We then sat in the car for a while before we left because Daddy was not sure if he could even drive. It was record cold for this time of year, even for Maine.
It was funny when we walked up to the abortion mill because most people only had their eyes showing. One man was standing near the mailboxes and I asked Heather if I was supposed to know who he was, I did not know him though which is why I did not recognize him. He was a man from Ohio who was just here for the work week but he came up and was talking to Matt. Since we have many more weeks of cold weather ahead of us here in Maine there will probably be a lot less people walking by.
I did accidentally assault a "deathscort"! The abortion mill is located in a multiple story building across the street from another multiple story building, creating a wind tunnel. I was holding our sign that says "babies are murdered here" and on the other side "abortion is murder". The sign flew out of my hand and across the sidewalk. It then hit the "deathscort" who quickly grabbed the sign. For a quarter of a second the "deathscort" was holding our sign! He then either put the sign down or it fell out of his hand, either way we found it very funny! The good thing was he did not report it to the police officer as assault, maybe because he realized it was a complete accident. I would not try to assault one if them but I did find it funny that he grabbed the sign!
Yesterday Daddy was VERY VERY close to being punched. One man "C" came out of the abortion mill with his fist balled up. He came up and was NOT happy with Daddy. God brought to Daddy's mind the verse: "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger," (Proverbs 15:1). Daddy asked the man "what can we do to help", and the man changed. He did not punch Daddy, Praise God! I do not know if anyone chose life yesterday but the Gospel was preached and we will trust God with the rest! Some people stopped before they went upstairs (the abortion mill is on the second floor,) I do not know if they listened though. I do think people can hear the preaching from the waiting room though.
One person took a gift bag which includes: a baby hat I made, a tract from Abolish Human Abortion, and a tract that I wrote. I just wrote a new tract to put in the bags because I realized that the last tract I wrote focused on abortion and not on the Gospel and I really wanted the people going in to the abortion mill to hear the Gospel and in light of the Gospel of Christ then plead with them to save their babies! The new tract starts out with the saying that we are all sinners and that:
"We are out here because of Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a man 2,000 years ago. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life before God His Father. He then was crucified not for His own sins, but for the sins of people like us. He rose from the dead on the third day and is coming again to take His children home with Him to Heaven. Jesus Christ is willing and able to save everyone who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. Today we plead with you to repent of your sin, turn from your life of sin and turn to the only able to you from eternal judgment. Place your faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God. Stop living for yourself and start living for the only one worthy of our worship and praise! All Glory be to God!"
I was made aware of more trouble going on in Wisconsin. Matt Trewhella was outside with some other people "exposing the abortionist". A woman came out to them and hit their sign and broke it. She then pulled out a hammer. While she may not have meant to hit anyone what she did is disorderly conduct and they called the police to make sure that justice was done and to keep the situation from escalating. Also they probably wanted to make sure everyone was safe. The woman was charged by the police with disorderly conduct, which she rightfully deserved! Praise God for keeping them safe!
What I found comical was what happened with Matt Tringali and Scott Smith. These men were outside the World Scientology headquarters with a sign, note that the sign was not very big. The sign said "To my loved one in Scientology... Call Me." Because Matt's sign touched the Scientology premises, more than 4 squad cars and a helicopter showed up! I do not if anything else happened though.
Please be praying for both Matt Trewhella and Matt Tringali along with Scott Smith as they continue to be in contact with law enforcement. Matt Trewhella did have a good talk with law enforcement though and we can praise God for that. Continue to pray for the street preachers who are preaching around the country. Pray that God's Gospel will go forth, and that God will prepare the hearts of the people who will here it. Pray that God would grant repentance and faith to the people whom these men will minister to.
With love in the Lord,
Yesterday at the abortion mill was cold! It was 4 degrees and with the wind chill it was 20 below zero. Yet Planned Parenthood was still open which means the abolitionists were out to. Even when it was freezing cold Brian, Heather, Marguerite, James, and Matt were all out. I have to say, The others that were out yesterday stayed out longer than we did. Daddy and I only stayed for about an hour and 20 minutes. Even after that short of a time Daddy was limping because he could not feel his toes. We then sat in the car for a while before we left because Daddy was not sure if he could even drive. It was record cold for this time of year, even for Maine.
It was funny when we walked up to the abortion mill because most people only had their eyes showing. One man was standing near the mailboxes and I asked Heather if I was supposed to know who he was, I did not know him though which is why I did not recognize him. He was a man from Ohio who was just here for the work week but he came up and was talking to Matt. Since we have many more weeks of cold weather ahead of us here in Maine there will probably be a lot less people walking by.
I did accidentally assault a "deathscort"! The abortion mill is located in a multiple story building across the street from another multiple story building, creating a wind tunnel. I was holding our sign that says "babies are murdered here" and on the other side "abortion is murder". The sign flew out of my hand and across the sidewalk. It then hit the "deathscort" who quickly grabbed the sign. For a quarter of a second the "deathscort" was holding our sign! He then either put the sign down or it fell out of his hand, either way we found it very funny! The good thing was he did not report it to the police officer as assault, maybe because he realized it was a complete accident. I would not try to assault one if them but I did find it funny that he grabbed the sign!
Yesterday Daddy was VERY VERY close to being punched. One man "C" came out of the abortion mill with his fist balled up. He came up and was NOT happy with Daddy. God brought to Daddy's mind the verse: "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger," (Proverbs 15:1). Daddy asked the man "what can we do to help", and the man changed. He did not punch Daddy, Praise God! I do not know if anyone chose life yesterday but the Gospel was preached and we will trust God with the rest! Some people stopped before they went upstairs (the abortion mill is on the second floor,) I do not know if they listened though. I do think people can hear the preaching from the waiting room though.
One person took a gift bag which includes: a baby hat I made, a tract from Abolish Human Abortion, and a tract that I wrote. I just wrote a new tract to put in the bags because I realized that the last tract I wrote focused on abortion and not on the Gospel and I really wanted the people going in to the abortion mill to hear the Gospel and in light of the Gospel of Christ then plead with them to save their babies! The new tract starts out with the saying that we are all sinners and that:
"We are out here because of Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a man 2,000 years ago. He was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life before God His Father. He then was crucified not for His own sins, but for the sins of people like us. He rose from the dead on the third day and is coming again to take His children home with Him to Heaven. Jesus Christ is willing and able to save everyone who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. Today we plead with you to repent of your sin, turn from your life of sin and turn to the only able to you from eternal judgment. Place your faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God. Stop living for yourself and start living for the only one worthy of our worship and praise! All Glory be to God!"
I was made aware of more trouble going on in Wisconsin. Matt Trewhella was outside with some other people "exposing the abortionist". A woman came out to them and hit their sign and broke it. She then pulled out a hammer. While she may not have meant to hit anyone what she did is disorderly conduct and they called the police to make sure that justice was done and to keep the situation from escalating. Also they probably wanted to make sure everyone was safe. The woman was charged by the police with disorderly conduct, which she rightfully deserved! Praise God for keeping them safe!
What I found comical was what happened with Matt Tringali and Scott Smith. These men were outside the World Scientology headquarters with a sign, note that the sign was not very big. The sign said "To my loved one in Scientology... Call Me." Because Matt's sign touched the Scientology premises, more than 4 squad cars and a helicopter showed up! I do not if anything else happened though.
Please be praying for both Matt Trewhella and Matt Tringali along with Scott Smith as they continue to be in contact with law enforcement. Matt Trewhella did have a good talk with law enforcement though and we can praise God for that. Continue to pray for the street preachers who are preaching around the country. Pray that God's Gospel will go forth, and that God will prepare the hearts of the people who will here it. Pray that God would grant repentance and faith to the people whom these men will minister to.
With love in the Lord,
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Court update and missionaries in Cambodia.
Hi everyone.
In regard to updates on the court cases of Mike Stockwell, Mike Overd, Adrian Clark, and Don Carns. They will be going back to court for 2 more sittings. The pre-trial sitting will be on 18th January 2017. The pre-trial sitting is to go through the prosecution witnesses statements to see what the actual accusations are. And, as can be expected, it seems that the statements are based more on peoples feelings than on what actually happened. The dates for the trial are the, 23-24th, 27 and 28 of Feb. and on the 1st of March in 2017. Praise God that the court dates were set this early! Please continue to pray for these men.
This week was our off week of abortion ministry so I do not have much to say on the what happened there. I did ask Chloe how it went and she said that when she got there with Rachel there were no "deathscorts." I wonder if the abortion mill was closed.
This Saturday we did have the honor of having our friend Heap Him, over for the evening. Heap is our brother in Christ from Cambodia. Heap is a native of Cambodia and grew up during the reign of Pol Pot. Heap fled and narrowly escaped being bombed out of a ditch. Praise God for saving his life. Later he met his mother and some of his siblings in a refugee camp but he never saw his father again. Today Heap is married to Jennifer and they have 7 children. They live in Cambodia and run a therapy center for children and adults who suffer from brain injuries. At their therapy center, Lina's Hope, they provide therapy for nearly 20 people, 3 of whom they have adopted.
On Saturday night Heap came over to share with us about what is going on in Cambodia. He has many stories to tell about the therapy center and just the life in general. Aside from many other things, Heap will not soon run out of stories of troubles in transportation!
There are many stories that could be told about the Children and adults from Lina's Hope but in any case it is apparent that these children are being taught that every human being is created in the image of God and no matter what the culture and their religion may say these people are to be treated with dignity and respect. In Cambodia they believe reincarnation, in which they say that if someone has a disability they deserve it because of something they did in a past life. May God continue to shine the light of Gospel into this dark country and may God grant repentance and faith to the people of this land. And may God continue to bless the work of the Him family as they minister to the low and rejected members of the people. To see more stories about what God is doing in their ministry watch this video here. I do have to say, Sophanna and Leakanah are just adorable! And I would like to say thank you to Heap for the beautiful bags.
Please continue to pray for Mike, Mike, Adrian, and Don. And pray for those who are bringing false charges against them. Pray that God would grant repentance and faith to those who persecute those who are serving the Lord with their lives. Pray for all the men and women across the country who are going to be out this winter serving the Lord through preaching and abortion ministry. They will not let the cold weather stop their mission to serve Christ and share the Gospel with this lost and dying world.
P.S. To listen to the audio of Matty Mac's gender comment listen here. Sorry for the swearing.
With love in the Lord,
In regard to updates on the court cases of Mike Stockwell, Mike Overd, Adrian Clark, and Don Carns. They will be going back to court for 2 more sittings. The pre-trial sitting will be on 18th January 2017. The pre-trial sitting is to go through the prosecution witnesses statements to see what the actual accusations are. And, as can be expected, it seems that the statements are based more on peoples feelings than on what actually happened. The dates for the trial are the, 23-24th, 27 and 28 of Feb. and on the 1st of March in 2017. Praise God that the court dates were set this early! Please continue to pray for these men.
This week was our off week of abortion ministry so I do not have much to say on the what happened there. I did ask Chloe how it went and she said that when she got there with Rachel there were no "deathscorts." I wonder if the abortion mill was closed.
This Saturday we did have the honor of having our friend Heap Him, over for the evening. Heap is our brother in Christ from Cambodia. Heap is a native of Cambodia and grew up during the reign of Pol Pot. Heap fled and narrowly escaped being bombed out of a ditch. Praise God for saving his life. Later he met his mother and some of his siblings in a refugee camp but he never saw his father again. Today Heap is married to Jennifer and they have 7 children. They live in Cambodia and run a therapy center for children and adults who suffer from brain injuries. At their therapy center, Lina's Hope, they provide therapy for nearly 20 people, 3 of whom they have adopted.
On Saturday night Heap came over to share with us about what is going on in Cambodia. He has many stories to tell about the therapy center and just the life in general. Aside from many other things, Heap will not soon run out of stories of troubles in transportation!
There are many stories that could be told about the Children and adults from Lina's Hope but in any case it is apparent that these children are being taught that every human being is created in the image of God and no matter what the culture and their religion may say these people are to be treated with dignity and respect. In Cambodia they believe reincarnation, in which they say that if someone has a disability they deserve it because of something they did in a past life. May God continue to shine the light of Gospel into this dark country and may God grant repentance and faith to the people of this land. And may God continue to bless the work of the Him family as they minister to the low and rejected members of the people. To see more stories about what God is doing in their ministry watch this video here. I do have to say, Sophanna and Leakanah are just adorable! And I would like to say thank you to Heap for the beautiful bags.
Please continue to pray for Mike, Mike, Adrian, and Don. And pray for those who are bringing false charges against them. Pray that God would grant repentance and faith to those who persecute those who are serving the Lord with their lives. Pray for all the men and women across the country who are going to be out this winter serving the Lord through preaching and abortion ministry. They will not let the cold weather stop their mission to serve Christ and share the Gospel with this lost and dying world.
P.S. To listen to the audio of Matty Mac's gender comment listen here. Sorry for the swearing.
With love in the Lord,
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Another week of spreading the Gospel by the grace of God.
Hi everyone.
First things first, Mike Stockwell, Mike Overd, Don Carns, and Adrian Clark were 4 men who were arrested in England back in July. These men were arrested because they were preaching the Gospel of Christ. They will be presenting their pleads in Bristol on December 8. They were arrested under the Public Order Acts. Pray that these men will receive comfort and peace. Pray that the judges will rule justly and that these men will not be punished wrongfully. Mike Stockwell and Don are the only 2 of these men that I have been able to meet, but I love each and every one of these men. These men are my brothers and I greatly enjoy the time I get to spend with them. May we all see the example of these men and may it spur us on to serve Christ with all we have.
A little bit of what is going on in our lives: Last Saturday was the parade of lights in Rockland. From our guesses there were probably over 1,000 people there! For those of you from big cities, 1,000 people in Rockland is a BIG deal.We passed out tracts and Daddy tried to preach for a little while but people came and stood around us and Daddy did not want to be yelling in peoples ears so he stopped. We then passed out more tracts later, may God use the tracts to draw people to Himself if it be in His will.
We just ordered 5,000 more tracts and they were delivered yesterday. The tracts are written by Paul Washer. I would like to say thank you to HeartCry missionary society for putting our contact information on the tract and for letting us print them. To see the tract look at the page, The Good News.
This week was our week to go to the abortion mill! This week was my first week to see a male "deathscort" out in Portland. We did not see officer Keller, which I am sad about. I wish I had a way to see him that did not involve the abortion mill. I still pray that officer Keller would be granted repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Please join me in praying for this man!
