Hi everyone.
Sorry that I have not written a post in a while. This week was abortion ministry and while pretty much nothing spectacular happened all day, we heard the words that remind us that the cold weather, insults, hand gestures,etc are all worth it. "She changed her mind." I do not know for sure what the man who said it was referring to but if he meant that she decided not to have an abortion this indeed is good news! This year has been an amazing year in Portland. As far as I know 3 or maybe 4 babies have been saved and a police officer seemingly repented and left his station. God is truly working in Portland and we are blessed to be able to see it!
We recently found the Planned Parenthood Facebook page. Daddy did not comment on the posts because they could then make it blocked page so that we could no longer see it. But we did find out that when we post things about the abortion mill and tag Planned Parenthood in it, it comes up on their page. This means that everyone on their page should be able to see it. We did find a video from inside the abortion mill of our friend Brian Ingalls preaching! Though it was posted to show how "hateful the protesters are", Thank you to whoever posted the video for helping us share the Gospel with everyone in the group.
Someone posting on the PP Facebook page said that a "sneaking new protester" handed out some papers in the waiting room which shared options for life instead of abortion. I did not meet the person who did it but I am glad that someone was able to get in. If anyone posts anything on Facebook about abortion consider tagging Planned Parenthood so that their group will see it.
It has been said that you know you are doing something right when you have opposition. One week we had 8 "deathscorts". Planned Parenthood is probably nervous because God is at work and is saving babies that they were wanting to murder! When the enemy starts stepping up the amount of guards around their murderous industries you can assume that they are intimidated by your message.
As a man walked by and told Daddy that Jesus never existed and abortion was a great idea that we should do more of, Daddy quoted Robert Gray in saying "Thank you for showing the wickedness of your heart". It seems like people can sometimes be trying to get on your nerves when they say "you inspired me to make a donation (to Planned Parenthood)". In saying this they are showing how wicked their hearts are and this statement is very fitting. Thank you Robert for introducing it to us.
Recently we watched a video of an abortion doctor who came out to protesters at another abortion mill. He brought out an actual dead baby that he had aborted to wave in the face of the protesters! Abortionists know that abortion is murder and they still do it. Anyone who has gone to medical school knows enough about the human body to know that a baby in the womb is a human being that is alive. The men and women around the world who perform abortions are wicked men and women who hate God but only God knows who He will save. We should not treat these people like a lost cause and we must remember that before God saved us we were no better than they are now.
It is only by God's mercy that we are not in their place today. It is our duty to proclaim Christ to them and pray for them. Please pray for this man's salvation and for the salvation of all other abortionists around the world!
On Friday one person said that Jesus loved her and everyone else in the building. She is wrong though. The Bible says that God is angry with the wicked everyday. God does not love the wicked! We love those in Planned Parenthood because we are commanded to love our enemies. We love them as human beings that are created in the image of God. We must continue to pray for them to be saved. But God knows if they are going to be saved and while we are told to love our enemies God cannot love wickedness, and He will not let the guilty go unpunished.
As I said not much happened this week but we were still able to proclaim Christ and that is what really matters. Our officer this week stayed busy even though not much happened. She stood there opening the door of Planned Parenthood! It is so sad to see law enforcement officers standing by not only agreeing with the murderers but actually opening the door for people who are going in! It is very ironic that this officer especially was in agreement with Planned Parenthood because this officer was black. If Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood's founder, had her way that woman would never have been born. Margaret Sanger was racist and if she had her way there would no longer be any black people in the world today. Black people are in no way inferior to those with lighter skin and those who are our brothers and sisters in Christ are equally part of the bride of Christ, contrary to Mormon theology but that is another discussion.
Margaret Sanger's views and actions are the result of a worldview without God. It also comes from the evolutionary worldview that those with darker skin are less human and more closely related to apes. It goes to show that without God the world turns to chaos and man is the one who decides who lives and who dies and what is right and wrong. As it says in the Old Testament "every man did what was right in his own eyes". Margaret Sanger was a wicked woman who hated God and those who she thought were somehow inferior. When black people stand and support Planned Parenthood they are supporting the work of a woman who would have had their entire ethnicity wiped out if she had the chance.
