Hello everyone,
For this post I had the opportunity to do a written interview with Patte Smith, a faithful laborer for Christ, and a voice for the voiceless babies who are being led to the slaughter. Mrs. Smith has a lot of wisdom to offer from her many years of experience doing abortion ministry.
My questions are in bold black, Mrs. Smith's answers are in blue.
"How did you get involved in abortion ministry and how long have you been engaged in this ministry?"
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Patte Smith and I |
"How did you get involved in abortion ministry and how long have you been engaged in this ministry?"
I became involved in 1992. 27 years ago. Some local Christians, Ed Martin and Judy Johnson, had put something in the bulletin of a PCA church we were visiting. It said there was a brief meeting after church for anyone interested in doing ministry of prayer outside abortion clinics in Orlando. I was the only person in the large church to attend the meeting. They were doing a rotating prayer time at each of the killing places in the city. At the time there were three, I think. EPOC, NWHO, and Herman. People would pray and someone (often maybe only ONE person) would be 'sidewalk counseling', proactively approaching every abortion-bound mom, baby and accomplice, offering help and resources. I thank God for Ed and Judy and their tireless loving overtures to save infants from slaughter. They are my heroes.
"Did you know anyone who did abortion ministry before you started doing abortion ministry?"
I don't believe that I had ever actually heard of anyone ministering at a killing place before that.
"What does your ministry outside the abortion mill look like? What all do you do when you are out there?"
Over the years I have become more Scripture, Law and Gospel driven in my approach to ministering outside murder mills. We do approach mothers with the Good Samaritan model of practical loving help, especially for the baby. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a stranger is viciously, attacked and robbed, stripped of his clothing and left for dead by criminals. The baby being carried to a killing place is really like the victim in the parable. The mother and sometimes father, their/her accomplice(s) are like the violent robbers. So, we do our holy best to introduce ourselves and let the mothers and co-conspirators know that God sent us to prevent them from harming the innocent baby (or babies). We ask good questions and use the Word to speak the truth, in love. I have a series of teaching videos on YouTube so that people can learn how we approach the abortion-bound with the gospel of life and eternity. The first episode can be found here: https://youtu.be/D7m7_ VXwrIk I believe that there are 14 episodes. We also share the way of salvation in Jesus, and warn those who are hellbent on shedding innocent blood that God hates their hands and that He has warned that He will cast all murderers into the Lake of fire. (Per Revelation 21:8) We trust the Holy Spirit to use God's Word to do God's work, for God's glory and for the good of the babies and their moms, dads and everyone who is part of the conspiracy to murder the children.
"What do you believe is the greatest lesson you have learned in your years of ministry?"
The greatest lesson? Well, I reckon there are many. First, is the desperately wicked state of men's and women's heart. The doctrine of total depravity is displayed in living and dying color when you are dealing with mothers and fathers and accomplices shedding innocent blood of children. I am utterly convinced of the strength of the force of evil that comes from within, out of the heart, of people. (Proof texts: Jeremiah 17:9;Matthew 15:19;Mark 7:21, among others) I used to believe, like so many others, that if the mothers KNEW that their baby was a little person, and HEARD that people loved them and wanted to provide practical, emotional and spiritual support and assistance to them, and became EDUCATED about the reality of what abortion is and what it DOES to their little babies, and were INFORMED about how adoption is FREE and they can personally choose a loving forever family for their child, and even receive financial assistance (through pregnancy and for 6 weeks after their baby was born) with their living expenses, that they would not murder their babies. Boy, was I wrong about that! As I spent time with thousands of aborting mothers (half of whom had already killed one or more babies) each year, I learned to trust what the Bible says about the foolish, faithless, ruthless, heartless state of women's and men's hearts. Romans 1:18-32 is entirely trustworthy. But God is able to reach sin-depraved hearts, and elicit healthy fear of the Lord, and maternal mercy in lost mothers. He is able, by the power of the Holy Ghost, to pierce and divide the consciences, thoughts and intentions of the heart with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God!
