Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Response to Senator Susan Collins

Dear Senator Collins.
Thank you for taking time to respond to my email. I do not want to sound rude, but I have to disagree with your response to the issue at hand. No federal funds can be used for abortions except in the cases of rape, incest, or when necessary to save the life of the mother. But abortion is murder and the Bible says that a child should not be punished for the sins of the father. If you say that it is okay for a mother to have an abortion because they were raped or because it was a case of incest, you are saying that it is okay for them to murder a baby for the sins of their father. This is wrong! It should be illegal to murder a child because his or her father is a rapist. We should punish the rapist for his wickedness of stealing a women's purity and for destroying her God given dignity, but the baby should be seen as the blessing it is and should be treated as such. 

Also we should not murder a baby because of the health of the mother. The healthcare professionals should do the best they can to save both the baby and the mother and if the baby dies after they have done all they can, it was not their fault. But when you murder a baby so that you can save the life of the mother you are still a murderer. Abortion should not be funded at all by anyone! Abortion is still murder regardless of what circumstances surround it. 

You said, "Throughout my service in the Senate, I have been a strong proponent of programs and measures to promote and protect women’s health. I continue to believe that the best way to reduce the number of abortions in the United States is to ensure that women have access to the important services they need to prevent unintended pregnancies." 

First, promoting and protecting women's health is great but it has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is not healthcare! The best way to reduce the number of abortions in the United States and around the world is for people to turn to Christ in repentance and faith and hate abortion as much as God does. Show Planned Parenthood for the murderers that they are and punish those women and men who murder their unborn babies in direct opposition to God's express command "You shall not murder". You think that if women are ensured access to services to prevent unintended pregnancies it will be the best way to reduce the number of abortions. 

I want to say that children are a blessing in every circumstance and should never be rejected. If I tried to hand someone a million dollars, we would say they would be crazy to not accept such a wonderful gift. But when God says that children are a blessing our society in general says, "I reject your blessing, please stop giving me children. You say that they are a blessing but I see them as a curse that will interfere with my way of life." This is a attitude that no one should have. If women do not want to be pregnant they should stop having sex. I understand that some women are raped and they have no choice in whether or not they are pregnant. But if they find out they are pregnant they should accept that baby as what it is, a blessing from God. 

I am not looking for the government to merely stop provide funds for abortion in most circumstances, but then provide funds for murder at certain times. I want all abortion to be punished as what it is and for our government to have no part in funding such an evil practice of murdering the unborn! 

Thank you again for your speedy response to my previous email
~Sincerely, Virginia Cowperthwaite. 
Jesus Christ is KING!

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