On Saturday we are going to Portland to Redeeming Grace Fellowship to get together with our friends from Pro-life Missionaries of Maine. Please pray that it is a time of good fellowship and that we will glorify God in our time together, and that God would show us what His will is as we continue to stand for the lives of the unborn here in Maine. Our friend is coming from Canada to visit some people here in Maine and will be joining us for Church on Sunday and we are looking forward to having some time with her and her children.
We are considering having some signs printed for open air ministry. If anyone has any ideas for signs, feel free to send them to us in the comments below. We have some ideas but have not had them printed yet. We are printing signs for all of our open air ministry and not for the abortion mill only. So most of the signs will be more gospel centered instead of abortion focused but we may do an abortion sign too so feel free to send any ideas that you may have.
I am making a folder to pass out at the abortion mill for those who choose life and if anyone has an idea of papers or anything to put in it that would be greatly appreciated. I am putting in information on pregnancy, an adoption agency, Bible verses, the gospel message, contact information, a baby model, local doctors (if we can find any that would be willing to help out), and things such as that. If you can think of anything else that would be helpful to put in please let me know. Does anyone happen to know any doctors in the Portland area that we could refer people to? Thank you for any suggestions!
I came across these verses in my Bible reading and really liked them and thought I would share them. Philippians 3:7-21 But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us, then, who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do. For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame.Their mind is set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven.And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Please be praying for those at Apologia Church as they prepare for the End Abortion Now conference. Pray that the speakers will have the words to say and that they would glorify God with their lectures. Pray for those who are planning to attend. John Barros should be traveling to Arizona in the next few weeks as he is speaking. Please pray for the safety of those who are traveling and that the conference would be both encouraging and challenging to those who are going. Pray for their outreach on the Saturday of the conference as they take people out to the abortion mill to put into action what they learned at the conference. Pray that it would make an impact on Planned Parenthood with having so many people there standing for the gospel and for the lives of the unborn.
With love in the Lord,
Encouraging young women to serve the Lord in their youth and challenging Christians to reach the lost and to turn the world upside-down with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Planned Parenthood intolerant of young women
Hi everyone.
Once again we got up yesterday morning and drove to Portland to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to plead for the lives of the unborn. Daddy was not feeling well neurologically but still decided to go and was able to preach and hold a sign for a couple of hours. We had something strange happen yesterday but that will have to wait until later.
At our abortion mill we are able to be very close to the door of the building and still be on the public sidewalk, meaning we are within our legal rights to be close enough to talk to women entering the clinic without raising our voices. The "deathscorts" usually stand on either side of the door and down at the corner as well, walking on either side of women seeking abortions and talking in their ear constantly to avoid them hearing our message of life, mercy, and love. At one point yesterday Mommy counted 8 "deathscorts." Considering we usually have 4 or 5 it was a lot of them. Yesterday one of the "deathscorts" moved away from the door for a while, so I stood in their spot on the public sidewalk. My sister in Christ, Stephanie, did this a few weeks ago also. The "deathscorts" decided that they would block me in as you can see in the pictures below. What happened to being tolerant of all people? Last I checked, blocking someone in because they stood in a certain spot on the public sidewalk and was proclaiming a message you do not want people to hear, was not called being tolerant. They are very intolerant of my message.
The message of a young woman who they profess to care about and want to help. Isn't that what Planned Parenthood says they are all about, letting women choose what they want to do? The truth is that they only support you in your choice if it agrees with their anti-God worldview.
If you choose to be a young woman who lives for the Lord and seeks to glorify Him and to proclaim Christ to the world, they are not going to accept you and will instead block you, all the while saying that they are tolerant. This is not tolerance! It is a lie that they want women to be able to choose. They want women to be as they are, haters of God, and murders of precious children!
Where is my choice in whether two grown women block me and stand so close that they are invading my personal space? What happened to "my body my choice"? They show tolerance as long as you agree with them. But if you do not agree with them you are a threat to their business, and you are not accepted. This once again shows that Planned Parenthood is not at all what they claim to be.
