Saturday, April 1, 2017

A letter to Senator Susan Collins on Defunding Planned Parenthood.

Hi everyone.
Due to the recent vote on the bill to defund Planned Parenthood, I wrote the following letter to Senator Collins to tell her why I disagreed with her recent vote where she opposed the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Please consider contacting your government officials and tell them your views on topics where our government has strayed from the commands of God. Here is the letter to Senator Collins:

Dear Senator Collins.
My name is Virginia Cowperthwaite and I am writing to you to express my concern with your recent vote concerning the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. I myself am an abortion abolitionist and I am looking forward to the day when abortion is outlawed in every circumstance. 

My concern with your recent vote is that by opposing this bill it showed your support for Planned Parenthood. Not only that but if this bill was not passed our tax dollars will continue to be used to fund abortions. We who know that abortion is the murder of precious children created in the image of our creator God, are very opposed to the fact that our tax dollars are being used to murder children. We urge you to reconsider your vote and think about all the precious children that have been murdered by Planned Parenthood and think about how your vote could have made it so that Planned Parenthood could continue to murder these children with the funding of the American government. Abortion should be viewed as what it is and should be punished as any other murder would be. 

In this state alone babies are being murdered in at least 3 locations. I personally have been to each of these locations and have talked to many women who are going in to Planned Parenthood. I have frequently been with people who work for Planned Parenthood and the supporters of abortion. While Planned Parenthood may say that they accept all people, they do not accept you unless you agree with their lawless actions. Sadly many police officers and many citizens will walk by and show their support of this organization and sadly, as has recently been seen, people who are higher up in our state's government such as yourself will vote for these people to be able to receive funding for their unjust actions. You may say that you are not supportive of abortion yet you see that Planned Parenthood provides healthcare for women. But there is a problem with this argument. If there was a man who helped 99 women safely across the street and helped them with anything they needed, but the 100th one he brutally murdered, you would say that he was an evil man and should be punished. And rightfully so. Yet when Planned Parenthood murders a much larger percentage than 1 out of 100, people say, "But they provide healthcare we should continue to fund them." I am not saying that Planned Parenthood does not provide healthcare. What I am saying is that they murder children and we should cease their government funding. There are many other places in the state of Maine that provide healthcare and people would still have access to healthcare even if Planned Parenthood was shut down. If people think that Planned Parenthood should be funded because they provide healthcare for people who can not afford it. The hospital will provide lifesaving healthcare for anyone who needs it regardless of whether they can pay for it or not. 

I urge you today to reconsider your vote and stand up for human life and show Planned Parenthood for who they are, Murderers! Our message to both Planned Parenthood and to you is that Jesus Christ come into the world to save sinners! Everyone will have to stand before God on Judgment day and they will have to give an account of their sins. Jesus Christ is the only one who can save you from an eternity in hell which is the righteous judgment for our sins against a holy and righteous God. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth 2,000 years ago and lived a sinless life before God His Father. He died on a cross for the sins of all who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. 3 days later he rose from the dead and is reigning as King of all! One day He will come again to take His children home with Him to heaven where they will spend an eternity with their Savior. If you repent, turn away from your sin, and turn to Christ in faith, trusting in Him alone for Salvation you will be saved.One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. The question is, will Jesus be your Savior or will He be your judge? Do not wait until tomorrow to repent and turn to Christ, you are not promised another day, today is the day of salvation! I, along with many others will continue to stand for the life of the unborn and expose the crimes of Planned Parenthood. Will you stand with us?
~ Sincerely, Virginia Cowperthwaite, age 13.

Prayer update: Paul Washer was released from the hospital and is now home. Continue to pray for him as he continues to rest from his recent heart attack. 

With love in the Lord,

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