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Don Currin |
·How did you get involved with HeartCry Missionary Society, and how long have you served
with them?
"My connection with HeartCry was providential. I was introduced to HeartCry
and Paul Washer by a friend while traveling through Hannibal, Missouri, over 20 years
·As coordinator of Eastern Europe what does your ministry with HeartCry entail?
"I serve our HeartCry missionaries in Romania, Ukraine and Moldova by visiting them once to twice a
year. I teach them in HeartCry Conferences and speak in their churches. Once I’m at their
churches, I obtain a personal update about their ministry, pics for the HeartCry website,
and provide counseling. I receive monthly reports from each missionary, from which I will
post content and prayer requests on the HeartCry website."
·Why does HeartCry support long term indigenous missionaries instead of advocating for short
term "missions trips" by foreigners?
"We believe that no one knows the language, culture, ministry context and people overall any better than missionaries in their country do. Furthermore, we find that it takes far less financial support to sustain someone who is indigenous to the culture than a missionary sent from another country. But please do not
misunderstand. We are not opposed to other churches and organizations sending missionaries. Indigenous missions is how we have been led to carry out missions. Regarding “mission trips”, once again, we are not opposed to them, but because of the limited amount of time that our staff and supported missionaries have, we don’t have the time to coordinate “mission trips.”"
·Here in the U.S. we have seen a progressive shift away from biblical principles to a secular, God-hating society. How does this cultural decline in America compare to the cultural climate in Europe, and does it differ from country to country?
"There is a difference between Eastern Europe and Western Europe. Much of the difference can be traced to Western Europe’s affluence. While both regions of Europe experience the spiritual drift, the rural communities where you find older people who have a traditional mindset have not spiritually digressed as much as the urban areas."
·In the U.S. we see much nominal Christianity and only a small percentage of the "churches" here preach a true Gospel. Is the same true of Eastern Europe as well?
"Yes. Eastern Europe is only a step behind the United States. The indifference is evident, as there are few local churches that preach a biblical gospel."
·What do you believe is the biggest challenge that the Body of Christ in Eastern Europe faces as they seek to establish biblical Churches?
"Three great challenges are an erroneous view of what is a biblical gospel, the wave of pragmatic teaching that comes from the West and an ignorance of what is a biblical church."
·What do you believe is the greatest challenge the European Church faces as they seek to engage
their culture with the Gospel?
"A false understanding of the gospel. Between the Orthodox Church and Western culture, the people have been fed an flawed view of what is the gospel."
·I know that HeartCry does not solicit donations and faithfully relies upon God to provide. How
has this practice of living by faith, impacted you?
"HeartCry’s example, patterned after Mueller, and more importantly, the Apostle Paul, has shown me that God knows what my needs are. While neither HeartCry nor myself are opposed to other ministries making known their financial needs, we do not have the liberty of doing so. HeartCry and our ministry believe that God is our Patron and if He determines it necessary for our work to continue, He will sustain it without our asking for support."
·What biblical principles or passages of Scripture has the Lord brought to mind at various times
that have drawn you closer to Christ, challenged, or blessed you through your years of ministry?
"II Corinthians 2:14 God always causes us to triumph in Christ.
Romans 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he
not with him also freely give us all things?
Psalm 56:3 At what time I am afraid, I will trust in the Lord.
II Corinthians 1:9 But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in
ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead:"
·What is the most important lesson that God has taught you through your years of ministry?
"Never take on any more ministry than my devotional life can sustain."
·How can people be praying for you?
"1. That I might cultivate a greater measure of love for all people.
2. That my theological understanding would be experiential.
3. That I might have a better understanding of how to persuade men when engaging them
to repent and believe the gospel."
·Do you have any final thoughts you would like to share?
"Christian men and women must learn the art of fighting in faith. Passivity is a deadly
enemy. Only the violent take heaven by storm. Nothing of eternal significance is ever
accomplished apart from aggression in prayer."
I would like to extend my gratitude to Mr. Currin for taking the time to do this interview with me. May God use his example to encourage and spur us on to make God's name known, and to serve our Lord Jesus Christ with all of our lives. Please keep Mr. and Mrs. Currin in your prayers as they seek to serve our Lord in the ministry He has given them.
You can visit HeartCry's website here: HeartCry Missionary Society. You can visit Mr. Currin's ministry website here: Don Currin Ministries.
In Christ,