As I said earlier, Daddy was able to preach even though he was having neurological problems. Daddy has had neurological issues for many many years but this was probably his worst time that Brian and the others from out group have seen him. After preaching he stumbled over and had to sit down on the sidewalk from exhaustion. Sometimes he has a hard time speaking or walking when one of these spells comes over him. God gave him strength though and he was able to stay for a couple of hours and make it back to the van with a little help. Brian and some of the others wondered if he was okay but everything ended up fine and Daddy was able to work today. Thank you to everyone who prayed for him. It is great to see how much our brothers and sisters in Christ care for him. We love you guys!
One man went by who seemed to be a satanist. It may have been a show to see our reaction but if someone is willing to say things like "Hail Satan" you can know that they are against you. One man asked me what the "religious propaganda" was on our van and when I told him it was not propaganda he responded with saying it was "proper gander", whatever that is supposed to mean. Since I was the one at the van and Daddy was not feeling well I decided not to argue with him and just let him move on.
There was a woman standing on the sidewalk who was holding a sign that said "Save Planned Parenthood." Daddy said that she added an extra word to her sign as it should have been, "Save Parenthood!" Those who support Planned Parenthood's practice of abortion are supportive of premeditated murder of children by their parents. That isn't planned parenthood, it is making the abortive parents into parents of a dead baby. They are still parents, but don't actually participate in parenthood.
There was a heckler from one of the higher floors of the building. We have had hecklers from the building before. I guess they are tired of hearing the Gospel week after week. Please pray for their Salvation, that as they hear the Gospel time and time again God would work in their hearts. That God would grant them repentance and faith and that they to may come to know the truth of God!
One man has come running past us the last few weeks and calls the men "little men who are intimidating women". I guess he does not realize that he runs past yelling while holding 2 large dogs, which intimidates at least my little brothers and sisters along with my mother, if not others in the group. Who is the one intimidating the women now?
One person told Mommy to kill herself. Mommy told her that that was not a solution. As the song by the band Unspoken says, "you can bury the workmen but the work will go on. You can silence the voices but you can't stop the song." Even if you killed those who stand outside the abortion mills pleading for the lives of children it will never change the truth that abortion is murder and that the Gospel is truth!
I said earlier that something strange happened to us yesterday. It actually happened to Daddy while he was sitting in the van. Mommy had taken us all into the Portland Children's Museum while Daddy sat in the van dozing off to sleep since he was not feeling well. He heard a "splat" and someone pounding on the window. A woman was yelling obscenities and ran off down the street, then started crying and wailing on the sidewalk. Daddy did not want to go talk to her by himself as she was obviously distraught, and he was barely capable of speaking, but he made his way to us to see if Mommy could talk to her, but we could not find her when we left. The sign on the back of the van said "All human life is precious. From conception to natural death." Since we were not far from the abortion mill at the time she could have seen us there but we are not sure. We only know that she seemed very upset. Our van smelled like coffee and will need to be washed but there was not much harm besides coffee on the van. Our signs can be redone very easily and we are not mad about what happened we are just concerned for the girl. Please be praying for her salvation.
For those of you who have not yet seen End Abortion Now.com I strongly encourage you to go on there and fill out the form to your government officials. Please go there today and fill it out and let your officials know your thoughts on the matter of abortion. I would love to hear some of the responses to the letter if you would like to post them in the comments below. I got the short email back from Senator Collins but since them I have not heard anything else from her. I know that she may not have read the letter and may have instead had a staff member write back but at least someone read the letter and heard the truth. I strongly encourage you to write to your officials and tell them the truth and just maybe God would use that letter as the means in which they hear the Gospel. It can never hurt to try!
Please be praying for Mike Stockwell as he went to the Philippines to preach there. In the life of a street preacher this is considered a fun trip. Okay, maybe not to all street preachers but our family would find it a lot of fun. Please pray for his safety and that he God would use him to bring the Gospel to the people of that country.