We also had one man who professed to be a Christian. He said that he felt uncomfortable walking past us because we were shoving stuff at him, (otherwise known as offering him a tract). He then said that if the cop was not standing there he would have punched Daddy! He then started using vulgar language.Where have we come to that professing Christians would threaten to punch Daddy and use vulgar language because he disagreed with us and because we made him uncomfortable by offering him the truth. This is craziness people! May God grant repentance to this nation, a nation that is full of wickedness!
On Friday a school group walked past us on the street yelling about pollution. There were probably 200 or more people, they even had 2 police cruisers to drive in the front and the back. After the protest at least some of the group walked past us so people were passing them tracts. At least one of the teachers then took the tracts away from the kids! Brian noted that it was communism at its best. The teachers know that we are giving the kids the truth and so they are willing to steal the truth from them!
I knew I missed something when after the protesters had left I saw Brian almost on the ground because he was laughing so hard! When I asked what had happened I understand why he found it so funny. Someone had come up to Matt who was preaching and told him that he did not have a uterus so he had to shut up. Matt then responded with the very very comical response of "Did you just assume my gender?" To see videos from Matt check out his youtube channel here. Shout out to Matty Mac!
Matt and Marguerite got to have a long talk with one man. It seemed like it went well. I was not listening to most of it though, as it was in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish. Another man came up to us and said thank you to the people in our group for preaching the Gospel in love to those who treat us unkindly. He then came back a little bit later and told us that he had a few minutes and so he stood with us for a while and talked! Thank you God for this encouragement!
Please continue to pray for the men in England. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are imprisoned around the world. Pray for our family in Christ who are being persecuted for their faith people such as Mike, Mike, Adrian, and Don. Pray for all those involved in abortion outreach around the country. Pray that God would bless their work pray that he would save the lives of these precious babies who are created in his image! Pray that God would be glorified in their work!
With love in the Lord,
First things first, Mike Stockwell, Mike Overd, Don Carns, and Adrian Clark were 4 men who were arrested in England back in July. These men were arrested because they were preaching the Gospel of Christ. They will be presenting their pleads in Bristol on December 8. They were arrested under the Public Order Acts. Pray that these men will receive comfort and peace. Pray that the judges will rule justly and that these men will not be punished wrongfully. Mike Stockwell and Don are the only 2 of these men that I have been able to meet, but I love each and every one of these men. These men are my brothers and I greatly enjoy the time I get to spend with them. May we all see the example of these men and may it spur us on to serve Christ with all we have.
A little bit of what is going on in our lives: Last Saturday was the parade of lights in Rockland. From our guesses there were probably over 1,000 people there! For those of you from big cities, 1,000 people in Rockland is a BIG deal.We passed out tracts and Daddy tried to preach for a little while but people came and stood around us and Daddy did not want to be yelling in peoples ears so he stopped. We then passed out more tracts later, may God use the tracts to draw people to Himself if it be in His will.
We just ordered 5,000 more tracts and they were delivered yesterday. The tracts are written by Paul Washer. I would like to say thank you to HeartCry missionary society for putting our contact information on the tract and for letting us print them. To see the tract look at the page, The Good News.
This week was our week to go to the abortion mill! This week was my first week to see a male "deathscort" out in Portland. We did not see officer Keller, which I am sad about. I wish I had a way to see him that did not involve the abortion mill. I still pray that officer Keller would be granted repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Please join me in praying for this man!
We also had one man who professed to be a Christian. He said that he felt uncomfortable walking past us because we were shoving stuff at him, (otherwise known as offering him a tract). He then said that if the cop was not standing there he would have punched Daddy! He then started using vulgar language.Where have we come to that professing Christians would threaten to punch Daddy and use vulgar language because he disagreed with us and because we made him uncomfortable by offering him the truth. This is craziness people! May God grant repentance to this nation, a nation that is full of wickedness!
On Friday a school group walked past us on the street yelling about pollution. There were probably 200 or more people, they even had 2 police cruisers to drive in the front and the back. After the protest at least some of the group walked past us so people were passing them tracts. At least one of the teachers then took the tracts away from the kids! Brian noted that it was communism at its best. The teachers know that we are giving the kids the truth and so they are willing to steal the truth from them!
I knew I missed something when after the protesters had left I saw Brian almost on the ground because he was laughing so hard! When I asked what had happened I understand why he found it so funny. Someone had come up to Matt who was preaching and told him that he did not have a uterus so he had to shut up. Matt then responded with the very very comical response of "Did you just assume my gender?" To see videos from Matt check out his youtube channel here. Shout out to Matty Mac!
Matt and Marguerite got to have a long talk with one man. It seemed like it went well. I was not listening to most of it though, as it was in Spanish and I don't speak Spanish. Another man came up to us and said thank you to the people in our group for preaching the Gospel in love to those who treat us unkindly. He then came back a little bit later and told us that he had a few minutes and so he stood with us for a while and talked! Thank you God for this encouragement!
Please continue to pray for the men in England. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are imprisoned around the world. Pray for our family in Christ who are being persecuted for their faith people such as Mike, Mike, Adrian, and Don. Pray for all those involved in abortion outreach around the country. Pray that God would bless their work pray that he would save the lives of these precious babies who are created in his image! Pray that God would be glorified in their work!
With love in the Lord,
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
A letter to the President (elect)
Here is the letter I wrote to Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States of America. If you agree with what I have said, maybe it would be good for you to write to him as well.
Dear President Elect Trump.
Dear President Elect Trump.
My name is Virginia Cowperthwaite,and I am 13 years old and I live in Thomaston, Maine. I am writing on behalf of some of my friends and family who are concerned about certain issues in our country. These men and women are Christians living in this country who realize that if we want America to be great again we must return to God our Creator and Lord.
Please realize that we are writing to you in love and respect. While we may not agree with you on everything, we as Christians are called to obey the governing authorities inasmuch as they do not tell us to disobey God. Since you are President Elect, we seek to give you the respect that is due to a man, such as yourself, that is in authority over us. We pray for you often and will continue to pray for wisdom, humility, and that you will seek the glory of God above all else.
We, as citizens of the United States of America are concerned about many concerns in our country today. Among these issues is one very important issue, the issue of abortion. Over the last few decades our country has taken the lives of (murdered) over 63 million innocent babies while they are in the womb of their mothers. We know that you consider yourself pro-life and that Mr. Pence is also pro-life. I would urge you to consider another position, that of abolition of abortion.
We who are writing to you are not just pro-life, we are abolitionists! Abortion is premeditated murder for hire and it is not enough to just limit the number of abortions that are performed. We must seek to abolish this sinful practice of murdering babies! We urge you to consider your views on abortion and see that abortion is still murder even in the case of life of the mother, incest, and rape.
The Bible says that children should not be punished for the sins of the father. Even if babies are conceived out of incest or rape the baby is still a gift from God and should not be killed for the sins of their fathers and mothers, but protected as citizens of the United States of America who have by virtue of their humanity certain inalienable rights, the most basic of which is the right to life. We believe that the penalty for abortion should be the same as the penalty for 1st degree murder for the abortionist and the mother who pays someone to end the life of their unborn child. I pray that you would seriously consider this issue and judge righteously.
Another issue that we would like to address is misogyny. All human beings are created in the image of God and women should be treated with the same respect and dignity as men. We do not agree with feminism nor egalitarianism, which states that there is no difference between men and women. God created men and women to fulfill different roles, but neither one should be treated as inferior. It has been reported that in times past you said very demeaning things to women and that you said things that reveal sexual objectification of women. I pray this is no longer the way you think of women.
As President Elect you have been given a very high position in the American government. We urge you to realize that this position is a gift from God and you have the obligation to glorify Him in all that you do. On judgement day you will be asked to give an account of your life to the God who made you. We do not want you to stand before God on that day with the sin of not glorifying Him with the position which He gave to you. We the men and women of this world willfully disobeyed God's laws and justice demands punishment from God.
The Bible says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." We urge you to repent, turn from your sin, and place your faith in Jesus Christ the only begotten son of the Father. Jesus Christ came to the earth, was born of a virgin and lived a perfect life. He was then crucified on a Roman cross, though He was without sin, to pay the penalty for our sins. On the third day Jesus was raised again to the glory of God the Father and He now sits at the right hand of the Father who is blessed forever, Amen! He is the only one worthy of our worship and we owe all that we have to Him.I pray that you trust completely in Jesus Christ for salvation and walk in the light of His Word, the Bible.
We pray that God would give you wisdom to lead this country in a way that is glorifying to Him. May God show you and Mr. Pence how you are to serve Him with this position. Please give thought to the issues that are above mentioned.
With love in the Lord,
-- Friday, November 18, 2016
A longer than usual day at the abortion mill.
Hi everyone.
Today we had the opportunity to go back down to the abortion mill to preach the Gospel, which I was really excited about! We had a great time with many other faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. Usually everyone leaves the abortion mill before noon, which means that the police officer and "deathscorts" usually get to leave around noon. Well, today we were able to stay later so we did. When we stay past noon people start to get irritated with us. Anyway I think the officer was probably supposed to get his break at 12;00, but we stayed at the abortion mill so the officer stayed at the abortion mill as well. Now if you want to irritate an officer, stay past his lunch break. Remember we did not say he had to stand there, as far as we were concerned he could have left whenever he wanted to. But he stayed for awhile anyway. The "deathscorts" all left around 1230 and the officer finally left around 1245. We left around 1:10 after we made everyone a little nervous by singing Christmas hymns and reading God's Word aloud, because if you have not figured it out yet, We are really scary people! At least that is what some people think. Here is a update on what happened this week:
This week we had 3 preachers, Daddy, Matt, and Brian. Other people were handing out tracts, holding signs, and praying. Today we did not have Officer Keller, we had Officer Savage. I wanted officer Keller but I can not always get who I want.
This week was the first time I have had someone take a tract from me and then throw it at me. Thankfully it was just a tract and not a rock like some other people have been threatened with. Last week Angela down in New York had a man pick a rock and say "I'm gonna get her". Praise God for keeping his servants safe!
Today was also the first time we have had money thrown at us, literally! A man was going into the abortion mill with a girl and said "Do you believe in the Easter bunny too?". Later he walked past and Brian started talking to him about the resurrection. The man then asked us if we were out there because we needed money because we did not have jobs.( I was not part of the conversation as I was off to the side praying with Chloe). He then started taking money out and started handing it to Brian. He then went over to Stephanie who had her arms crossed because she did not want the money and the man then put it under her arm. He then started throwing money at Mommy! Mommy thanked the man for helping us proclaim the gospel and told him we would use the money to get gospel tracts. Brian decided he is now a paid protester!
Today the "deathscorts" were blocking the sidewalk, (which we get in trouble for doing). When we went down to the crosswalk, where they were standing, Mommy had to ask them to move so that we could actually cross the street using the crosswalk. Where they were standing we could not stand in the correct place to cross the street.When Daddy saw the "deathscorts" blocking the walkway he went up to them and stood in the same place they had been standing. He then stood there for a while holding his sign. Now that we have video of them blocking the walkway maybe they will not tell us not to block the sidewalk as much. Okay that probably will not work, but maybe we can show the cops when the "deathscorts" try to get us in trouble for doing the same thing they were doing just a couple weeks earlier.
One time today I tried to give a tract to one of the women going in to the abortion mill. She was being escorted to the door by the "deathscorts". When I held it out to give it to her the "deathscort" stuck out her elbow. If she had hit me I may have gone and told the police, but since she did not actually touch me I left it alone, not that the police would have done anything about it. Sadly the police in Portland, Maine take the side of the murderers and punish the righteous. Pray that the Police will see the error of their ways and will serve out justice. Pray that they will faithfully execute the position which God has given them and that they will use it to glorify him instead of using it to reward those who spit in the face of their Creator and King.
Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. In many different countries around the world there are many people who are imprisoned and tortured for just speaking about Christ in public. Pray that God would comfort them in their present trials. Pray for the Salvation of the "deathscorts" and for Officer Keller and all the other officers. Pray that God would grant them repentance of their sin and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, the only one worthy of our worship and praise.
A couple weeks ago I asked for prayers for the Trewhalla family who minister outside the abortion mill in Milwaukee. Their son was accosted by a man and when they called the police the officer said that they were the aggressors! Their son was taken to court where his attorney said that he would probably lose the case. After the Judge listened to the other cases of the day she came down ill and they had to call in another judge to listen to their son's case. The police officer who was supposed to testify also did not show up and the video that the abortion clinic said they had which supposedly would have showed who was in the wrong, was not turned in.The new judge then ruled in favor of Matt's son! Praise God that this young man was not falsely convicted! Pray that justice will continue to be executed in our nation and around the world!
With love in the Lord,
Today we had the opportunity to go back down to the abortion mill to preach the Gospel, which I was really excited about! We had a great time with many other faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. Usually everyone leaves the abortion mill before noon, which means that the police officer and "deathscorts" usually get to leave around noon. Well, today we were able to stay later so we did. When we stay past noon people start to get irritated with us. Anyway I think the officer was probably supposed to get his break at 12;00, but we stayed at the abortion mill so the officer stayed at the abortion mill as well. Now if you want to irritate an officer, stay past his lunch break. Remember we did not say he had to stand there, as far as we were concerned he could have left whenever he wanted to. But he stayed for awhile anyway. The "deathscorts" all left around 1230 and the officer finally left around 1245. We left around 1:10 after we made everyone a little nervous by singing Christmas hymns and reading God's Word aloud, because if you have not figured it out yet, We are really scary people! At least that is what some people think. Here is a update on what happened this week:
This week we had 3 preachers, Daddy, Matt, and Brian. Other people were handing out tracts, holding signs, and praying. Today we did not have Officer Keller, we had Officer Savage. I wanted officer Keller but I can not always get who I want.
This week was the first time I have had someone take a tract from me and then throw it at me. Thankfully it was just a tract and not a rock like some other people have been threatened with. Last week Angela down in New York had a man pick a rock and say "I'm gonna get her". Praise God for keeping his servants safe!
Today was also the first time we have had money thrown at us, literally! A man was going into the abortion mill with a girl and said "Do you believe in the Easter bunny too?". Later he walked past and Brian started talking to him about the resurrection. The man then asked us if we were out there because we needed money because we did not have jobs.( I was not part of the conversation as I was off to the side praying with Chloe). He then started taking money out and started handing it to Brian. He then went over to Stephanie who had her arms crossed because she did not want the money and the man then put it under her arm. He then started throwing money at Mommy! Mommy thanked the man for helping us proclaim the gospel and told him we would use the money to get gospel tracts. Brian decided he is now a paid protester!