"Some professing Christians in America today are opposed to ministry outside abortion mills such as that which you do, and some may not believe it is biblical. How do you respond to those who object to the kind of ministry you do, and what Scriptures do you point to to show that it is biblical?"
My favorite way to reply to the religious devils who oppose our gospel mission for life and eternity is to ask them questions. I like to ask: "Do you believe that faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God?" (Romans 10:17)
I know why people object, and criticize and oppose and dismiss our gospel mission. S-I-N.
The Law of Sin and Death is alive and active in regenerate church folks and false converts. (NOTE: Best biblical treatise on sin is by John Owen.) So, we will always have fierce resistance to biblical ministry. Many of the fornicating, murdering mothers are professing Christians, so I put no credence in anyone SAYING/IDENTIFYING as a "Christian".
In fact, I don't ASK people who are slaughtering their child if they are a Christian.
Why ask?
I know what GOD SAYS IN HIS WORD. "No murderer has eternal life abiding in them." (I John 3:15) Jesus says they are a slave to sin, and of the devil. Christ declares that they are of their father, the devil, who is the Murderer-from-the-Beginning. They do the things their father does. (John 8:34,44) The vast majority of the people who are killing their babies are fornicating. No sexually immoral person has any inheritance in the Kingdom of heaven. (
com), and let the Lord deal with them.
Revelation 22:15; 1 Corinthians 6:9–10; Galatians 5:19–21)
If people who call themselves Christians dismiss the testimony of the Word of God, which is living, active powerful active (Hebrews 4:12) given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16), if they DENY that The Law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul (Psalm 19:7), if they argue againstthe commandments of God bringing the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20) and being a schoolmaster/tutor to Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:24) there is nothing more that can be said or done for them. I do tell them to listen to Hell's Best Kept Secret (http://hellsbestkeptsecret.
"I know that there are issues in the 'pro-life' movement and you identify as an abolitionist. What do you believe is the biggest problem with the 'pro-life' movement and why are you an abolitionist instead of 'pro-life'?"
I believe that the biggest problem with the pro-life movement is its failure to believe and apply the Scriptures unapologetically. Giving any credence to any sort of legislation or regulations or "acts" or "bills" that dehumanizes infants in the womb and sanitizes murdering babies at any stage of development, for any reason, is just UNBIBLICAL. Viewing women and men who murder their children as "victims". Patently refusing to criminalize the slaughter of infants for all parties. Treating boys and girls whose fathers are rapists as unworthy of life. Creating legislation that maintains/sanctions/gives "rights" to people to kill children when they are newly formed, their heart has not yet begun to beat, when they have Down Syndrome or any other physical challenge, when their mothers do not want to deal with the emotions of carrying them, or when their mothers refuse to allow obstetricians to care for them through pregnancy when they have physical challenges themselves. And, there is the sickening matter of "pro-life" pregnancy centers presenting murder of infants in a non-directive, morally neutral way, with descriptions of various gruesome "abortion" procedures, as one of three "'options", and with full offer of "support" to mothers after bloody murder (in direct disobedience to God's commandment in Proverbs 28:17) At the heart of all of this, there is a diabolical energy. Anti-child. Anti-image bearer. Anti-Christ. I am convinced of it.
Only the criminalization of abortion/baby murder for EVERYONE who conspires to murder the innocent child is biblical.
"Some people believe that women who have abortions are 'victims'. How do you respond to that proposition?"