With love in the Lord,
Once again we got up yesterday morning and drove to Portland to proclaim the Gospel of Christ and to plead for the lives of the unborn. Daddy was not feeling well neurologically but still decided to go and was able to preach and hold a sign for a couple of hours. We had something strange happen yesterday but that will have to wait until later.
At our abortion mill we are able to be very close to the door of the building and still be on the public sidewalk, meaning we are within our legal rights to be close enough to talk to women entering the clinic without raising our voices. The "deathscorts" usually stand on either side of the door and down at the corner as well, walking on either side of women seeking abortions and talking in their ear constantly to avoid them hearing our message of life, mercy, and love. At one point yesterday Mommy counted 8 "deathscorts." Considering we usually have 4 or 5 it was a lot of them. Yesterday one of the "deathscorts" moved away from the door for a while, so I stood in their spot on the public sidewalk. My sister in Christ, Stephanie, did this a few weeks ago also. The "deathscorts" decided that they would block me in as you can see in the pictures below. What happened to being tolerant of all people? Last I checked, blocking someone in because they stood in a certain spot on the public sidewalk and was proclaiming a message you do not want people to hear, was not called being tolerant. They are very intolerant of my message.

If you choose to be a young woman who lives for the Lord and seeks to glorify Him and to proclaim Christ to the world, they are not going to accept you and will instead block you, all the while saying that they are tolerant. This is not tolerance! It is a lie that they want women to be able to choose. They want women to be as they are, haters of God, and murders of precious children!
Where is my choice in whether two grown women block me and stand so close that they are invading my personal space? What happened to "my body my choice"? They show tolerance as long as you agree with them. But if you do not agree with them you are a threat to their business, and you are not accepted. This once again shows that Planned Parenthood is not at all what they claim to be.
As I said earlier, Daddy was able to preach even though he was having neurological problems. Daddy has had neurological issues for many many years but this was probably his worst time that Brian and the others from out group have seen him. After preaching he stumbled over and had to sit down on the sidewalk from exhaustion. Sometimes he has a hard time speaking or walking when one of these spells comes over him. God gave him strength though and he was able to stay for a couple of hours and make it back to the van with a little help. Brian and some of the others wondered if he was okay but everything ended up fine and Daddy was able to work today. Thank you to everyone who prayed for him. It is great to see how much our brothers and sisters in Christ care for him. We love you guys!
One man went by who seemed to be a satanist. It may have been a show to see our reaction but if someone is willing to say things like "Hail Satan" you can know that they are against you. One man asked me what the "religious propaganda" was on our van and when I told him it was not propaganda he responded with saying it was "proper gander", whatever that is supposed to mean. Since I was the one at the van and Daddy was not feeling well I decided not to argue with him and just let him move on.
There was a woman standing on the sidewalk who was holding a sign that said "Save Planned Parenthood." Daddy said that she added an extra word to her sign as it should have been, "Save Parenthood!" Those who support Planned Parenthood's practice of abortion are supportive of premeditated murder of children by their parents. That isn't planned parenthood, it is making the abortive parents into parents of a dead baby. They are still parents, but don't actually participate in parenthood.
There was a heckler from one of the higher floors of the building. We have had hecklers from the building before. I guess they are tired of hearing the Gospel week after week. Please pray for their Salvation, that as they hear the Gospel time and time again God would work in their hearts. That God would grant them repentance and faith and that they to may come to know the truth of God!
One man has come running past us the last few weeks and calls the men "little men who are intimidating women". I guess he does not realize that he runs past yelling while holding 2 large dogs, which intimidates at least my little brothers and sisters along with my mother, if not others in the group. Who is the one intimidating the women now?
One person told Mommy to kill herself. Mommy told her that that was not a solution. As the song by the band Unspoken says, "you can bury the workmen but the work will go on. You can silence the voices but you can't stop the song." Even if you killed those who stand outside the abortion mills pleading for the lives of children it will never change the truth that abortion is murder and that the Gospel is truth!
