Hi everyone.
This week in our series "Persecution May Be Closer Than You Think", we will feature Mike Stockwell.
Mr. Stockwell and he is a wonderful man of God. For those of you who have read some of my older blog posts, you may have read about Mr. Stockwell and the persecution he faced.
On July 6th, 2016, Mr. Stockwell was on a missions trip in Bristol, England. On this day Mr. Stockwell and 3 other men went out preaching. They were right outside the John Wesley Chapel. They set up to preach in the open air. Everyone took a turn to preach the Gospel. When the last man got up to preach, the police arrived. Someone had complained about the men preaching. The police asked one man to step down. The man complied and stepped down and talked to the officer. Another man then stood up to take over for the other preacher. The police told him to be careful what he said, and the man started preaching. Soon the police told him to stop preaching and told him that he was not welcome there. The police said that he was trespassing and needed to go, but the man said that he was going to continue to preach. The officer told him that if he did so he would be arrested, the man continued preaching and the officer put him under arrest. While he was being arrested they also arrested the other man who had been preaching before him.
Mr. Stockwell and his friend Don Carns were standing off to the side. When the men were being taken away no one said anything to Mr. Stockwell and Don. These two brothers were wondering how they could not be part of what was happening and see what was going on. So they went up to the police to ask what was going on. The police asked if they were with the men and when they said yes they arrested Mr. Stockwell and Don as well.
Mr. Stockwell did not know what they were being accused of or what charges were being brought against them when they were arrested. They were taken into custody and were held for 7 hours. They were all held in different cells. But not to be stopped from sharing the goodness of Christ while in jail, the men sang songs. After 7 hours they took the men in and took fingerprints, mugshots, and they took a DNA sample. After 7 hours Christian Concern got them out of jail.
A few days later they had to go give their testimony. The inspector questioned them and when they were done he said that they would be notified whether or not they would be prosecuted for the charges that were being brought against them. Later they were charged. At this point Mr. Stockwell still did not know really what the charges were. When it started it was things like Islamophobia and Homophobia and Hate Crime. A few months later Mr. Stockwell and 2 other men had to go to court. Before court, Don Carns' charges were dropped so only the three men had to appear in court. Mr. Stockwell still did not know what the actual charges were. During court they dropped another man's charges so only two men were left to stand trial for these charges that were being brought against them. It was a four day trial.
The prosecutor in the case said that publicly quoting parts of the King James Bible in modern Britain should "be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter". The prosecutor also told the court: "although the words preached are included in a version of the Bible in 1611, this does not mean that they are incapable of amounting to a public order offence in 2016." The prosecutor also argued:
"To say to someone that Jesus is the only God is not a matter of truth. To the extent that they are saying that the only way to God is through Jesus, that cannot be a truth."
Both men were charged guilty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 at Bristol Magistrates' Court. The men were both ordered to pay 2,016 pounds each, in fines and costs.
Mr. Stockwell said:
"Our motivation for public preaching is love. We want people to have access to the good news about Jesus Christ. I am shocked that God's message of love, is now considered hateful and dangerous. Today, speaking God’s truth seems to be a hate crime, according to some.
"There is a very disturbing pattern here. We declare Jesus' message and critique rival beliefs such as Islam. Some people don't like what we say, and threaten violence to silence us. Then, instead of defending free speech and protecting us, the police shut down free speech to avoid public disorder. And then a court convicts us of provoking disorder and risking violence!
"Something has gone badly wrong. This gives a green light to Islamists and other groups to silence speech that they don't like, simply by threatening disorder or violence.
"Freedom of speech is under assault. People should be free to express their beliefs in public, without risk of harm, violence or other repercussions."
On June 29, 2017, almost a year after being arrested in Bristol both men were acquitted in an appeal hearing at Bristol Crown Court!
Praise God for acquitting Mr. Stockwell of these charges. But again you can see in Mr. Stockwell's story that persecution does not just happen in the Middle East and Asia and Africa. It happens in countries like America and England. The world hates God and hates those who share His message. Sin is everywhere. Those who hate God are everywhere. Pray for the messengers of Christ throughout the world as they spread the Gospel to the lost, pleading with them to turn to Christ in repentance and faith!
Pray for Mr. Stockwell as he continues to preach throughout the country. That he would be given favor in the eyes of the authorities but if it be in God's plan that he again faces persecution from the authorities for preaching the Gospel that the trials would be used by God to conform Mr. Stockwell more to the image of Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior! Mr. Stockwell says that if he is in court he wants to be able to say "Thus saith the Lord". He wants to be guilty for preaching the Word of God, not speaking his own opinion. We should honor such men who are faithful to preach the Gospel no matter the consequences!
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." 2 Corinthians 5:20
With love in the Lord,
"To say to someone that Jesus is the only God is not a matter of truth. To the extent that they are saying that the only way to God is through Jesus, that cannot be a truth."
Both men were charged guilty under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 at Bristol Magistrates' Court. The men were both ordered to pay 2,016 pounds each, in fines and costs.
Mr. Stockwell said:
"Our motivation for public preaching is love. We want people to have access to the good news about Jesus Christ. I am shocked that God's message of love, is now considered hateful and dangerous. Today, speaking God’s truth seems to be a hate crime, according to some.
"There is a very disturbing pattern here. We declare Jesus' message and critique rival beliefs such as Islam. Some people don't like what we say, and threaten violence to silence us. Then, instead of defending free speech and protecting us, the police shut down free speech to avoid public disorder. And then a court convicts us of provoking disorder and risking violence!
"Something has gone badly wrong. This gives a green light to Islamists and other groups to silence speech that they don't like, simply by threatening disorder or violence.
"Freedom of speech is under assault. People should be free to express their beliefs in public, without risk of harm, violence or other repercussions."
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Mike Stockwell and Robert Gray with my sister and I at the Fellowship Conference New England. |
Praise God for acquitting Mr. Stockwell of these charges. But again you can see in Mr. Stockwell's story that persecution does not just happen in the Middle East and Asia and Africa. It happens in countries like America and England. The world hates God and hates those who share His message. Sin is everywhere. Those who hate God are everywhere. Pray for the messengers of Christ throughout the world as they spread the Gospel to the lost, pleading with them to turn to Christ in repentance and faith!
Pray for Mr. Stockwell as he continues to preach throughout the country. That he would be given favor in the eyes of the authorities but if it be in God's plan that he again faces persecution from the authorities for preaching the Gospel that the trials would be used by God to conform Mr. Stockwell more to the image of Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior! Mr. Stockwell says that if he is in court he wants to be able to say "Thus saith the Lord". He wants to be guilty for preaching the Word of God, not speaking his own opinion. We should honor such men who are faithful to preach the Gospel no matter the consequences!
"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." 2 Corinthians 5:20
With love in the Lord,