On the face of it, calling a person who procures the services of an assassin to shed innocent blood of their own living baby boy or girl a "victim" is just OUTRAGEOUS. The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of a victim is: "a person who has been attacked, injured, robbed, or killed by someone else". As I stated earlier, when I cited the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), would anyone call the ROBBERS victims? Like the attack against the innocent traveler on the road to Jericho, abortion is a premeditated attack of an innocent person. For personal gain. (Whatever the mother "gets" out of killing her baby is her "reward". Freedom to continue to live as she pleases. To save time and money and energy. To "keep" a man happy. To hide her infidelity from her husband. To hide her cheating from her lover. To avoid having to sacrifice her life to care and feed, shelter, love, discipline, teach and raise a child, etc, etc. Whatever her reason (justification) or the father's reason (justification) for murdering their child, that's their "reward". (Read Deuteronomy 25:27) It's rubbish. Diabolical rubbish to view mothers and fathers who slay their young as "victims". But, that's just the way the devil likes it.
"Could you share a story of a baby that you have seen saved from abortion?"
The first little child Jesus helped me to reach is Joshua. His mother Janette had recently been led in a Sinner's Prayer. One day, while she was working as a cashier, she met a man who said he was a "preacher". He invited Janette to come and hear him preach at a local church that Sunday night. She was flattered by his attention and impressed that this "preacher" was interested in her. After she heard him preach, the religious devil slept with her. She knew it was wrong to have sex with him, but she did it anyway. Just that once. When her period didn't come, she took a pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant. She told the "preacher" that she was carrying his baby and he said "That's your problem." It sure seemed like her baby was a "PROBLEM". You see, Janette already was a single mother, of four children, by another man. So, Janette made an appointment at NWHO killing place on Colonial Drive in Orlando to kill her son. (National Women's Health Organization was a chain of abortuaries. The owner, Susan Hill, died in 2010. Read about Hill here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Susan_Hill_ Thanks be to God, NWHO is no longer in bloody business) Janette arrived with her friend Mona. Janette went inside without speaking to me, but I introduced myself to Mona. I spoke to Mona about Janette and pleaded with her to love her friend AND the little one God had given to her. I gave Mona my telephone number (a landline, no cell phones back then!) but, she never came back outside while I was there. The next day Mona called me and said: "My friend didn't do it". She was so happy. I asked if I could visit Janette, and she gave me her number and I went to visit Janette the next day. Janette wept and said: "I knew it was wrong. It's going to be hard, but you're right. It isn't my baby's fault." Little Joshua is now 26 years old. <3
"What groups of people do you get the most opposition to your ministry from?" (Pro-life center staff, professing Christians in general, pastors, etc.)
I reckon the greatest opposition we face is from people on the street, because that's where I minister. Passers by, many who profess to be "Christians" are most certainly amongst them. We hear obscenities, see crude gestures, receive threats, have police called on us, are falsely accused. I've had rocks, cups, coffee, water, cigarettes and even a drumstick thrown at me. I've been grabbed, pushed, knocked down, kicked, spit at, threatened with knives, guns and a pit bull. I know that pregnancy center people have some hard thoughts about us. I'll never forget what one pregnancy center director said to me. "Patte, I'm just going to do what everyone else does. Ignore you." And, I have always experienced the sideways glances, and the avoidance of church folks. But, I most certainly have become accustomed to all sorts of evil-speaking, mockery, and gossip. Jesus warned His disciples that we would be hated by all men for His Namesake. I am not without faults, and flaws. I do not do or say everything perfectly. I am not completely pure and holy, like my Master. I am sure that I deserve some of the criticism and rejection I have suffered. No doubt. But, my Lord warned me that I was to be a wise as serpent, and innocent as dove. He sends me out as His sheep amongst ravenous wolves. I want to be humble, and suffer injustice in a Christ-honoring way. So help me, God.
"What is the most popular argument you have heard against your ministry outside the abortion mill and what is your response?"