Today the "deathscorts" were blocking the sidewalk, (which we get in trouble for doing). When we went down to the crosswalk, where they were standing, Mommy had to ask them to move so that we could actually cross the street using the crosswalk. Where they were standing we could not stand in the correct place to cross the street.When Daddy saw the "deathscorts" blocking the walkway he went up to them and stood in the same place they had been standing. He then stood there for a while holding his sign. Now that we have video of them blocking the walkway maybe they will not tell us not to block the sidewalk as much. Okay that probably will not work, but maybe we can show the cops when the "deathscorts" try to get us in trouble for doing the same thing they were doing just a couple weeks earlier.
One time today I tried to give a tract to one of the women going in to the abortion mill. She was being escorted to the door by the "deathscorts". When I held it out to give it to her the "deathscort" stuck out her elbow. If she had hit me I may have gone and told the police, but since she did not actually touch me I left it alone, not that the police would have done anything about it. Sadly the police in Portland, Maine take the side of the murderers and punish the righteous. Pray that the Police will see the error of their ways and will serve out justice. Pray that they will faithfully execute the position which God has given them and that they will use it to glorify him instead of using it to reward those who spit in the face of their Creator and King.
Pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. In many different countries around the world there are many people who are imprisoned and tortured for just speaking about Christ in public. Pray that God would comfort them in their present trials. Pray for the Salvation of the "deathscorts" and for Officer Keller and all the other officers. Pray that God would grant them repentance of their sin and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, the only one worthy of our worship and praise.
A couple weeks ago I asked for prayers for the Trewhalla family who minister outside the abortion mill in Milwaukee. Their son was accosted by a man and when they called the police the officer said that they were the aggressors! Their son was taken to court where his attorney said that he would probably lose the case. After the Judge listened to the other cases of the day she came down ill and they had to call in another judge to listen to their son's case. The police officer who was supposed to testify also did not show up and the video that the abortion clinic said they had which supposedly would have showed who was in the wrong, was not turned in.The new judge then ruled in favor of Matt's son! Praise God that this young man was not falsely convicted! Pray that justice will continue to be executed in our nation and around the world!
With love in the Lord,
Monday, November 14, 2016
Election, a weekend guest, youth gathering, and Cell53!
Hi everyone.
Now that Mr. Trump is President-elect of the United States of America. I hope that Mr. Trump will uphold the constitution and protect the rights of the Christians in this country. While many of us do not agree with many of Mr.Trump's views on abortion and his disrespect of women, he is still the President Elect and once he is President we must obey him since he is a governing authority. It says in Romans 13:1 "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority expect from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." May God give Mr. Trump the wisdom to lead this country, And pray that God will grant him repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Off the topic of the election, this Friday we were not able to go out to Planned Parenthood for the entire time but we were able to go at the end of the day and pick up my friend Chloe from Cell53 and bring her to our home for the weekend. We had a great time and were able to spend some time reading the Bible and just spending time together.
On Saturday night we all went to a youth gathering that was held at a local church. I was given a couple of minutes to share my testimony (video below) and then the drama club from Word of Life Bible Institute acted out a couple of skits. We had a great time and afterwards we got to talk to a couple of the students from Word of Life. I also found out that one of the students knows my friend from Cambodia who went to Word of Life last year. Anyway we had a great time.
Yesterday we went to Cell53 for church and had an awesome time worshiping with the brethren there. I will say that Cell53 has a different way of doing their church services than many other churches. I love it and greatly enjoy every chance I get to minister with them at the abortion mill and I am greatly blessed when we have the opportunity to worship with them on Sundays. This video shows a little bit of the energy seen when Cell 53 sings in worship. We should all be joyful when we are praising God. He has done so much for us and the least we can do is be excited when we talk about who He is and what He has done! I am looking forward to the next time I get to go down to Lewiston again to worship with my brothers and sisters there at Cell53.
Please continue to pray for Officer Keller, I have not been able to see him recently. The last week we were down at the abortion mill we had a different police officer. I am hoping to see him this week when we go down. I continue to pray for his salvation and I would appreciate it if you join me in praying that God would grant him repentance, and faith in our risen Savior, the only one worthy of our worship and praise.
Pray for all those involved in abortion ministry around the country. After this election people have started volunteering at Planned Parenthood, saying they fear that "women's rights" (to murder babies) will be challenged. It would not be unlikely for there to be either counter protesters or more "deathscorts".
Pray also for Angela who is at the abortion mill in New York. On Saturday there were over 36 "deathscorts" out there where she ministers. She also had to call the cops as there was one man who picked up a rock and was saying things like "I'm gonna get her". Pray for her protection and pray that God would send out more faithful servants to join her in the work of pleading for the lives of these babies! Pray for our nation as we will be going through the transition of new leadership in the next couple of months.
with love in the Lord,
Now that Mr. Trump is President-elect of the United States of America. I hope that Mr. Trump will uphold the constitution and protect the rights of the Christians in this country. While many of us do not agree with many of Mr.Trump's views on abortion and his disrespect of women, he is still the President Elect and once he is President we must obey him since he is a governing authority. It says in Romans 13:1 "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority expect from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." May God give Mr. Trump the wisdom to lead this country, And pray that God will grant him repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
Off the topic of the election, this Friday we were not able to go out to Planned Parenthood for the entire time but we were able to go at the end of the day and pick up my friend Chloe from Cell53 and bring her to our home for the weekend. We had a great time and were able to spend some time reading the Bible and just spending time together.
On Saturday night we all went to a youth gathering that was held at a local church. I was given a couple of minutes to share my testimony (video below) and then the drama club from Word of Life Bible Institute acted out a couple of skits. We had a great time and afterwards we got to talk to a couple of the students from Word of Life. I also found out that one of the students knows my friend from Cambodia who went to Word of Life last year. Anyway we had a great time.
Yesterday we went to Cell53 for church and had an awesome time worshiping with the brethren there. I will say that Cell53 has a different way of doing their church services than many other churches. I love it and greatly enjoy every chance I get to minister with them at the abortion mill and I am greatly blessed when we have the opportunity to worship with them on Sundays. This video shows a little bit of the energy seen when Cell 53 sings in worship. We should all be joyful when we are praising God. He has done so much for us and the least we can do is be excited when we talk about who He is and what He has done! I am looking forward to the next time I get to go down to Lewiston again to worship with my brothers and sisters there at Cell53.
Please continue to pray for Officer Keller, I have not been able to see him recently. The last week we were down at the abortion mill we had a different police officer. I am hoping to see him this week when we go down. I continue to pray for his salvation and I would appreciate it if you join me in praying that God would grant him repentance, and faith in our risen Savior, the only one worthy of our worship and praise.
Pray for all those involved in abortion ministry around the country. After this election people have started volunteering at Planned Parenthood, saying they fear that "women's rights" (to murder babies) will be challenged. It would not be unlikely for there to be either counter protesters or more "deathscorts".
Pray also for Angela who is at the abortion mill in New York. On Saturday there were over 36 "deathscorts" out there where she ministers. She also had to call the cops as there was one man who picked up a rock and was saying things like "I'm gonna get her". Pray for her protection and pray that God would send out more faithful servants to join her in the work of pleading for the lives of these babies! Pray for our nation as we will be going through the transition of new leadership in the next couple of months.
with love in the Lord,
Friday, November 4, 2016
We are back to abortion ministry again!
Hi everyone.
On Reformation day, October 31, we decided to go do some street preaching while people were out trick-or-treating. We started what some may call a protest of Halloween that morning by putting a sign out in front of our house that said "Happy Reformation Day, Rejecting Halloween since 1517." That night even though some of the family had colds, Daddy, Me and my younger sister went out to Main street in Thomaston so Daddy could do some preaching. There was a good amount of people out in our town, probably 500 people in 90 minutes. When you consider that we live in a town of 2,200 people any group that big is considered a big crowd! Most people did not say anything about us being out there. One person said something about it being sad us kids "were being exposed to that stuff", (the Gospel I would assume as we were only passing out tracts).
Some other street preachers around the country picked some good places to go out on Reformation Day. Mike Stockwell, Robert Gray, Don Cairns, Bobby McCreery and I believe Scott and Patte Smith, all decided to go to Salem, Massachusetts on the night of October 31! They had a very interesting crowd to say the least, people dressed up like devils and many other things. Halloween is just one more event that shows how wicked the people of this world are and the celebrations always take place under cover of darkness.
Today we were able to go back out to the abortion mill once again! Daddy has now finished his class and has a job which gives him every other Friday off. Which means we can go out and do abortion ministry every other week! I look forward to the time of fellowship that we will be able to have with all our brothers and sisters who faithfully serve the Lord in this way.
Today we had a few less Christians than usual out at the abortion mill. We were still a good size group though compared to other places in the country. There were probably 14 people out there and the Gospel was preached for over 3 hours straight.
Daddy and Brian got to deal with one man who was a Black Hebrew Israelite. He came up and started talking to Daddy and then Brian talked to him for a while. One older homeless man tried telling us that he worked for the Governor and that we needed to make sure we did not break the law or else "they would come down hard on [us]". This man was talking to Mommy, who was standing at the car and after talking to her for a while went up to talk to my friend Chloe. I went up and stood next to her and someone else from our group, Rachel, was there as well, Daddy was not far away talking to someone else. The man then tried telling Chloe that she should not break the law. I told him we were exercising our freedom of speech, then he raised his voice to us, causing Daddy to come over and say that he would have to ask the man to step back from the women and children.
I was told that last week people standing out at the abortion mill got drenched with rain, yet they still stood out there for the lives of unborn babies. Our brothers and sisters who stand out there would rather stand out in the cold and rain and wind, rather then let these babies be led to the slaughter without a voice pleading for their lives.
Please pray for our country as they elect a new president this week. Pray for whoever will be the next leader of this country that God would save them from their sin and grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray also that God would grant them wisdom as they lead this country. I was thinking if Hillary Clinton becomes president we should get together with all the ladies from Cell53 and write a letter to Mrs. Clinton about our thoughts on abortion, feminism, women's rights, salvation, the attack on christian's freedom of speech and maybe other things.
With love in the Lord,
On Reformation day, October 31, we decided to go do some street preaching while people were out trick-or-treating. We started what some may call a protest of Halloween that morning by putting a sign out in front of our house that said "Happy Reformation Day, Rejecting Halloween since 1517." That night even though some of the family had colds, Daddy, Me and my younger sister went out to Main street in Thomaston so Daddy could do some preaching. There was a good amount of people out in our town, probably 500 people in 90 minutes. When you consider that we live in a town of 2,200 people any group that big is considered a big crowd! Most people did not say anything about us being out there. One person said something about it being sad us kids "were being exposed to that stuff", (the Gospel I would assume as we were only passing out tracts).
Some other street preachers around the country picked some good places to go out on Reformation Day. Mike Stockwell, Robert Gray, Don Cairns, Bobby McCreery and I believe Scott and Patte Smith, all decided to go to Salem, Massachusetts on the night of October 31! They had a very interesting crowd to say the least, people dressed up like devils and many other things. Halloween is just one more event that shows how wicked the people of this world are and the celebrations always take place under cover of darkness.
Today we were able to go back out to the abortion mill once again! Daddy has now finished his class and has a job which gives him every other Friday off. Which means we can go out and do abortion ministry every other week! I look forward to the time of fellowship that we will be able to have with all our brothers and sisters who faithfully serve the Lord in this way.
Today we had a few less Christians than usual out at the abortion mill. We were still a good size group though compared to other places in the country. There were probably 14 people out there and the Gospel was preached for over 3 hours straight.
Daddy and Brian got to deal with one man who was a Black Hebrew Israelite. He came up and started talking to Daddy and then Brian talked to him for a while. One older homeless man tried telling us that he worked for the Governor and that we needed to make sure we did not break the law or else "they would come down hard on [us]". This man was talking to Mommy, who was standing at the car and after talking to her for a while went up to talk to my friend Chloe. I went up and stood next to her and someone else from our group, Rachel, was there as well, Daddy was not far away talking to someone else. The man then tried telling Chloe that she should not break the law. I told him we were exercising our freedom of speech, then he raised his voice to us, causing Daddy to come over and say that he would have to ask the man to step back from the women and children.
I was told that last week people standing out at the abortion mill got drenched with rain, yet they still stood out there for the lives of unborn babies. Our brothers and sisters who stand out there would rather stand out in the cold and rain and wind, rather then let these babies be led to the slaughter without a voice pleading for their lives.
Please pray for our country as they elect a new president this week. Pray for whoever will be the next leader of this country that God would save them from their sin and grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray also that God would grant them wisdom as they lead this country. I was thinking if Hillary Clinton becomes president we should get together with all the ladies from Cell53 and write a letter to Mrs. Clinton about our thoughts on abortion, feminism, women's rights, salvation, the attack on christian's freedom of speech and maybe other things.
By the way, Daddy and Mommy are voting for
With love in the Lord,
Sunday, October 30, 2016
October 31, Halloween or Reformation Day?
Hi everyone.
With tomorrow being October 31 I think it would be a good idea to spend some time on the topics of Halloween and Reformation day. Just so you know everyone should listen to Cell53 Radio's podcast "Holidolatry" it is a great podcast that deals with topics that every Christian should consider. As a little teaser to the episode I think what they did for Reformation Day last year was great! Now you have to listen to the episode to see what it was.
I hope everyone knows what Reformation Day is, but if not here is a short explanation: On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther pinned the 95 theses on the door of the church which is known as part of the Protestant Reformation. Next year is the 500 anniversary, maybe we should get a big group of people to have a party outside a Catholic Church and pass out tracts and hold signs about Salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Just an idea.
Since most of you know the roots of Reformation Day, what about Halloween? Again listen to the Cell53 Podcast for more information. But long story short Halloween is a wicked holiday! From Trick or Treating to Jack-o-lanterns this holiday is not something we as Christians should be participating in! If you look into the roots of these activities you will see that they have strong connections to things of great wickedness among which are demons.