I said earlier that something strange happened to us yesterday. It actually happened to Daddy while he was sitting in the van. Mommy had taken us all into the Portland Children's Museum while Daddy sat in the van dozing off to sleep since he was not feeling well. He heard a "splat" and someone pounding on the window. A woman was yelling obscenities and ran off down the street, then started crying and wailing on the sidewalk. Daddy did not want to go talk to her by himself as she was obviously distraught, and he was barely capable of speaking, but he made his way to us to see if Mommy could talk to her, but we could not find her when we left. The sign on the back of the van said "All human life is precious. From conception to natural death." Since we were not far from the abortion mill at the time she could have seen us there but we are not sure. We only know that she seemed very upset. Our van smelled like coffee and will need to be washed but there was not much harm besides coffee on the van. Our signs can be redone very easily and we are not mad about what happened we are just concerned for the girl. Please be praying for her salvation.
For those of you who have not yet seen End Abortion Now.com I strongly encourage you to go on there and fill out the form to your government officials. Please go there today and fill it out and let your officials know your thoughts on the matter of abortion. I would love to hear some of the responses to the letter if you would like to post them in the comments below. I got the short email back from Senator Collins but since them I have not heard anything else from her. I know that she may not have read the letter and may have instead had a staff member write back but at least someone read the letter and heard the truth. I strongly encourage you to write to your officials and tell them the truth and just maybe God would use that letter as the means in which they hear the Gospel. It can never hurt to try!
Please be praying for Mike Stockwell as he went to the Philippines to preach there. In the life of a street preacher this is considered a fun trip. Okay, maybe not to all street preachers but our family would find it a lot of fun. Please pray for his safety and that he God would use him to bring the Gospel to the people of that country.
With love in the Lord,
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Response to Senator Susan Collins
Dear Senator Collins.
Thank you for taking time to respond to my email. I do not want to sound rude, but I have to disagree with your response to the issue at hand. No federal funds can be used for abortions except in the cases of rape, incest, or when necessary to save the life of the mother. But abortion is murder and the Bible says that a child should not be punished for the sins of the father. If you say that it is okay for a mother to have an abortion because they were raped or because it was a case of incest, you are saying that it is okay for them to murder a baby for the sins of their father. This is wrong! It should be illegal to murder a child because his or her father is a rapist. We should punish the rapist for his wickedness of stealing a women's purity and for destroying her God given dignity, but the baby should be seen as the blessing it is and should be treated as such.
Also we should not murder a baby because of the health of the mother. The healthcare professionals should do the best they can to save both the baby and the mother and if the baby dies after they have done all they can, it was not their fault. But when you murder a baby so that you can save the life of the mother you are still a murderer. Abortion should not be funded at all by anyone! Abortion is still murder regardless of what circumstances surround it.
You said, "Throughout my service in the Senate, I have been a strong proponent of programs and measures to promote and protect women’s health. I continue to believe that the best way to reduce the number of abortions in the United States is to ensure that women have access to the important services they need to prevent unintended pregnancies."
First, promoting and protecting women's health is great but it has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is not healthcare! The best way to reduce the number of abortions in the United States and around the world is for people to turn to Christ in repentance and faith and hate abortion as much as God does. Show Planned Parenthood for the murderers that they are and punish those women and men who murder their unborn babies in direct opposition to God's express command "You shall not murder". You think that if women are ensured access to services to prevent unintended pregnancies it will be the best way to reduce the number of abortions.
I want to say that children are a blessing in every circumstance and should never be rejected. If I tried to hand someone a million dollars, we would say they would be crazy to not accept such a wonderful gift. But when God says that children are a blessing our society in general says, "I reject your blessing, please stop giving me children. You say that they are a blessing but I see them as a curse that will interfere with my way of life." This is a attitude that no one should have. If women do not want to be pregnant they should stop having sex. I understand that some women are raped and they have no choice in whether or not they are pregnant. But if they find out they are pregnant they should accept that baby as what it is, a blessing from God.
I am not looking for the government to merely stop provide funds for abortion in most circumstances, but then provide funds for murder at certain times. I want all abortion to be punished as what it is and for our government to have no part in funding such an evil practice of murdering the unborn!