The very first thing that comes to mind is a misuse of a Scripture that is thrown at us. People will say "Remember, it is the KINDNESS of God that leads to repentance". They are referring to Romans 2:4. They are trying to tell us that we are NOT being kind by speaking directly about sin. We are NOT being "kind" by using the Law of God, the commandments with mothers and fathers, accomplices and clinic workers. They tell us that we are driving people AWAY from Jesus, who didn't "condemn" the woman caught in adultery, like we do. I am grateful for the opportunity to ask them some questions about this Scripture. I ask, "How is the kindness of God most powerfully demonstrated?" Many decent professing Christians answer correctly, "Through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross". "Yes", I say. "Remember it is the KINDNESS/GOODNESS of GOD, not of US, that leads people to repentance. And the reason Jesus had to live a perfect life and shed His Blood is so that people like you and I can have our sins forgiven, if we repent, and believe the gospel and cast ourselves at His holy feet. And that is EXACTLY what we are commissioned to do. So help us, God."
"I know that mankind have always been totally depraved and those who are at the abortion mill to murder their children have always been sinners, however, in your years of ministry outside the abortion mill, have you seen a change in the attitudes and actions of the mothers and fathers who are there to murder their children? Do they seem more vocal and proud of their actions, and things such as that?"
Oh yes. Early in my ministry mothers would often been seen covering their faces, pulling their hoods up over to hide, holding back tears, sniffling. They exhibited more natural affection for their babies. They were more embarrassed about their sexual immorality. They were ashamed to be murdering their innocent children. They would avert their eyes. Every year I noticed that the women became less and less humble. Less and less ashamed. More and more promiscuous. More and more of the strange woman that Scripture warns us about in the book of Proverbs. Now, the mothers who come to kill their babies, and their accomplices, are often are brazen and bold-faced, even laughing and bragging about their sexual sin and acting nonchalant as they go inside to kill their young. More and more say: "I'm a Christian. God forgives us when we sin. All sin is the same to Him anyway." They sin presumptously, presuming upon His grace, insisting; "I love God. And God loves me. I know He does. He knows my heart and I know that He understands why I am doing this. He will forgive me if I repent. I prayed about this. I already asked him to forgive me. I have already repented, so I'm good." It's wicked. And tragic. And blasphemous.
"Have you seen a change in the professing Church in America in their attitude toward abortion and/or abortion ministry?"
I can't say that I've seen a change in the professing/visible church in America. They have always been ingrown and self-absorbed. Apathetic about the millions of infants being slain in the shadow of their chimneys and steeples. Willfully ignorant - and even resistant to being proactive in reaching abortion-bound mothers and fathers and rescuing the perishing. And, most certainly, by and large, still opposed to abolishing abortion outright and criminalizing the genocide.
"How would you encourage people who have never done abortion ministry before, to get involved?"
If anyone loves Jesus and their neighbor, I would encourage them to get active in advancing the Kingdom of our great God, in the way in which He has ordained. Share the Law and gospel, and, practice pure and undefiled religion. Visit the orphans in their affliction. {James 1:27} Go to wherever children are being led to slaughter, and lift up your voice for the voiceless. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Hold back those being unjustly led to slaughter. {Proverbs 24:11-12;31:8-9} For the glory of Christ and the good of the infants and all of our neighbors.
"What advice and wisdom would you share with the people of my generation as we join this fight to abolish abortion and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ?"
Cling to Christ. He is our only hope. And He will make you strong and courageous, filling you with His Spirit that you might do all the good works the Lord has prepared beforehand for you to do and serve the purposes of God in this generation {Ephesians 2:10;Acts 13:36} Don't settle for mediocre lives. Don't spend your life on trivial religious activities and churchy entertainment. Don't waste your time on worldly vanities. Give yourself to the Lord and He will use you as a light, to salt this dark world, and point the lost to the Son of His love.
"How can people be praying for you in your ministry?"
Pray that I would be faithful in my calling as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, a friend, a neighbor, and as a missionary handmaiden for my Husband. And pray for all those who serve our King, under the radar, for the glory of Jesus and the good of children. May He keep us humble and faithful and sanctify us more and more, and give us His strength to do all His holy will. So help us, God.
I would like to thank Mrs. Smith for taking time to do this written interview with me.
May you be encouraged to serve Christ and to advance His Kingdom, and to rescue those who are being taken away to death.
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