When Christians know these things and yet still celebrate Halloween and participate in the activities that go along with it I think it goes to show that they are willing to set aside their duty to glorify God in all they do, in order to have fun. Some may say that is not wrong to celebrate Halloween as long as you are not worshiping Satan or anything. Just go around and do what the world is doing. Just have fun, as long as we just go through the motions and do not really mean it, what is the problem? Yet how many of those same people would say it would wrong for Christians in other countries to offer incense and bow down to the king of that country. I mean if their just going through the motions it does not really matter if they do it as long as they do not really mean it right?
Now do not take me wrong, I am not saying that any Christian who celebrates Halloween is not saved. I am just saying that all Christians should seriously consider that Halloween is a wicked holiday. As Christians we are called to glorify God in all that we do and when we celebrate a worldly holiday are we glorifying God in that? Please seriously consider this!
Okay off of Halloween, On Friday I watched, for I think the first time, a Donald Trump Speech. Mr. Trump was in Lisbon, Maine on Friday. While we were not able to attend the rally, a couple of people from Cell53 were able to go. Brian and Tabitha even made it into the newspaper. Even though we could not go to do some evangelism we watched the live video feed from here at home. Please continue to pray for the Salvation on both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton. We serve a powerful God who is able to save both of these people if it be in His will. It is our job as Christians to continue to pray and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people wherever we go!
Please pray for all those involved in abortion ministry around the country. Many are involved in the fight for life, just to list a few: Scott and Patte Smith, my friend Angela, Matt Trewhalla, T. Russel Hunter, Christians at Cell53 Church and Redeeming Grace Fellowship. These are just a few of our faithful brothers and sisters around the country who faithfully stand for the lives of these babies. Pray for their safety and pray that God would use them to save the lives of babies and that they would continue to stand firm in the faith no matter what men may do to them to try to distract them from preaching the Gospel.
Pray especially for our brothers and sisters outside the abortion mill in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as they have recently dealt with many injustices, even from the Police officers. A couple of weeks ago a man was acting aggressively to Matt Trewhalla's son who is 16. When the cops came they said Matt's son was the aggressor, though video of the entire encounter prove otherwise. This is just one of the many cases where the Police side with the wicked and punish the righteous, especially allowing abortion to continue while they stand aside and persecute Christians. Pray that justice will be served! Please continue to pray for Officer Keller's Salvation as well!
With love in the Lord,
With tomorrow being October 31 I think it would be a good idea to spend some time on the topics of Halloween and Reformation day. Just so you know everyone should listen to Cell53 Radio's podcast "Holidolatry" it is a great podcast that deals with topics that every Christian should consider. As a little teaser to the episode I think what they did for Reformation Day last year was great! Now you have to listen to the episode to see what it was.
I hope everyone knows what Reformation Day is, but if not here is a short explanation: On October 31, 1517 Martin Luther pinned the 95 theses on the door of the church which is known as part of the Protestant Reformation. Next year is the 500 anniversary, maybe we should get a big group of people to have a party outside a Catholic Church and pass out tracts and hold signs about Salvation by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Just an idea.
Since most of you know the roots of Reformation Day, what about Halloween? Again listen to the Cell53 Podcast for more information. But long story short Halloween is a wicked holiday! From Trick or Treating to Jack-o-lanterns this holiday is not something we as Christians should be participating in! If you look into the roots of these activities you will see that they have strong connections to things of great wickedness among which are demons.
When Christians know these things and yet still celebrate Halloween and participate in the activities that go along with it I think it goes to show that they are willing to set aside their duty to glorify God in all they do, in order to have fun. Some may say that is not wrong to celebrate Halloween as long as you are not worshiping Satan or anything. Just go around and do what the world is doing. Just have fun, as long as we just go through the motions and do not really mean it, what is the problem? Yet how many of those same people would say it would wrong for Christians in other countries to offer incense and bow down to the king of that country. I mean if their just going through the motions it does not really matter if they do it as long as they do not really mean it right?
Now do not take me wrong, I am not saying that any Christian who celebrates Halloween is not saved. I am just saying that all Christians should seriously consider that Halloween is a wicked holiday. As Christians we are called to glorify God in all that we do and when we celebrate a worldly holiday are we glorifying God in that? Please seriously consider this!
Okay off of Halloween, On Friday I watched, for I think the first time, a Donald Trump Speech. Mr. Trump was in Lisbon, Maine on Friday. While we were not able to attend the rally, a couple of people from Cell53 were able to go. Brian and Tabitha even made it into the newspaper. Even though we could not go to do some evangelism we watched the live video feed from here at home. Please continue to pray for the Salvation on both Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton. We serve a powerful God who is able to save both of these people if it be in His will. It is our job as Christians to continue to pray and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people wherever we go!
Please pray for all those involved in abortion ministry around the country. Many are involved in the fight for life, just to list a few: Scott and Patte Smith, my friend Angela, Matt Trewhalla, T. Russel Hunter, Christians at Cell53 Church and Redeeming Grace Fellowship. These are just a few of our faithful brothers and sisters around the country who faithfully stand for the lives of these babies. Pray for their safety and pray that God would use them to save the lives of babies and that they would continue to stand firm in the faith no matter what men may do to them to try to distract them from preaching the Gospel.
Pray especially for our brothers and sisters outside the abortion mill in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as they have recently dealt with many injustices, even from the Police officers. A couple of weeks ago a man was acting aggressively to Matt Trewhalla's son who is 16. When the cops came they said Matt's son was the aggressor, though video of the entire encounter prove otherwise. This is just one of the many cases where the Police side with the wicked and punish the righteous, especially allowing abortion to continue while they stand aside and persecute Christians. Pray that justice will be served! Please continue to pray for Officer Keller's Salvation as well!
With love in the Lord,
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Missions conference wrap up, a chance to share!
Hi everyone,
This Saturday was the Mission Leap conference put on by Maine Ministry Outreach Center, (MMOC). Our family spent multiple hours at the conference listening to many different people speak and present what God has been doing with their ministries.
One of the people I really enjoyed listening to was Dr. Ronald Blue. Dr. Blue works at the Dallas Theological Seminary. He is a very animated speaker and is very easy to listen to. He preached on the book of Romans from multiple different chapters. He preached on Romans 1,10,and 12. He summed up the entire book of Romans in this way, Chapters 1,2,3 the key word is "sin", 3,4,5, "salvation" 6,7,8, "sanctification" 9,10,11 "sovereignty" 12 to the end of the book, "service".
In Dr. Blue's sermons he also told stories about his life such as, when he met his "wifey", when they were missionaries in Spain and others. One time he was saying that he was sitting at the table looking across at the man on the other side. The man was talking about when he went to the moon and back and how the earth began to look smaller and smaller. The man then realized that all that was important to him was on that little ball of dirt called earth. This man's name was Jim Irwin. I found out later when talking to Dr. Blue, that he got to spend 2 days with Jim Irwin. Some of you may not know the story of Jim Irwin. Mr. Irwin went from being a test pilot, which there many interesting stories about, to landing on the moon on Apollo 15. Later in his life he climbed mount Ararat in search of the Ark. Mr. Irwin has since passed away but his story lives on. You can read the story of Jim Irwin in the book Flight of the Falcon.
At the conference there were also some local people speaking including an old friend John Dowdy. John is a staff member of CEF or Child Evangelism Fellowship. Before John was married we used to help him with the CEF wagon at one of the fairs in our area. CEF is a worldwide program which includes Bible clubs, and many other different programs to share the Gospel of Christ.
Another person who was speaking is a missionary to Malawi named John Boyington. He goes to Malawi 2 times a year and over the whole year he spends about 1 month there. When he is there he digs wells called bore holes but more importantly he shares the gospel of the Living Water Jesus Christ. If all they did while they were over there was dig wells then they would be doing something good to help the people, but only for a little while. What these people need is the Living Water of Jesus Christ which makes a lasting impact on their lives. There have been reports that from this man's team coming over and digging these wells and sharing the Gospel, churches have been started and now instead of just one church there are many more churches. God is doing His work there in Malawi. Let us not forget to pray that the Gospel will continue to be preached around the world and that God will change the hearts of these people and grant them repentance and faith.
Today the pastor at our church is out of town and Dr. Blue is speaking at another church in our area so we are going to go hear his sermon today.
On November 12 there will be a youth gathering put on by MMOC and God has given me the opportunity to have 5 or 10 minutes to share about the work going on at the abortion mill. Please be praying for me as I prepare and also as I speak. I have never stood up and talked before a group of people that big before and would appreciate prayers for wisdom and courage.
Yesterday I was made aware that there is a fellow christian in Turkey who is being held in prison. Sadly his story is not unusual among Christians around the world. As Christians in this world we are to expect persecution from the enemies of Christ and we are to remember those in prison as though we were there with them. Pray that God would comfort all of our brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith and that he would give them the courage to stand no matter what men may do to them.
"Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body." Hebrews 13:3
With love in the LORD,
Sunday, October 16, 2016
A Presidential Rally, A Press Release, Great Fellowship, all in one day.
Hi everyone.
On Saturday there was this guy speaking in Bangor who I guess is well known here in the U.S. His name is Donald Trump. Our thought is, when someone draws a big crowd we may as well go and do some evangelism, so we did.
When we got to the rally there were already a lot of people there even though the doors still did not open for an hour. We did not preach yesterday but we were handing out Gospel tracts and holding signs as well. Our signs said things such as: JESUS CHRIST IS KING, TOM HOEFLING FOR PRESIDENT, ABORTION IS MURDER, and others.
When we got there we saw a sign that said, "No Demonstrations Beyond This Point", so we obeyed and stayed in front of the sign. We did get a picture right in front of the sign but we did not go beyond when holding our signs. A little bit later the Police officer asked us to move farther down closer to the road. Funny enough where he had us move to was a better location than where we had been before. A little while after we moved they then moved the sign as well, but where they put the sign was blocking the sidewalk. Some of you may not know this but one thing we get in trouble with at the abortion mill is blocking the sidewalk, so I took a picture to show Officer Keller. I took the picture and may have said something about it blocking the sidewalk. The Officers must have heard me, then moved the sign and said something wanting to make sure that people could still get through!
After a couple hours Mommy took everyone but me and Daddy and went to the Children's museum in town. Daddy, me, Jeremy and Matt, who had come to join us, moved down to the street where the Anti-Trump group was standing. Daddy tried to do some preaching but people came up and kept talking to him so that he could not preach or shouting him down, so we did our best to have personal conversations and pass out tracts.
At one point there was a Press conference going on. News cameras rolling we thought it would be a great place to practice our freedom of speech. Daddy went up and started talking about how Hillary Clinton was not the answer and abortion is murder. You could see the news cameras turn to see what Daddy was saying. Someone came up to talk to Daddy so Jeremy kept on talking while Daddy was busy. After the Press conference, Someone from the newspaper came up to ask Daddy some questions.
We got to see Donald Trump's plane fly in and then we saw the national media come in, complete with Secret Service. We missed seeing Donald Trump's motorcade when it was coming in but we did see it on the way out. We even got some video of the bomb sniffing dogs for Samuel to enjoy.
If you ever want to give tracts to some well known people, people with influence, try going to a presidential candidate's rally. Daddy gave some tracts to the media who travel with Trump. We got to hand tracts to the Police and Janet Mills, Maine's State Attorney General, who is well known to some of you! Shout out Andrew and Brian. Daddy also gave a tract to the Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Maine. We did not find out who she was until afterwards.
Since this is a post talking about Donald Trump, I will say here: Vote Tom Hoefling for President! Mr. Hoefling is a 55 year old Christian man, Father of 9, Foster father to 2. He is an abortion abolitionist, pro Constitution and Founder and President of America's party.
So I am saying this: Vote Tom Hoefling for President of the United States of America. Do not vote for the lesser of 2 evils because you think Mr. Hoefling can not win! If 1/3 of professing evangelical Christians vote for Tom Hoefling he could win easily. I do not know if you have figured it out yet, but the lesser of 2 evils is still evil! Our country does not need either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Our nation needs to repent and turn to God.
Please be praying for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that God would grant them repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that they will realize that, they are sinners like the the rest of us in need of a savior. And that Jesus Christ is the only one who can save them. Romans 3:23
Pray also for Jimmy Hamilton, He was out preaching and said to someone "Sir" the man then said that he identified as a woman. Jimmy still called him a man, since he was indeed a man, and he is now pending an arrest for a hate crime. Pray that justice will be served and that the righteous will not be punished.
With love in the LORD,
On Saturday there was this guy speaking in Bangor who I guess is well known here in the U.S. His name is Donald Trump. Our thought is, when someone draws a big crowd we may as well go and do some evangelism, so we did.
When we got to the rally there were already a lot of people there even though the doors still did not open for an hour. We did not preach yesterday but we were handing out Gospel tracts and holding signs as well. Our signs said things such as: JESUS CHRIST IS KING, TOM HOEFLING FOR PRESIDENT, ABORTION IS MURDER, and others.
When we got there we saw a sign that said, "No Demonstrations Beyond This Point", so we obeyed and stayed in front of the sign. We did get a picture right in front of the sign but we did not go beyond when holding our signs. A little bit later the Police officer asked us to move farther down closer to the road. Funny enough where he had us move to was a better location than where we had been before. A little while after we moved they then moved the sign as well, but where they put the sign was blocking the sidewalk. Some of you may not know this but one thing we get in trouble with at the abortion mill is blocking the sidewalk, so I took a picture to show Officer Keller. I took the picture and may have said something about it blocking the sidewalk. The Officers must have heard me, then moved the sign and said something wanting to make sure that people could still get through!
After a couple hours Mommy took everyone but me and Daddy and went to the Children's museum in town. Daddy, me, Jeremy and Matt, who had come to join us, moved down to the street where the Anti-Trump group was standing. Daddy tried to do some preaching but people came up and kept talking to him so that he could not preach or shouting him down, so we did our best to have personal conversations and pass out tracts.
At one point there was a Press conference going on. News cameras rolling we thought it would be a great place to practice our freedom of speech. Daddy went up and started talking about how Hillary Clinton was not the answer and abortion is murder. You could see the news cameras turn to see what Daddy was saying. Someone came up to talk to Daddy so Jeremy kept on talking while Daddy was busy. After the Press conference, Someone from the newspaper came up to ask Daddy some questions.
We got to see Donald Trump's plane fly in and then we saw the national media come in, complete with Secret Service. We missed seeing Donald Trump's motorcade when it was coming in but we did see it on the way out. We even got some video of the bomb sniffing dogs for Samuel to enjoy.
