The last two weeks have been busy with street preaching. We have been preaching in Camden, Rockland, and Portland. We found out we really like a spot near the Rockland post office. No one has given us any problem for standing there either time we went and the post office is busy with a lot of people to see and hear us. There is also a bank across the street along with a large parking lot. So far we have only been there twice but we may go back some other time.
Daddy has been preaching on everything from abortion, Mary and finding out she was pregnant with Jesus, to the conversion of the Saul of Tarsus. And no matter where he starts he can always get to the Gospel!
When we are in Rockland and Camden not many people stop and talk to us. One day we did an abortion sermon in Rockland at Chapman Park right near Main Street. We had one lady come up and ask us about war in other countries where innocent women and children were murdered and how people who approve of that are sometimes against abortion. I told her that murder is wrong in every circumstance. But I also told her that no one is "innocent" before God because we have all sinned. The woman then walked away telling us that all babies who are a aborted go to Heaven and if they lived they would have a chance of going to Hell. For all Calvinists out there you can see the problem with that. But that is another discussion.
One day we preached outside the local High School were I would be going in the next year or so if I was in Public School. We did not talk to many people but we also got there late when some students had already left. We took out our booklets from Human Life Alliance about the truth of Planned Parenthood. We also took our "Everyone Worships Something" tracts.
On Sunday we went out in town with a large group of friends and sang Christmas carols and read Scripture and then Daddy preached. It was great to have friends join us for street ministry! Usually when we are around our own home town we are by ourselves.
Other than that one woman who talked with us about abortion, pretty much no one has talked to us any time we were preaching in the towns around us. In Portland however, that is another story.
In Portland we no longer have a police officer sent out to stand on the sidewalk with us every Friday at Planned Parenthood. Those who have been reading my blog for awhile know that there used to be a police officer sent out to stand on duty at Planned Parenthood. I have now been assaulted a couple times in the last 2 months. I wrote to the chief of police saying that either he should continue sending a police officer out to the sidewalk or I may just have to start calling 911 when things like this happen.
This week I was assaulted by a young woman who was trying to defend Planned Parenthood. Sadly she was very deceived and tried to deny the fact that Planned Parenthood practices dismemberment of babies. We have a huge graphic sign out on the sidewalk,(thanks to EndAbortionNow,) when we showed it to the woman she claimed that we made it up. She also said that Daddy is against women's healthcare, even though half the babies that are aborted are women! Since they are not born yet I guess their health and well-being do not matter in her opinion. And that does not include the fact that abortion is harmful to mothers! Now who is really against "Women's healthcare"?
The lady talked for a little bit and when she was leaving we told her that the deathscorts were still standing for murder. She then came back and after a minute held up one hand and with the other hand she blocked my phone, which was still recording video, and pushed the phone towards me. She almost touched my nose pushing my phone and then touched my scarf. I asked her not to touch my phone and Daddy told her that if she did we would call the police. She looked at me with a facial expression that pretty much said "poor little girl" and then laughed. What the woman may not have realized is that Daddy caught the whole incident on his body camera. The funny thing is, both Daddy and Brian had body cameras on. She did not touch them only my phone. You can watch the video of the interaction and assault here. (Warning: the videos have a graphic sign in them.) Please be praying for this woman's salvation!
Do any of you have a strange relationship with a deathscort? If so please write it down in the comments section, I would love to hear it! I have a really weird relationship with our deathscort/police officer at Planned Parenthood. Officer Bealls used to come as a police officer but now she is a deathscort. I walk up on Friday mornings and she is standing there in a pink vest as a deathscort and we greet each other and sometimes we talk together. She acts as though she likes me. Most other deathscorts will not even say "hello" to me let alone have a conversation. I am actually able to talk with her and she will take a letter from me that has Bible verses written in it. This Friday as she was leaving she even let me take a picture with her! Please be praying for her salvation and for me as I continue to talk with her!
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Officer Bealls after she got off duty at Planned Parenthood. |
This week as we were standing out at the abortion mill we had the rare joy to hear that a baby had been saved from death! The father of the baby told us that he had been praying for days and his wife or girlfriend had been late to her appointment. They took her even though she was late but she did not have enough money. I do not know if there was a genuine change of heart for the mother. Brian was there and gave the father contact information and I also had some cards from Redeeming Grace Fellowship in Portland. I do not know if we will ever hear anything else from this couple but hopefully they will contact one of the Churches and receive help and discipleship as they raise this little baby! Soli Deo Gloria!
I may not have mentioned this before but my father has seizures. This week he had one as we were leaving Planned Parenthood. My sister and I helped him to the van and our group helped load the van and such. We were able to help him sit down in the can and he was fine, but Mommy was sitting in the van and saw the face of one of the deathscorts "M". "M" seemed to have genuine concern for Daddy while he was having a seizure. "M" is not usually friendly to our group and is a big supporter of Planned Parenthood. She not only looked concerned but when someone walked into Planned Parenthood she did not even open the door for them which was her job where she was standing. I wrote to her on Facebook to let her know everything was okay and to thank her for her concern and to tell her we love her. Maybe God will use this situation to help us connect to "M". You can see the video of the whole incident here. Please pray for "M"!
After abortion ministry we went to Wiscasset where Mommy stopped to feed the baby (who is four months old today!) Most of us just stayed in the car but Daddy got out to do a video. Some of you may have seen that earlier this year my family had some issues with the town of Wiscasset. The chief of police did not like where we were standing and thought we might block access to the handicap parking space by Mommy standing with the two little ones sitting in a stroller with some signs up against a tree. This week in Wiscasset the sidewalk was cleared but the handicap access was blocked with snow. In the place where Mommy was standing that in June supposedly could have blocked access to the handicap spot now has a snowbank blocking it. A snowbank is not conducive to wheelchair access last I checked.
After Daddy took a video showing how the town was not handicap accessible he got back in the van. While all 8 of us were sitting in the car we noticed someone really close to the back of our van. We realized that they were using their finger to write in the dirt on the back of the van. Daddy and I got out with a camera and asked them what was going on. They said "We wanted to know if you were vegan". On the van we saw written "R U vegan?" We have a sign on the side window that says "May the Lamb who was slain receive the full reward of His suffering!" I guess they did not understand that the "Lamb" is Jesus Christ. Anyway after they were asked not to touch our van the one lady said that she was going to do it again and wrote a "peace" sign on the back. We called the police and the women got in their car and left. The police showed up and after talking for awhile and sorting out some confusion as to what had happened, the cop said he would try to call the women whose license plate number we had given them, and then he left. The funny thing was we had written on the window with white markers. The women only wrote with their finger in the dirt. The officer was confused and thought that the women had decorated the entire van with white chalk markers! I would not have stopped the women if they were writing Bible verses on the van! After having some trouble with the town of Wiscasset in the past it was nice to have a good encounter with the police department.
Over all we have had a good week of ministry and look forward to more opportunities to share the glorious Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the following weeks!
With love in the Lord,
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