Sunday, October 16, 2016

A Presidential Rally, A Press Release, Great Fellowship, all in one day.

Hi everyone.

On Saturday there was this guy speaking in Bangor who I guess is well known here in the U.S. His name is Donald Trump. Our thought is, when someone draws a big crowd we may as well go and do some evangelism, so we did.

When we got to the rally there were already a lot of people there even though the doors still did not open for an hour. We did not preach yesterday but we were handing out Gospel tracts and holding signs as well. Our signs said things such as: JESUS CHRIST IS KING, TOM HOEFLING FOR PRESIDENT, ABORTION IS MURDER, and others.

When we got there we saw a sign that said, "No Demonstrations Beyond This Point", so we obeyed and stayed in front of the sign. We did get a picture right in front of the sign but we did not go beyond when holding our signs. A little bit later the Police officer asked us to move farther down closer to the road.  Funny enough where he had us move to was a better location than where we had been before. A little while after we moved they then moved the sign as well, but where they put the sign was blocking the sidewalk. Some of you may not know this but one thing we get in trouble with at the abortion mill is blocking the sidewalk, so I took a picture to show Officer Keller. I took the picture and may have said something about it blocking the sidewalk. The Officers must have heard me, then moved the sign and said something wanting to make sure that people could still get through!

After a couple hours Mommy took everyone but me and Daddy and went to the Children's museum in town. Daddy, me, Jeremy and Matt, who had come to join us, moved down to the street where the Anti-Trump group was standing. Daddy tried to do some preaching but people came up and kept talking to him so that he could not preach or shouting him down, so we did our best to have personal conversations and pass out tracts.

At one point there was a Press conference going on. News cameras rolling we thought it would be a great place to practice our freedom of speech. Daddy went up and started talking about how Hillary Clinton was not the answer and abortion is murder. You could see the news cameras turn to see what Daddy was saying. Someone came up to talk to Daddy so Jeremy kept on talking while Daddy was busy. After the Press conference, Someone from the newspaper came up to ask Daddy some questions.

We got to see Donald Trump's plane fly in and then we saw the national media come in, complete with Secret Service. We missed seeing Donald Trump's motorcade when it was coming in but we did see it on the way out. We even got some video of the bomb sniffing dogs for Samuel to enjoy.

If you ever want to give tracts to some well known people, people with influence, try going to a presidential candidate's rally. Daddy gave some tracts to the media who travel with Trump. We got to hand tracts to the Police and Janet Mills,  Maine's State Attorney General, who is well known to some of you! Shout out Andrew and Brian. Daddy also gave a tract to the Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Maine. We did not find out who she was until afterwards.

Since this is a post talking about Donald Trump, I will say here: Vote Tom Hoefling for President! Mr. Hoefling is a 55 year old Christian man, Father of 9, Foster father to 2. He is an abortion abolitionist, pro Constitution and Founder and President of America's party.

So I am saying this: Vote Tom Hoefling for President of the United States of America. Do not vote for the lesser of 2 evils because you think Mr. Hoefling can not win! If 1/3 of professing evangelical Christians vote for Tom Hoefling he could win easily. I do not know if you have figured it out yet, but the lesser of 2 evils is still evil! Our country does not need either  Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Our nation needs to repent and turn to God.

Please be praying for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that God would grant them repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that they will realize that, they are sinners like the the rest of us in need of a savior. And that Jesus Christ is the only one who can save them. Romans 3:23

Pray also for Jimmy Hamilton, He was out preaching and said to someone "Sir" the man then said that he identified as a woman. Jimmy still called him a man, since he was indeed a man, and he is now pending an arrest for a hate crime. Pray that justice will be served and that the righteous will not be punished.

With love in the LORD,


  1. What a thoughtful post! May I share a couple paragraphs from it on my Facebook page?

  2. Feel free. You can share it from my parents FB page at