If you ever want to give tracts to some well known people, people with influence, try going to a presidential candidate's rally. Daddy gave some tracts to the media who travel with Trump. We got to hand tracts to the Police and Janet Mills, Maine's State Attorney General, who is well known to some of you! Shout out Andrew and Brian. Daddy also gave a tract to the Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Maine. We did not find out who she was until afterwards.
Since this is a post talking about Donald Trump, I will say here: Vote Tom Hoefling for President! Mr. Hoefling is a 55 year old Christian man, Father of 9, Foster father to 2. He is an abortion abolitionist, pro Constitution and Founder and President of America's party.
So I am saying this: Vote Tom Hoefling for President of the United States of America. Do not vote for the lesser of 2 evils because you think Mr. Hoefling can not win! If 1/3 of professing evangelical Christians vote for Tom Hoefling he could win easily. I do not know if you have figured it out yet, but the lesser of 2 evils is still evil! Our country does not need either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Our nation needs to repent and turn to God.
Please be praying for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that God would grant them repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that they will realize that, they are sinners like the the rest of us in need of a savior. And that Jesus Christ is the only one who can save them. Romans 3:23
Pray also for Jimmy Hamilton, He was out preaching and said to someone "Sir" the man then said that he identified as a woman. Jimmy still called him a man, since he was indeed a man, and he is now pending an arrest for a hate crime. Pray that justice will be served and that the righteous will not be punished.
With love in the LORD,
Sunday, October 9, 2016
A smelly basement, a great debate, an educational book, and an uphill climb.
Hi everyone.
This week started out with a day with the brethren at Cell53 Church in Lewiston, Maine. We had a great time together full of fellowship, worship, and ministry. First we all got together and had a time of worship through songs, then a time of sharing what people have been learning through the Bible, followed by confession of sins, and communion.
After that we all went down to one of the bridges near the church where there was a Walk For Life event taking place. When we got there all of us had forgotten our signs, so some of us were just standing on the bridge talking and others were in a group praying together. One gentleman then came over and handed us some signs that we could borrow which was helpful.
Some of the people in our group looked at the back of the signs and saw that they said things such as: you can pray to yourself but not to loud, do not talk to much, and things of that nature. I do not know if you knew this but when our group is around we do not know how to stop talking (haha). Brian said he had not read the back of the sign and he was going to preach, which is so much like Brian.
We had a great time together and are grateful to God for giving us the opportunity to meet such bold brothers and sisters in Christ, such as those at Cell53.
I finally got to see where everything happens in the recording of Cell53 Radio. I have to say that their building is pretty cool. Cell53 meets in an old bar, so there is still a giant bar area in one part of the room which is really neat looking. The basement / studio is a normal basement, yet The Honorable Minister Andrew X, B-Easy, T-Money and others, find the time to sit down there for a few hours every week, to record radio shows to encourage their brethren in Christ as they strive to glorify Him with their lives. (I did not come up with the nicknames and I only used one of Andrew names, he has multiples.)
Just the other day someone posted a debate that Sye Ten Bruggencate did at the end of September. He was debating Matthew Isaacs about the existence of God. While Matthew is on the opposing side from the Christians, I have to say he is at least kind and respectful, and unlike some others who disagree with our Christian worldview, he does not call Sye stupid.
Sadly when people disagree with us they sometimes resort to Ad Hominem attacks (attacking the person who made the argument instead of the argument itself) instead of using logic to actually defend their argument. When someone uses Ad Hominem attacks,he commits a logical fallacy. The thing is, in any worldview other than a Biblical worldview, there is no basis for Laws Of Logic, or Uniformity In Nature.
Other worldviews also do not provide the Preconditions For Intelligibility needed to make knowledge possible. Since other worldviews display all these problems when considered thoroughly, people who claim to believe in them sometimes resort to using logical fallacies instead of trying to come up with a logical way to defend their worldview which can not account for laws of logic in the first place. As Sye Ten Bruggencate often says, the choice is either God or absurdity.
I have been reading Ultimate Proof Of Creation by Dr. Jason Lisle, which I suggest everyone reads if they have not already. It is a great book which covers a lot of ground in relation to defending our Christian faith. I have learned a lot from reading Dr. Lisle and I would encourage everyone to read his material.
On Saturday Donald Trump will be in Bangor. Our family may be going out to the rally to do some evangelism, please let me know if you would interested in coming. If you do not wish to come or can not make it please pray that the Gospel will go out with power and conviction, that God be glorified as we tell the world about our glorious God.
Please continue to pray for my friends the Hill family. They are currently in the hospital with their oldest daughter Sherri as she recovers from brain surgery and problems relating to that. It looks like when they leave, they will have been in the hospital for at least 2 weeks, maybe more. While dealing with this their son also broke his heal and is still recovering from that. The family also has 2 other children under the age of 3. Currently the family is staying at the Ronald McDonald house while Sherri is in the hospital which has kind of become a home away from home for this family. Yet through all this they continue to glorify God and share His goodness with all around them.
With love in the Lord,
This week started out with a day with the brethren at Cell53 Church in Lewiston, Maine. We had a great time together full of fellowship, worship, and ministry. First we all got together and had a time of worship through songs, then a time of sharing what people have been learning through the Bible, followed by confession of sins, and communion.
After that we all went down to one of the bridges near the church where there was a Walk For Life event taking place. When we got there all of us had forgotten our signs, so some of us were just standing on the bridge talking and others were in a group praying together. One gentleman then came over and handed us some signs that we could borrow which was helpful.
Some of the people in our group looked at the back of the signs and saw that they said things such as: you can pray to yourself but not to loud, do not talk to much, and things of that nature. I do not know if you knew this but when our group is around we do not know how to stop talking (haha). Brian said he had not read the back of the sign and he was going to preach, which is so much like Brian.
We had a great time together and are grateful to God for giving us the opportunity to meet such bold brothers and sisters in Christ, such as those at Cell53.
I finally got to see where everything happens in the recording of Cell53 Radio. I have to say that their building is pretty cool. Cell53 meets in an old bar, so there is still a giant bar area in one part of the room which is really neat looking. The basement / studio is a normal basement, yet The Honorable Minister Andrew X, B-Easy, T-Money and others, find the time to sit down there for a few hours every week, to record radio shows to encourage their brethren in Christ as they strive to glorify Him with their lives. (I did not come up with the nicknames and I only used one of Andrew names, he has multiples.)
Just the other day someone posted a debate that Sye Ten Bruggencate did at the end of September. He was debating Matthew Isaacs about the existence of God. While Matthew is on the opposing side from the Christians, I have to say he is at least kind and respectful, and unlike some others who disagree with our Christian worldview, he does not call Sye stupid.
Sadly when people disagree with us they sometimes resort to Ad Hominem attacks (attacking the person who made the argument instead of the argument itself) instead of using logic to actually defend their argument. When someone uses Ad Hominem attacks,he commits a logical fallacy. The thing is, in any worldview other than a Biblical worldview, there is no basis for Laws Of Logic, or Uniformity In Nature.
Other worldviews also do not provide the Preconditions For Intelligibility needed to make knowledge possible. Since other worldviews display all these problems when considered thoroughly, people who claim to believe in them sometimes resort to using logical fallacies instead of trying to come up with a logical way to defend their worldview which can not account for laws of logic in the first place. As Sye Ten Bruggencate often says, the choice is either God or absurdity.
I have been reading Ultimate Proof Of Creation by Dr. Jason Lisle, which I suggest everyone reads if they have not already. It is a great book which covers a lot of ground in relation to defending our Christian faith. I have learned a lot from reading Dr. Lisle and I would encourage everyone to read his material.
On Saturday Donald Trump will be in Bangor. Our family may be going out to the rally to do some evangelism, please let me know if you would interested in coming. If you do not wish to come or can not make it please pray that the Gospel will go out with power and conviction, that God be glorified as we tell the world about our glorious God.
Please continue to pray for my friends the Hill family. They are currently in the hospital with their oldest daughter Sherri as she recovers from brain surgery and problems relating to that. It looks like when they leave, they will have been in the hospital for at least 2 weeks, maybe more. While dealing with this their son also broke his heal and is still recovering from that. The family also has 2 other children under the age of 3. Currently the family is staying at the Ronald McDonald house while Sherri is in the hospital which has kind of become a home away from home for this family. Yet through all this they continue to glorify God and share His goodness with all around them.
With love in the Lord,
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Preaching in Bar Harbor with a true Scotsman!
Hi everyone.
This past weekend has been quite fun and we still have more to do!
On Friday Daddy had the day off which would usually mean we go to the abortion mill, but this week we did something a little different. Jimmy Hamilton is a dear brother in Christ from Scotland. For the last 3 weeks he has been here in the States doing open air evangelism around the country. We knew that Jimmy would be leaving for Scotland today so we decided to join him for some ministry before he left. We found out that there would be 2 cruise boats in Bar Harbor on the same day we were planning on going out to preach. The cruise boats together could carry up to 3,500 people. That number combined with all the other tourists and locals of the town ended up giving us a lot of people in town, which means it is a great place for preaching the Gospel!
As soon as we got out of the car there was a police officer standing there who we got to talk to for a minute. He stood talking with us for awhile and then asked us what we were planning on doing that day, we told him we were planning on doing some preaching and he told us to have fun. In other words it seemed like he was fine with what we were doing.
We quickly found a nice place for preaching there was a fountain and benches and it was right on the street corner so we could pass out tracts to people walking past. Jimmy started out with preaching while we passed out tracts. Daddy then preached and then they took turns preaching while the other passed out tracts. A couple of people were not so happy we were out there, from what they said it is because we were sharing the gospel which exposes the darkness of their souls. Yet it was not all bad. I did get some of the nicest comments I have ever gotten when we are out sharing the gospel. Some people were glad we were out there witnessing, one older man said " God bless" and called me "Darling", Some people are nicer than others.
We had a great time with Brother Jimmy Hamilton, He is a great man who has been serving the Lord through preaching for longer than we have and it very encouraging to speak with a man who is serving the Lord with his life! May God bless his work!
Tomorrow we are planning on joining our brothers and sisters at Cell53 for a time of worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am sure we will also have a great time of fellowship as well! I very much enjoy when we get to join our dear family in Christ there in Lewiston.
By the way for everyone involved in abortion ministry, I found out what some of the "deathscorts" are doing when they are sitting there on there phones! On Thursday a "deathscort" took a video of Sye Ten Bruggencate preaching outside a abortion mill and posted it on Facebook. That must be what the "deathscorts" do on there phones when we are out there! Okay maybe not but it would be nice if they were.
Please be praying for a dear sister in Christ Angela as she serves the Lord outside the abortion mill in New York. Pray also for my friends the Hill family as they are going through a hard time right now with many medical issues in the family.
With love in the Lord,
This past weekend has been quite fun and we still have more to do!
On Friday Daddy had the day off which would usually mean we go to the abortion mill, but this week we did something a little different. Jimmy Hamilton is a dear brother in Christ from Scotland. For the last 3 weeks he has been here in the States doing open air evangelism around the country. We knew that Jimmy would be leaving for Scotland today so we decided to join him for some ministry before he left. We found out that there would be 2 cruise boats in Bar Harbor on the same day we were planning on going out to preach. The cruise boats together could carry up to 3,500 people. That number combined with all the other tourists and locals of the town ended up giving us a lot of people in town, which means it is a great place for preaching the Gospel!
As soon as we got out of the car there was a police officer standing there who we got to talk to for a minute. He stood talking with us for awhile and then asked us what we were planning on doing that day, we told him we were planning on doing some preaching and he told us to have fun. In other words it seemed like he was fine with what we were doing.
We quickly found a nice place for preaching there was a fountain and benches and it was right on the street corner so we could pass out tracts to people walking past. Jimmy started out with preaching while we passed out tracts. Daddy then preached and then they took turns preaching while the other passed out tracts. A couple of people were not so happy we were out there, from what they said it is because we were sharing the gospel which exposes the darkness of their souls. Yet it was not all bad. I did get some of the nicest comments I have ever gotten when we are out sharing the gospel. Some people were glad we were out there witnessing, one older man said " God bless" and called me "Darling", Some people are nicer than others.
We had a great time with Brother Jimmy Hamilton, He is a great man who has been serving the Lord through preaching for longer than we have and it very encouraging to speak with a man who is serving the Lord with his life! May God bless his work!
Tomorrow we are planning on joining our brothers and sisters at Cell53 for a time of worshiping our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am sure we will also have a great time of fellowship as well! I very much enjoy when we get to join our dear family in Christ there in Lewiston.
By the way for everyone involved in abortion ministry, I found out what some of the "deathscorts" are doing when they are sitting there on there phones! On Thursday a "deathscort" took a video of Sye Ten Bruggencate preaching outside a abortion mill and posted it on Facebook. That must be what the "deathscorts" do on there phones when we are out there! Okay maybe not but it would be nice if they were.
Please be praying for a dear sister in Christ Angela as she serves the Lord outside the abortion mill in New York. Pray also for my friends the Hill family as they are going through a hard time right now with many medical issues in the family.
With love in the Lord,
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Jimmy Hamilton with the Cow kids in Bar Harbor |
Sunday, September 25, 2016
God answers prayer!
Hi everyone.
In my last post I talked about the Arrington family in Arizona who just lost their mother. I am glad to say that last I saw Apologia church has raised over 39,000 dollars for this family. I found out that people from the church had been bringing the Arringtons meals ever since their last baby was born (about 4 weeks ago.) The women bringing them a meal that night arrived at the house about the time the ambulance was leaving, so the women got to stay with the children as everything happened. While they were there the baby was upset so one of the women got permission to nurse the baby. Praise God for His provision for this family!
While our family did not have the chance to go to the abortion mill on Friday, I got a report from one of the men out there that it was brutal. There were not as many people as there usually are standing for Christ.
On Saturday our family got to go out and do open air evangelism in Rockland. We joined our friend Mike Kee who goes out almost every Saturday with a few other people. We were in town when they went out, and if you did not know, street evangelism is addicting, so of course we had to go out and join them. We did not know what to do with ourselves when people were honking and giving us thumbs up. We have gotten so used to people not liking our message when we are Portland that people agreeing with us was very different for us, But very encouraging!
Last night we had Bible study at our house. We only had Grandma and one other mother and son join us, but nonetheless we studied Romans 1 including the famous passage well known to Presuppositional apologists, Romans 1:18-23.
