Tuesday, June 14, 2016

So the last few days have been busy.
On Friday my family and I went to Portland (a big city about an 1 1/2 or 2 hours away). My brother had some medical tests so Mommy, took my 2 youngest siblings and my grandmother and went to the hospital while Me, Daddy, and my 2 other siblings that still live at home went to the abortion mill. 

While we were there a man named Andrew, who preaches on the street outside the mill, told us that a couple weeks ago he met a man who's girlfriend or wife (I am not sure which one, as I was not there) had had an abortion, he was so depressed that he was in a suicidal state, Andrew got to talk to him and pray with him and when Andrew walked away the man came up to him and handed him a knife and said "please take this from me". While they may not have saved the life of the baby they did save the life of this man. Praise the LORD for his mercy on this mans life, please pray that God will draw this man to Himself.

On Saturday we got to go to a "Voice Of The Martyrs" conference that was held about and 1 1/2 hours away, we had a great time and we got to meet a couple of amazing people including Gracia Burnham,  Benny Matthews, Gilbert Hovsepion and Sarah Liu.

On Sunday we went to church in the morning where our pastor spoke on Joshua 7:1-13 about Achan and things that are devoted to the LORD,

After church we went out to the street corner to hold gospel signs. One time when my sister went to get something out of the car, a woman pulled up and handed her a loaf of bread with a card taped to it which had John 3:16 hand written on the front of it. Although we do not know who this woman was we would like to thank her for blessing our family in this way.

I am happy to announce the birth of my youngest niece "I" (while she is not actually my niece her mom stayed with my family for a while when she was in high school  and she is now treated as part of the family.) While I will not get to meet her for a while as she and her family live in Canada. I pray that she be brought up in the fear and admonition of the LORD and that the LORD will draw her to Himself at a young age.

Yesterday I got to pick lettuce out of our garden. We have about 3,000 square feet of our garden planted and so far we have been able to pick radishes and now lettuce, in a few months we should be harvesting peas, green beans, peppers, romanescu  and a lot more.

In the next few days we should be celebrating the birth of my newest cousin a little boy named "R" he is a week and a half past due and I think my aunt is ready for him to be born!

While I may have missed a few days of my personal Bible I just read Psalms 42, and in family we are reading Proverbs.

I will post the next part of the challenge a little early, here it is: Do something that shows someone that you do not know that you are a Christian, whether it be passing out a gospel tract, holding gospel signs out on the street, or starting a conversation about God with someone you see at the store, at the park, or wherever.

It would not be unusual for Mommy to come home and tell Daddy that someone who she met once at the park will be coming over for supper the next week, it has happened before in our house! We have made friends by just talking to people at the playground it is a great place to start conversations, and for those that have a hard time starting a conversation try asking people about their kids, and then you can go on to tell them that children are a blessing from God and you can tell them about the kids in your family, it may go on to a deeper talk about God with someone you have never even met before.

For prayer requests I would like to ask you to pray for: My niece "I" and her mother and my aunt and little "R" please pray that everyone is healthy, and that everything goes well with the birth of "R"  and please pray for our family of persecuted Christians around the world pray that God gives them strength to endure whatever persecution they face and pray that they stand strong in the faith.

With love in the LORD,

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