Thank you again for your speedy response to my previous email
~Sincerely, Virginia Cowperthwaite.
Jesus Christ is KING!
Saturday, April 1, 2017
A letter to Senator Susan Collins on Defunding Planned Parenthood.
Hi everyone.
Due to the recent vote on the bill to defund Planned Parenthood, I wrote the following letter to Senator Collins to tell her why I disagreed with her recent vote where she opposed the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Please consider contacting your government officials and tell them your views on topics where our government has strayed from the commands of God. Here is the letter to Senator Collins:
Dear Senator Collins.
Due to the recent vote on the bill to defund Planned Parenthood, I wrote the following letter to Senator Collins to tell her why I disagreed with her recent vote where she opposed the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Please consider contacting your government officials and tell them your views on topics where our government has strayed from the commands of God. Here is the letter to Senator Collins:
Dear Senator Collins.
My name is Virginia Cowperthwaite and I am writing to you to express my concern with your recent vote concerning the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. I myself am an abortion abolitionist and I am looking forward to the day when abortion is outlawed in every circumstance.
My concern with your recent vote is that by opposing this bill it showed your support for Planned Parenthood. Not only that but if this bill was not passed our tax dollars will continue to be used to fund abortions. We who know that abortion is the murder of precious children created in the image of our creator God, are very opposed to the fact that our tax dollars are being used to murder children. We urge you to reconsider your vote and think about all the precious children that have been murdered by Planned Parenthood and think about how your vote could have made it so that Planned Parenthood could continue to murder these children with the funding of the American government. Abortion should be viewed as what it is and should be punished as any other murder would be.
In this state alone babies are being murdered in at least 3 locations. I personally have been to each of these locations and have talked to many women who are going in to Planned Parenthood. I have frequently been with people who work for Planned Parenthood and the supporters of abortion. While Planned Parenthood may say that they accept all people, they do not accept you unless you agree with their lawless actions. Sadly many police officers and many citizens will walk by and show their support of this organization and sadly, as has recently been seen, people who are higher up in our state's government such as yourself will vote for these people to be able to receive funding for their unjust actions. You may say that you are not supportive of abortion yet you see that Planned Parenthood provides healthcare for women. But there is a problem with this argument. If there was a man who helped 99 women safely across the street and helped them with anything they needed, but the 100th one he brutally murdered, you would say that he was an evil man and should be punished. And rightfully so. Yet when Planned Parenthood murders a much larger percentage than 1 out of 100, people say, "But they provide healthcare we should continue to fund them." I am not saying that Planned Parenthood does not provide healthcare. What I am saying is that they murder children and we should cease their government funding. There are many other places in the state of Maine that provide healthcare and people would still have access to healthcare even if Planned Parenthood was shut down. If people think that Planned Parenthood should be funded because they provide healthcare for people who can not afford it. The hospital will provide lifesaving healthcare for anyone who needs it regardless of whether they can pay for it or not.
I urge you today to reconsider your vote and stand up for human life and show Planned Parenthood for who they are, Murderers! Our message to both Planned Parenthood and to you is that Jesus Christ come into the world to save sinners! Everyone will have to stand before God on Judgment day and they will have to give an account of their sins. Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you from an eternity in hell which is the righteous judgment for our sins against a holy and righteous God. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth 2,000 years ago and lived a sinless life before God His Father. He died on a cross for the sins of all who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. 3 days later he rose from the dead and is reigning as King of all! One day He will come again to take His children home with Him to heaven where they will spend an eternity with their Savior. If you repent, turn away from your sin, and turn to Christ in faith, trusting in Him alone for Salvation you will be saved.One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. The question is, will Jesus be your Savior or will He be your judge? Do not wait until tomorrow to repent and turn to Christ, you are not promised another day, today is the day of salvation! I, along with many others will continue to stand for the life of the unborn and expose the crimes of Planned Parenthood. Will you stand with us?
~ Sincerely, Virginia Cowperthwaite, age 13.
Prayer update: Paul Washer was released from the hospital and is now home. Continue to pray for him as he continues to rest from his recent heart attack.
With love in the Lord,
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