This week we have church at Harmony Bible Church here near our house. I do not know where we will be for church next Sunday since we may be in the Bangor or Bar Harbor area. I am hoping to go to Cell53 for church sometime as well to visit our friends.
For anyone who would like to join us for Bible study sometime please contact us at: Maine4Jesus@gmail.com for more information.
Please continue to pray for the Arrington family and Apologia church as they continue to mourn the loss of Sarah Arrington, a precious wife, mother, and sister.
Pray and spread the word to others. The Supreme Court of the United States will gather together on Sunday, October 2 to watch a movie together. They will be watching "Voiceless" a christian movie on abortion. Pray that through this movie God will soften the hearts of the Supreme Court Justices so that they will judge abortion as what it really is, the mass slaughter of babies around the world! Pray also that God will show them their need of a Savior and grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ who died and rose again to save all those who will repent and turn to Him in faith, fully trusting in His finished work on the cross!
With love in the LORD,
In my last post I talked about the Arrington family in Arizona who just lost their mother. I am glad to say that last I saw Apologia church has raised over 39,000 dollars for this family. I found out that people from the church had been bringing the Arringtons meals ever since their last baby was born (about 4 weeks ago.) The women bringing them a meal that night arrived at the house about the time the ambulance was leaving, so the women got to stay with the children as everything happened. While they were there the baby was upset so one of the women got permission to nurse the baby. Praise God for His provision for this family!
While our family did not have the chance to go to the abortion mill on Friday, I got a report from one of the men out there that it was brutal. There were not as many people as there usually are standing for Christ.
On Saturday our family got to go out and do open air evangelism in Rockland. We joined our friend Mike Kee who goes out almost every Saturday with a few other people. We were in town when they went out, and if you did not know, street evangelism is addicting, so of course we had to go out and join them. We did not know what to do with ourselves when people were honking and giving us thumbs up. We have gotten so used to people not liking our message when we are Portland that people agreeing with us was very different for us, But very encouraging!
Last night we had Bible study at our house. We only had Grandma and one other mother and son join us, but nonetheless we studied Romans 1 including the famous passage well known to Presuppositional apologists, Romans 1:18-23.
This week we have church at Harmony Bible Church here near our house. I do not know where we will be for church next Sunday since we may be in the Bangor or Bar Harbor area. I am hoping to go to Cell53 for church sometime as well to visit our friends.
For anyone who would like to join us for Bible study sometime please contact us at: Maine4Jesus@gmail.com for more information.
Please continue to pray for the Arrington family and Apologia church as they continue to mourn the loss of Sarah Arrington, a precious wife, mother, and sister.
Pray and spread the word to others. The Supreme Court of the United States will gather together on Sunday, October 2 to watch a movie together. They will be watching "Voiceless" a christian movie on abortion. Pray that through this movie God will soften the hearts of the Supreme Court Justices so that they will judge abortion as what it really is, the mass slaughter of babies around the world! Pray also that God will show them their need of a Savior and grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ who died and rose again to save all those who will repent and turn to Him in faith, fully trusting in His finished work on the cross!
With love in the LORD,
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Please Pray for this family!
Hello everyone.
Last night I was made aware of the death of a sister in Christ from Arizona. This sister was the mother of 7 children the youngest of whom is about a month old. Please be praying for her family as her husband is the sole provider and now only parent to their 7 children. Please prayerfully consider giving to help their need. This family's church, Apologia church, is trying to raise 50,000 dollars to help support this family. Please be praying as this family adjusts to their new life without their mother and pray that God will comfort this family as they grieve their recent loss. Pray that they will continue to trust their Lord and savior Jesus Christ through this trial and that through this trial they will be conformed more into the image of Jesus Christ. If you would like to give to support this family, please give at this website.
With love in the LORD,
Last night I was made aware of the death of a sister in Christ from Arizona. This sister was the mother of 7 children the youngest of whom is about a month old. Please be praying for her family as her husband is the sole provider and now only parent to their 7 children. Please prayerfully consider giving to help their need. This family's church, Apologia church, is trying to raise 50,000 dollars to help support this family. Please be praying as this family adjusts to their new life without their mother and pray that God will comfort this family as they grieve their recent loss. Pray that they will continue to trust their Lord and savior Jesus Christ through this trial and that through this trial they will be conformed more into the image of Jesus Christ. If you would like to give to support this family, please give at this website.
With love in the LORD,
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Street preachers convention!
Hi everyone.
This week God blessed our family with the opportunity to be able to go out to the abortion mill. We had a great time and got to see some people we would not have been able to see otherwise.
On Friday we had multiple street preachers including: Daddy, Mike Stockwell came from New York, Scott Smith from North Carolina, Don Cairns from Virginia, Robert Gray from New Hampshire, and Jimmy Hamilton all the way from Scotland. That was just the street preachers, we also had some of our regular group out from Redeeming Grace Fellowship and Cell53.
This week we had a variety of different comments including: "All of you should have been aborted", "You're sick", someone said I needed my brain washed, And yet another literally thumbed his nose at God. And our day was not void of hearing bad words including the F word which sadly is not unusual for us to hear. My friend Chloe was promoted to "number one" our way of saying someone gave us the middle finger. We also had the more comical questions and comments like: "Are you still stupid?" Our family was wearing matching orange shirts so someone said "You got Halloween costumes." Sometimes people come up with very dumb arguments to try to make us look stupid, sadly it just shows how absurd their arguments become when they reject God. I hope that God grants these men and women repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Once again we had Officer Keller, and he was kind enough to let me take a picture of him and Chloe. By the way Officer Keller, I was just informed that it was your birthday last Sunday. Happy late birthday. I hope that as you celebrate your many years of life you realize that it is God who has
blessed you with life. Every day you live is proof of God's mercy to you.
After abortion outreach some of our group went to Redeeming Grace Fellowship to have lunch. We had a time of fellowship with Donna (who started the abortion outreach in Portland) Jimmy, Mike, Robert, Don, Scott and others. After lunch we went to the cemetery to see the grave of Edward Payson also known as "Praying Payson".
After we left the cemetery we split into groups to hand out tracts. Our family only handed out about 10 tracts, as there were not many people walking on the sidewalk we were on. Robert got to the school when the kids were leaving so he passed out more. Mike and Donna went door to door and passed out a good amount of tracts. After that we all went back to the church and sat around talking some more.
Our family is hoping to go do more open air evangelism with Jimmy Hamilton before he leaves for the UK on the 1st. Jimmy's son is a pastor at a church about 2 hours away from our house so we are hoping to meet Jimmy so that we can minister with him while he is here in the states.
Please be praying for the group of street preachers including Mike, Robert and the others I mentioned earlier as they travel around the country preaching Jesus Christ who was crucified and rose again for all those who turn to Him in repentance and faith. Please be praying for all those involved in open air evangelism all around the world as they strive to serve Christ through preaching the word in the open Square. May we all be encouraged by their witness to take our stand and serve Christ with all we have. Jesus Christ is the only one who is able to save them from eternal damnation and it is our duty as Christians to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with the people of this world before it is to late!
With love in the LORD,
This week God blessed our family with the opportunity to be able to go out to the abortion mill. We had a great time and got to see some people we would not have been able to see otherwise.
On Friday we had multiple street preachers including: Daddy, Mike Stockwell came from New York, Scott Smith from North Carolina, Don Cairns from Virginia, Robert Gray from New Hampshire, and Jimmy Hamilton all the way from Scotland. That was just the street preachers, we also had some of our regular group out from Redeeming Grace Fellowship and Cell53.
This week we had a variety of different comments including: "All of you should have been aborted", "You're sick", someone said I needed my brain washed, And yet another literally thumbed his nose at God. And our day was not void of hearing bad words including the F word which sadly is not unusual for us to hear. My friend Chloe was promoted to "number one" our way of saying someone gave us the middle finger. We also had the more comical questions and comments like: "Are you still stupid?" Our family was wearing matching orange shirts so someone said "You got Halloween costumes." Sometimes people come up with very dumb arguments to try to make us look stupid, sadly it just shows how absurd their arguments become when they reject God. I hope that God grants these men and women repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Once again we had Officer Keller, and he was kind enough to let me take a picture of him and Chloe. By the way Officer Keller, I was just informed that it was your birthday last Sunday. Happy late birthday. I hope that as you celebrate your many years of life you realize that it is God who has
blessed you with life. Every day you live is proof of God's mercy to you.
After abortion outreach some of our group went to Redeeming Grace Fellowship to have lunch. We had a time of fellowship with Donna (who started the abortion outreach in Portland) Jimmy, Mike, Robert, Don, Scott and others. After lunch we went to the cemetery to see the grave of Edward Payson also known as "Praying Payson".
After we left the cemetery we split into groups to hand out tracts. Our family only handed out about 10 tracts, as there were not many people walking on the sidewalk we were on. Robert got to the school when the kids were leaving so he passed out more. Mike and Donna went door to door and passed out a good amount of tracts. After that we all went back to the church and sat around talking some more.
Our family is hoping to go do more open air evangelism with Jimmy Hamilton before he leaves for the UK on the 1st. Jimmy's son is a pastor at a church about 2 hours away from our house so we are hoping to meet Jimmy so that we can minister with him while he is here in the states.
Please be praying for the group of street preachers including Mike, Robert and the others I mentioned earlier as they travel around the country preaching Jesus Christ who was crucified and rose again for all those who turn to Him in repentance and faith. Please be praying for all those involved in open air evangelism all around the world as they strive to serve Christ through preaching the word in the open Square. May we all be encouraged by their witness to take our stand and serve Christ with all we have. Jesus Christ is the only one who is able to save them from eternal damnation and it is our duty as Christians to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with the people of this world before it is to late!
With love in the LORD,
Monday, September 12, 2016
A little bit of everything. From preaching to movies to prayer!
Hi everyone.
I looked at the stats on my blog and am amazed at the results! Thanks to the advertising done by Cell53 and Mike Stockwell this blog now has about 1,000 views! We have the ability to see what countries the IP addresses are coming from, this blog has page views from: the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Korea, India, Canada, Mexico, France, and more! I pray that God uses it for His glory.
Since we did not go to the Abortion mill this week I can not write about that but we still did some open air evangelism.
On Saturday a church about 20 minutes away from our house was showing the new movie Origins. We asked around about the movie and from what we could figure out, which was not much, it seemed like the movie was promoting Intelligent Design, but not Biblical Creation. We headed out to the town park right next to the church where Daddy did some open air preaching from Genesis 1. The pastor's wife came out and talked to us and when asked what she believed she told us that she would probably fall under the group of "Day Age Theory".
A little later the speaker who was promoting the film personally invited us to come in and watch the movie. We were also told that there would be a Q and A after the movie so we decided to go in. One person in the film mentioned God as a possibility, but it seemed like they were more pointing to an intelligent designer than the God of the Bible. The presenter answered questions briefly, but when we went to talk afterward at his sales table, he seemed annoyed by our understanding of the subject and the attempt to direct the discussion to the Gospel.
I realized that there is one great evangelist that I really like that I have not mentioned. His name is Sye Ten Bruggencate (it is not that hard to pronounce my 4 year brother can do it). While I have not been able to meet him yet I enjoy listening to his teaching, and he is helpful in answering Daddy's questions via Facebook. I am grateful that Sye is there when we need an answer to any question about apologetics. Check out his website at proofthatGodexists.org (link is on the sidebar of this blog's home page.) I hope you are blessed by his work, and just so you know he is very humble and gives God the glory, as we all should as everything we have comes from God!
I would encourage everyone to watch, How To Answer The Fool which is a movie that Sye made with a couple of his friends. It is a great film about how to share the Gospel with those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I think people should also watch, Dominion, Proclaiming The Truth In The True North, Mike Stockwell gave a DVD of it to me last month at the Fellowship Conference New England and I really enjoyed watching it! It should also be fun to watch since some of the people I talk about on here are in the movie such as Mike, Robert Gray and Sye. Thank you for the movie Mike!
Next week I am hoping to get a chance to go down to Portland to see Mike and Robert while they are here in Maine. I pray that we will have a chance to do some evangelism with them. Please be praying for them as they do an evangelism tour through New England.
Please be praying for my friends from Cambodia, Jennifer and Heap and their children as they adjust to their new life with school for their 2 oldest sons and Heap as he travels to different churches to share their story. Pray also for Lina's Hope back in Cambodia as the staff try to keep everything in order while Jennifer and Heap are not there. Continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world as they continue to share the Gospel under the threat of persecution and even death. Yet it is worth the risk to share Jesus Christ was crucified and that He will save all who turn to Him in repentance and Faith.
with love in the LORD,
Virginia, (Virginia slim. I will never live that one down Andrew!)
I looked at the stats on my blog and am amazed at the results! Thanks to the advertising done by Cell53 and Mike Stockwell this blog now has about 1,000 views! We have the ability to see what countries the IP addresses are coming from, this blog has page views from: the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Korea, India, Canada, Mexico, France, and more! I pray that God uses it for His glory.
Since we did not go to the Abortion mill this week I can not write about that but we still did some open air evangelism.
On Saturday a church about 20 minutes away from our house was showing the new movie Origins. We asked around about the movie and from what we could figure out, which was not much, it seemed like the movie was promoting Intelligent Design, but not Biblical Creation. We headed out to the town park right next to the church where Daddy did some open air preaching from Genesis 1. The pastor's wife came out and talked to us and when asked what she believed she told us that she would probably fall under the group of "Day Age Theory".
A little later the speaker who was promoting the film personally invited us to come in and watch the movie. We were also told that there would be a Q and A after the movie so we decided to go in. One person in the film mentioned God as a possibility, but it seemed like they were more pointing to an intelligent designer than the God of the Bible. The presenter answered questions briefly, but when we went to talk afterward at his sales table, he seemed annoyed by our understanding of the subject and the attempt to direct the discussion to the Gospel.
I realized that there is one great evangelist that I really like that I have not mentioned. His name is Sye Ten Bruggencate (it is not that hard to pronounce my 4 year brother can do it). While I have not been able to meet him yet I enjoy listening to his teaching, and he is helpful in answering Daddy's questions via Facebook. I am grateful that Sye is there when we need an answer to any question about apologetics. Check out his website at proofthatGodexists.org (link is on the sidebar of this blog's home page.) I hope you are blessed by his work, and just so you know he is very humble and gives God the glory, as we all should as everything we have comes from God!
I would encourage everyone to watch, How To Answer The Fool which is a movie that Sye made with a couple of his friends. It is a great film about how to share the Gospel with those who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I think people should also watch, Dominion, Proclaiming The Truth In The True North, Mike Stockwell gave a DVD of it to me last month at the Fellowship Conference New England and I really enjoyed watching it! It should also be fun to watch since some of the people I talk about on here are in the movie such as Mike, Robert Gray and Sye. Thank you for the movie Mike!
Next week I am hoping to get a chance to go down to Portland to see Mike and Robert while they are here in Maine. I pray that we will have a chance to do some evangelism with them. Please be praying for them as they do an evangelism tour through New England.
Please be praying for my friends from Cambodia, Jennifer and Heap and their children as they adjust to their new life with school for their 2 oldest sons and Heap as he travels to different churches to share their story. Pray also for Lina's Hope back in Cambodia as the staff try to keep everything in order while Jennifer and Heap are not there. Continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world as they continue to share the Gospel under the threat of persecution and even death. Yet it is worth the risk to share Jesus Christ was crucified and that He will save all who turn to Him in repentance and Faith.
with love in the LORD,
Virginia, (Virginia slim. I will never live that one down Andrew!)
Monday, September 5, 2016
A very very busy week
Hi everyone.
I am sorry that I have not written a post for awhile. The last few days have been quite busy.
On Monday our pastor came over and did not leave until late at night, then on Tuesday Daddy started school as a CNA student/apprentice.
On Wednesday we had friends over for the afternoon and that night Daddy and I were guests on Cell53 Radio. We discussed head coverings and ecclesiology. We had a great time, but people at Cell53 do not seem to know that some people sleep at night, Haha. [Shout out to Brian, Andrew and Tanya]. Nevertheless they are great people and I am honored to call them brothers and sisters. Click here to listen. (by the way I did not pick my nickname that was Andrew, but I was okay with it.)
On Thursday we went to a friends house and then came home to get things ready for abortion outreach the next day.
On Friday our family left the house before 7 am (early) and headed to Portland. We had a great time and we even got to see the famous Officer Keller! Okay maybe he is not so famous. Officer Keller, you said you would look at my blog. If you read this I still plead with you: Repent of your sins turn to Jesus Christ your King, turn to him in faith. No matter how often you scoff God, spit in his face and say that He does not exist. You know that He does exist and whether you believe it or not you will stand before Him on judgment day and you will give an account of your sins. And God being just will hold you accountable for your sins unless you turn from your sins and surrender your life to Christ. If you are still breathing it is not to late to run from your sins and run to Christ. He died and rose again to save all who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. We still love you as a human being and we still lift you up in prayer asking our Father in heaven to save you from your unrighteousness. This is what Christ has done for me, and I hope some day you come to see my King in all His beauty!
This week outside the abortion mill, we had the usual comments and concerns from passersby including: Me and my siblings are abused by being forced to do this ministry (we love going), or we are being abused by exposure to pictures of dead babies (if abortion isn't murder, then those pictures aren't dead babies); Daddy should be arrested for preaching the Gospel; and many others. As always we were shown the reality of the depravity of people without Christ and the wickedness of the world in which we live.
After abortion outreach we went out to lunch with a couple of people from our group. Rachel, Chloe, Ian, and Wesley at Fort Allen Park.
After that we went to the Ronald McDonald house in Portland to see some friends. Please be praying for their daughter Sherri as she has battled brain cancer since 2006. Her family is amazing and through all their trials they continue to praise God! We got to enjoy family Bible time with this family and some friends who also came to visit.
On Saturday Daddy had to work and we had some extended family over for supper. We then tried to get some sleep for our long car trip the next morning.
We left the house a little bit later on Sunday, we did not have to leave until 7:30 am! We then drove for about 2 hours to visit a friend's church, where at first we were welcomed. Multiple people kindly showed us around and offered child care which, while appreciated, our family does not use. We find in God's Word a pattern of families worshiping together. We don't believe age segregation is proper or helpful. Sadly, after being told by a few very insistent people that children were not allowed in the service (no exceptions) we left and went to another church where our friend is a pastor. We had a great time at this small church and were excited to be able to see our friend Matt again. Thank you Matt for praying for us every day! It is very encouraging to know that we are being lifted up to the LORD in prayer!
After church we went to Daddy's mother's house to set up a shed. This took a lot longer than the directions said it would, but we worked together. Anyway we got it done and had a little time to visit before we left.
Overall we had a good week, just a very busy week.
For prayer please continue to pray for the salvation of Officer Keller ,and all the Police officers, and "death scorts" who stand by complicit to the murder of many children who have yet to be born.
Pray for Robert Grey and Mike Stockwell as they travel to Maine next weekend to do some open air ministry. Please be praying also for NASA astronaut Jeff William as he travels back to earth from the International Space Station along with Russian cosmonauts Alexey and Oleg.
By the way, our family will not be at the Murder mill (abortion mill) on Fridays for the next 2 months because of Daddy's class times we will not be able to be out on Friday mornings. We are talking about other opportunities for ministry in the meantime. Daddy will only have Sundays and Mondays off for a while.
With love in the LORD,
P.S. Mark here (aka "Daddy"). Our family has a few possible plans for the future in ministry. We would appreciate prayer as we seek to discern the will of God and the need for evangelism, discipleship, and worship that is patterned after the Word of God, specifically the patterns found for ecclesiology in the New Testament. We appreciate your prayers! ~Mark
I am sorry that I have not written a post for awhile. The last few days have been quite busy.
On Monday our pastor came over and did not leave until late at night, then on Tuesday Daddy started school as a CNA student/apprentice.
On Wednesday we had friends over for the afternoon and that night Daddy and I were guests on Cell53 Radio. We discussed head coverings and ecclesiology. We had a great time, but people at Cell53 do not seem to know that some people sleep at night, Haha. [Shout out to Brian, Andrew and Tanya]. Nevertheless they are great people and I am honored to call them brothers and sisters. Click here to listen. (by the way I did not pick my nickname that was Andrew, but I was okay with it.)
On Thursday we went to a friends house and then came home to get things ready for abortion outreach the next day.
On Friday our family left the house before 7 am (early) and headed to Portland. We had a great time and we even got to see the famous Officer Keller! Okay maybe he is not so famous. Officer Keller, you said you would look at my blog. If you read this I still plead with you: Repent of your sins turn to Jesus Christ your King, turn to him in faith. No matter how often you scoff God, spit in his face and say that He does not exist. You know that He does exist and whether you believe it or not you will stand before Him on judgment day and you will give an account of your sins. And God being just will hold you accountable for your sins unless you turn from your sins and surrender your life to Christ. If you are still breathing it is not to late to run from your sins and run to Christ. He died and rose again to save all who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. We still love you as a human being and we still lift you up in prayer asking our Father in heaven to save you from your unrighteousness. This is what Christ has done for me, and I hope some day you come to see my King in all His beauty!
This week outside the abortion mill, we had the usual comments and concerns from passersby including: Me and my siblings are abused by being forced to do this ministry (we love going), or we are being abused by exposure to pictures of dead babies (if abortion isn't murder, then those pictures aren't dead babies); Daddy should be arrested for preaching the Gospel; and many others. As always we were shown the reality of the depravity of people without Christ and the wickedness of the world in which we live.
After abortion outreach we went out to lunch with a couple of people from our group. Rachel, Chloe, Ian, and Wesley at Fort Allen Park.
After that we went to the Ronald McDonald house in Portland to see some friends. Please be praying for their daughter Sherri as she has battled brain cancer since 2006. Her family is amazing and through all their trials they continue to praise God! We got to enjoy family Bible time with this family and some friends who also came to visit.
On Saturday Daddy had to work and we had some extended family over for supper. We then tried to get some sleep for our long car trip the next morning.
We left the house a little bit later on Sunday, we did not have to leave until 7:30 am! We then drove for about 2 hours to visit a friend's church, where at first we were welcomed. Multiple people kindly showed us around and offered child care which, while appreciated, our family does not use. We find in God's Word a pattern of families worshiping together. We don't believe age segregation is proper or helpful. Sadly, after being told by a few very insistent people that children were not allowed in the service (no exceptions) we left and went to another church where our friend is a pastor. We had a great time at this small church and were excited to be able to see our friend Matt again. Thank you Matt for praying for us every day! It is very encouraging to know that we are being lifted up to the LORD in prayer!
After church we went to Daddy's mother's house to set up a shed. This took a lot longer than the directions said it would, but we worked together. Anyway we got it done and had a little time to visit before we left.
Overall we had a good week, just a very busy week.
For prayer please continue to pray for the salvation of Officer Keller ,and all the Police officers, and "death scorts" who stand by complicit to the murder of many children who have yet to be born.
Pray for Robert Grey and Mike Stockwell as they travel to Maine next weekend to do some open air ministry. Please be praying also for NASA astronaut Jeff William as he travels back to earth from the International Space Station along with Russian cosmonauts Alexey and Oleg.
By the way, our family will not be at the Murder mill (abortion mill) on Fridays for the next 2 months because of Daddy's class times we will not be able to be out on Friday mornings. We are talking about other opportunities for ministry in the meantime. Daddy will only have Sundays and Mondays off for a while.
With love in the LORD,
P.S. Mark here (aka "Daddy"). Our family has a few possible plans for the future in ministry. We would appreciate prayer as we seek to discern the will of God and the need for evangelism, discipleship, and worship that is patterned after the Word of God, specifically the patterns found for ecclesiology in the New Testament. We appreciate your prayers! ~Mark
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Growing in numbers (in multiple ways)
Hi everyone.
I am happy to announce the birth of Jeremiah Amir Ingalls! Son of Brian and Tabitha who are part of the abortion outreach in Portland. His full name means 'God has exalted the Prince', On Friday our group was out on the street at the murder mill (abortuary) and one of the girls got a message that Jeremiah had been born, needless to say our group was very excited and we were all clapping and celebrating the life of this newborn baby. It just goes to show how much we love babies. Meanwhile there were people on the same sidewalk who are complicit to the murder of babies in the womb.
On Friday we had, Daddy, Wesley and Andrew in the rotation of preachers this week. Robert Gray was gone on an Evangelism trip so he was not there. Brian was not there because of Jeremiah's birth.
But with the preachers we did have there, they could have preached for a lot longer than they did, we had no need for more preachers, they had it covered.
This week my great-grandmother was in town from Ohio so we spent a lot of this week with family nevertheless we were still able to do some open air ministry. On Saturday we went out to do some evangelism at the Annual Internet Cat Video Festival in the town right next to us. At this Cat Festival thing they had a 40 foot inflatable movie screen and they were going to show 85 minuets of cat videos from the internet. Funny enough they had 200-400 people there,(it was hard to guess because it was dark when we were estimating the crowd numbers).
On Sunday we decided not to do any open air ministry since we had been out the last 2 days,so we just went to church and then small group that night instead of going out on the street in between. It also gave some time to rest.
We recently found out that Daddy has been accepted into a course were he will be able to go to school and will be paid while he does it. The hospital has decided to extend his full time benefits as well which is a huge blessing! During the nine weeks of classes he will have to be in school 7 Fridays which means we will not be going out to murder mill on those days. God has blessed our group and in the last 4 years since it has started it has gone from primarily Donna and her children going out, to 20 or 30 people every week with 3 to 5 people preaching every week! Our group has gotten so big that we are considering doing shifts so that there are people out there more often. What a blessing to see so many coming to proclaim God's truth and stand for life!
We have been told that at least one woman has gone in on Friday and then again on Saturday to have a medical abortion. If there are people out there on both days then we may be able to talk them out of it on the first day, If they still do it then they will have 24 hours before they go to take the second pill.
If they realize what they have done you can take another pill which will reverse the first part of the medical abortion. The abortion is only completed after they take the second pill. Maybe with people being out there more often we will be able to talk more people out of having an abortion.
Please be praying for my friend Angela who I have mentioned before, Last Saturday she was outside the abortuary by herself for 2 hours, there were 22 "death scorts" out there as well, later, by God's grace, she was joined by other people. Pray for her safety as she may be in physical danger when she is out there. Pray also that God would send people out to fight alongside her as she tries to save both the physical and spiritual life of these babies, their mothers and all those she meets.
Please continue to pray for the "death scorts" and Police officers in Portland. Pray that God would draw them to Himself and that they would stop trusting in the things of this world but instead repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose again to save all those who would turn to Him in repentance and faith.
Please be praying for Brian, Tabitha, their daughter and baby Jeremiah as they adjust to their new life with another baby in the house.
I would encourage everyone to listen to Cell53 Radio it is a radio broadcast that Andrew, Brian and a couple of other people from the abortion outreach. click here to listen
With love in the LORD,
I am happy to announce the birth of Jeremiah Amir Ingalls! Son of Brian and Tabitha who are part of the abortion outreach in Portland. His full name means 'God has exalted the Prince', On Friday our group was out on the street at the murder mill (abortuary) and one of the girls got a message that Jeremiah had been born, needless to say our group was very excited and we were all clapping and celebrating the life of this newborn baby. It just goes to show how much we love babies. Meanwhile there were people on the same sidewalk who are complicit to the murder of babies in the womb.
On Friday we had, Daddy, Wesley and Andrew in the rotation of preachers this week. Robert Gray was gone on an Evangelism trip so he was not there. Brian was not there because of Jeremiah's birth.
But with the preachers we did have there, they could have preached for a lot longer than they did, we had no need for more preachers, they had it covered.
This week my great-grandmother was in town from Ohio so we spent a lot of this week with family nevertheless we were still able to do some open air ministry. On Saturday we went out to do some evangelism at the Annual Internet Cat Video Festival in the town right next to us. At this Cat Festival thing they had a 40 foot inflatable movie screen and they were going to show 85 minuets of cat videos from the internet. Funny enough they had 200-400 people there,(it was hard to guess because it was dark when we were estimating the crowd numbers).
On Sunday we decided not to do any open air ministry since we had been out the last 2 days,so we just went to church and then small group that night instead of going out on the street in between. It also gave some time to rest.
We recently found out that Daddy has been accepted into a course were he will be able to go to school and will be paid while he does it. The hospital has decided to extend his full time benefits as well which is a huge blessing! During the nine weeks of classes he will have to be in school 7 Fridays which means we will not be going out to murder mill on those days. God has blessed our group and in the last 4 years since it has started it has gone from primarily Donna and her children going out, to 20 or 30 people every week with 3 to 5 people preaching every week! Our group has gotten so big that we are considering doing shifts so that there are people out there more often. What a blessing to see so many coming to proclaim God's truth and stand for life!
We have been told that at least one woman has gone in on Friday and then again on Saturday to have a medical abortion. If there are people out there on both days then we may be able to talk them out of it on the first day, If they still do it then they will have 24 hours before they go to take the second pill.
If they realize what they have done you can take another pill which will reverse the first part of the medical abortion. The abortion is only completed after they take the second pill. Maybe with people being out there more often we will be able to talk more people out of having an abortion.
Please be praying for my friend Angela who I have mentioned before, Last Saturday she was outside the abortuary by herself for 2 hours, there were 22 "death scorts" out there as well, later, by God's grace, she was joined by other people. Pray for her safety as she may be in physical danger when she is out there. Pray also that God would send people out to fight alongside her as she tries to save both the physical and spiritual life of these babies, their mothers and all those she meets.
Please continue to pray for the "death scorts" and Police officers in Portland. Pray that God would draw them to Himself and that they would stop trusting in the things of this world but instead repent of their sins and turn to Jesus Christ who died on the cross and rose again to save all those who would turn to Him in repentance and faith.
Please be praying for Brian, Tabitha, their daughter and baby Jeremiah as they adjust to their new life with another baby in the house.
I would encourage everyone to listen to Cell53 Radio it is a radio broadcast that Andrew, Brian and a couple of other people from the abortion outreach. click here to listen
With love in the LORD,
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Please Pray!
Hi everyone.
Please be praying for one of the "death scorts" "M". This week it seemed like God is doing something with her heart. This Friday our group started singing Amazing Grace when we were outside the murder mill (abortuary), "M" started looking upset to me so I went over to ask her if she was "ok" she said she was. That in it's self is a big deal, for those of you who have been outside the murder mill in Portland you may know that the "death scorts" do not usually talk to us! Me getting a word out of her was probably the 2nd time a "death scort" has said anything to me. Anyway later Daddy went over and "M" was standing near the usual preaching spot so she moved to give him the spot. She then took 2 different tracts from me! One of the tracts that Abolish Human Abortion had made and the one that I wrote to give to the women going in. Please be praying that God would grant her repentance and faith and save her from her sins.
On Saturday we left our house and went to see the Him family while they were in Maine. We had a great time with the Him's, Chanthy and Sreymom. We went to the beach near their house and then it started raining so we went up to the house and we all hid in the garage. We still had a great time with them though.
After we left the Him's we left for Steuben, a town right on the ocean. One of Grandma's friends had an ocean front cottage so we spent the weekend with Grandma and my aunt and her 2 month old son. We had a lot of fun together without distractions, (there was no internet or phone at the cottage.)
On Sunday we went to church and then went out to eat with the family. Afterwards we went to see my other set of grandparents, we spent almost 3 hours at my Grandfather's house and then we went back to the cottage to spend the night.
I have also finished memorizing all 3 chapters of the book of Psalms which Andrew challenged me to memorize, chters 2,22, and ,110. Thank you Andrew for picking 2 short chapters. If anyone reading this thinks it is some great thing that I did I would encourage you to try it some time it may not be as hard as you think. And above all give God the glory, for it is not anything I did but it was the grace and mercy of God!
For prayer requests: Please continue to pray for Robert Gray and Mike Stockwell as they labor to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Be praying for my sister in Christ, Angela, as she labors outside the murder mill in Queens, New York. I have mentioned before that it is the biggest one in the country, and they have now built a new murder mill in the same town with 18 to 23 "death scorts" Please be praying as she works to save the lives of these babies! Pray also that God would send others to minister along with her. Be in prayer for the Ingalls family who work outside the murder mill in Portland, as they welcome a new little baby into this world. Praise the LORD for his blessing of life to this Family! Pray for all the Police Officers, I ask for prayers especially for Officers Grass, Keller and Richardson who all serve in Portland. Please be praying for their Salvation!
With love in the LORD,
Please be praying for one of the "death scorts" "M". This week it seemed like God is doing something with her heart. This Friday our group started singing Amazing Grace when we were outside the murder mill (abortuary), "M" started looking upset to me so I went over to ask her if she was "ok" she said she was. That in it's self is a big deal, for those of you who have been outside the murder mill in Portland you may know that the "death scorts" do not usually talk to us! Me getting a word out of her was probably the 2nd time a "death scort" has said anything to me. Anyway later Daddy went over and "M" was standing near the usual preaching spot so she moved to give him the spot. She then took 2 different tracts from me! One of the tracts that Abolish Human Abortion had made and the one that I wrote to give to the women going in. Please be praying that God would grant her repentance and faith and save her from her sins.
On Saturday we left our house and went to see the Him family while they were in Maine. We had a great time with the Him's, Chanthy and Sreymom. We went to the beach near their house and then it started raining so we went up to the house and we all hid in the garage. We still had a great time with them though.
After we left the Him's we left for Steuben, a town right on the ocean. One of Grandma's friends had an ocean front cottage so we spent the weekend with Grandma and my aunt and her 2 month old son. We had a lot of fun together without distractions, (there was no internet or phone at the cottage.)
On Sunday we went to church and then went out to eat with the family. Afterwards we went to see my other set of grandparents, we spent almost 3 hours at my Grandfather's house and then we went back to the cottage to spend the night.
I have also finished memorizing all 3 chapters of the book of Psalms which Andrew challenged me to memorize, chters 2,22, and ,110. Thank you Andrew for picking 2 short chapters. If anyone reading this thinks it is some great thing that I did I would encourage you to try it some time it may not be as hard as you think. And above all give God the glory, for it is not anything I did but it was the grace and mercy of God!
For prayer requests: Please continue to pray for Robert Gray and Mike Stockwell as they labor to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Be praying for my sister in Christ, Angela, as she labors outside the murder mill in Queens, New York. I have mentioned before that it is the biggest one in the country, and they have now built a new murder mill in the same town with 18 to 23 "death scorts" Please be praying as she works to save the lives of these babies! Pray also that God would send others to minister along with her. Be in prayer for the Ingalls family who work outside the murder mill in Portland, as they welcome a new little baby into this world. Praise the LORD for his blessing of life to this Family! Pray for all the Police Officers, I ask for prayers especially for Officers Grass, Keller and Richardson who all serve in Portland. Please be praying for their Salvation!
With love in the LORD,
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Busiest week of our year (so far)
Hi everyone.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were quit busy. I will try to break up my post into multiple sections according to what happened on that day.
Daddy found out that Donald Trump was going to be in Portland. What better place to find a crowd! Since we did not know how people would react to us being there, Mommy dropped Daddy and I off and went to do some shopping. Daddy and I had time together to do some evangelism. We stood right outside the crowd control barrier and passed out tracts, Daddy also did some preaching. We were especially glad that most of the people who talked to us were very nice. Daddy saw a man walking around with a sign that said "LOVE" on it, so Daddy stopped him to talk with him. A woman then came up to Daddy angry at what he was saying, and began screaming at Daddy and foaming at the mouth. Thank you to the officer who came and directed her the other way.
After a while Daddy decided that the protesters were getting a little loud, so we walked down to the murder mill (abortion mill) so that Daddy could do some preaching. One person said to us something along the lines of "You guys are a day early, get a planner!". We told them that we would be back in the morning if they wanted to come say "Hi".
After a while we headed out to the Fellowship Conference New England. We had a great time. I really enjoyed listening to Jesse Barringtons sermons.
I was so happy that I finally I got to meet Mike Stockwell. He is a very kind man. I found it funny, Our friend Robert Gray tried talking to my baby sister Abigail and she acted shy. Mike picked her up and she sat with him for 5 or 10 minutes. She then wanted to get down and started crying as if to say, " You're not Daddy!".
Mike and Robert joined us out at the murder mill along with a couple of others from the conference. We had a great time. I got to meet a couple other women, one of whom is involved with abortion ministry at the largest murder mill in the country. At this abortuary there are 18 to 25 "death-scorts" every week, For comparison the one in Portland has 3 or 4 women who lead other women into the abortion mill.
This week our Police officer was very nice. He took one of our gospel tracts and one of Brian's. I also gave him an assignment. Officer Keller, who I have mentioned before, was not out this week so I took the tract that I wrote to give to the women going in for an abortion and asked officer Grass to give it to officer Keller. I also wrote the web address of my blog, Hopefully he will read this post.
Officer Keller, if you are reading this post I would like to say, "I plead with you to Repent of your sins and believe on Jesus Christ who died on the cross to forgive the sins of all who will come to Him in repentance (changing your mind) and faith. Stop trusting in the things of this world which will pass away, instead place your trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ who rose again and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father!
On Saturday we finished up our time at the conference, which included luncheons and sermons, and headed home. We finally were home and had a couple of hours to rest before our busy day on Sunday.
We went to church in the morning and then headed out for evangelism on the street. Sunday was the last day of the Great Maine Lobster Festival. One of the 3 times a year when there is a big crowd near our house. Daddy began preaching and we tried to hand out some tracts. We have decided that Sunday was a day that God used to send us encouragement in his work. One man stopped and we handed him a tract that Daddy had made about Jim Elliot. He then told us that just a couple of months before he had been in Ecuador near Shell and had actually seen Nate Saint's house. For those of you that do not know the story of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Roger Youdarian and Pete Fleming, I will not give it away. Look it up, it is an amazing story!
Mike Stockwell asked for prayers as he and Robert Gray go to the Bristol Motor Speedway to do open air evangelism. Pray that God would even now be working in the hearts of the people who will hear the Gospel message, as these 2 men work faithfully to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of this lost and dying world in which we live. Pray also for Officer Grass. While he is a very kind man, please pray that God would draw him to himself and save him from his sin.
For those of you who would like to send a letter to the Him family, Chanthy, Robert, or anyone from the abortion ministry, please send your letters to Maine4Jesus@gmail.com and we will pass it along to them. If you would like me to print out a letter and give it to the Him family, please send them to me before Friday, August 12 as we will be seeing the Him family this weekend.
If you would like me to just forward an email to someone, that can be done any time. The Him family may not be able to keep multiple letters and emails may be a better option for them. For those of you who would like to send a letter to Mike Stockwell or Robert Gray please write to the email address listed above. Please do not feel like you have to write something long, but if you are able, please just write something short to let them know you are praying for them. But above all please keep these servants of God in your prayers.
With love in the LORD,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were quit busy. I will try to break up my post into multiple sections according to what happened on that day.
Daddy found out that Donald Trump was going to be in Portland. What better place to find a crowd! Since we did not know how people would react to us being there, Mommy dropped Daddy and I off and went to do some shopping. Daddy and I had time together to do some evangelism. We stood right outside the crowd control barrier and passed out tracts, Daddy also did some preaching. We were especially glad that most of the people who talked to us were very nice. Daddy saw a man walking around with a sign that said "LOVE" on it, so Daddy stopped him to talk with him. A woman then came up to Daddy angry at what he was saying, and began screaming at Daddy and foaming at the mouth. Thank you to the officer who came and directed her the other way.
After a while Daddy decided that the protesters were getting a little loud, so we walked down to the murder mill (abortion mill) so that Daddy could do some preaching. One person said to us something along the lines of "You guys are a day early, get a planner!". We told them that we would be back in the morning if they wanted to come say "Hi".
After a while we headed out to the Fellowship Conference New England. We had a great time. I really enjoyed listening to Jesse Barringtons sermons.
I was so happy that I finally I got to meet Mike Stockwell. He is a very kind man. I found it funny, Our friend Robert Gray tried talking to my baby sister Abigail and she acted shy. Mike picked her up and she sat with him for 5 or 10 minutes. She then wanted to get down and started crying as if to say, " You're not Daddy!".
Mike and Robert joined us out at the murder mill along with a couple of others from the conference. We had a great time. I got to meet a couple other women, one of whom is involved with abortion ministry at the largest murder mill in the country. At this abortuary there are 18 to 25 "death-scorts" every week, For comparison the one in Portland has 3 or 4 women who lead other women into the abortion mill.
This week our Police officer was very nice. He took one of our gospel tracts and one of Brian's. I also gave him an assignment. Officer Keller, who I have mentioned before, was not out this week so I took the tract that I wrote to give to the women going in for an abortion and asked officer Grass to give it to officer Keller. I also wrote the web address of my blog, Hopefully he will read this post.
Officer Keller, if you are reading this post I would like to say, "I plead with you to Repent of your sins and believe on Jesus Christ who died on the cross to forgive the sins of all who will come to Him in repentance (changing your mind) and faith. Stop trusting in the things of this world which will pass away, instead place your trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ who rose again and is now seated at the right hand of God the Father!
On Saturday we finished up our time at the conference, which included luncheons and sermons, and headed home. We finally were home and had a couple of hours to rest before our busy day on Sunday.
We went to church in the morning and then headed out for evangelism on the street. Sunday was the last day of the Great Maine Lobster Festival. One of the 3 times a year when there is a big crowd near our house. Daddy began preaching and we tried to hand out some tracts. We have decided that Sunday was a day that God used to send us encouragement in his work. One man stopped and we handed him a tract that Daddy had made about Jim Elliot. He then told us that just a couple of months before he had been in Ecuador near Shell and had actually seen Nate Saint's house. For those of you that do not know the story of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Roger Youdarian and Pete Fleming, I will not give it away. Look it up, it is an amazing story!
Mike Stockwell asked for prayers as he and Robert Gray go to the Bristol Motor Speedway to do open air evangelism. Pray that God would even now be working in the hearts of the people who will hear the Gospel message, as these 2 men work faithfully to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of this lost and dying world in which we live. Pray also for Officer Grass. While he is a very kind man, please pray that God would draw him to himself and save him from his sin.
For those of you who would like to send a letter to the Him family, Chanthy, Robert, or anyone from the abortion ministry, please send your letters to Maine4Jesus@gmail.com and we will pass it along to them. If you would like me to print out a letter and give it to the Him family, please send them to me before Friday, August 12 as we will be seeing the Him family this weekend.
If you would like me to just forward an email to someone, that can be done any time. The Him family may not be able to keep multiple letters and emails may be a better option for them. For those of you who would like to send a letter to Mike Stockwell or Robert Gray please write to the email address listed above. Please do not feel like you have to write something long, but if you are able, please just write something short to let them know you are praying for them. But above all please keep these servants of God in your prayers.
With love in the LORD,
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