Friday, March 31, 2017

Planned Parenthood last week, April 1st National Atheist Day and a quick look at Voiceless.

Hi everyone.
Last week we went to Planned Parenthood but I decided to wait and post about it today. I also decided I could try to write something about the holiday that is coming up tomorrow and those that will be celebrating it.

Last week at the abortion mill seemed to be filled with hate. The police officer was kept busy with a few people. One man was drunk and the officer said that he was usually harmless but he started getting up in a lady's face. Everything was fine in the end though. One of the other men was going in to the abortion mill. He was very angry for a while and threatened Daddy. Later he went and talked to Stephanie for awhile as well but was not yelling at her. Once again God protected us from those who are opposed to the Gospel and we were okay in the end, The other angry man was Mike from "Guitar Grave" next door to the abortion mill. He is very opposed to the Gospel and every once in a while comes out to tell Daddy what he think of him. He came out and asked Daddy if he remembered what he thought of him. Daddy said "I am stupid because I can read." Mike said Daddy was disgusting. Mike took a Bible from someone and threw it over Daddy's head and across the street. Praise God that Daddy was okay and that the book did not hit him in the head. Please pray for Mike's salvation!

Daddy preaching the Gospel
One thing that I really liked was when most people got down on their knees and prayed. I do not know if it will become a regular practice to kneel down but it was beautiful last week.

One person from the apartment building next door was trying to make his point by hanging his blaring speaker out the window. Thankfully God has given some of our preachers a voice that can be louder than the speaker so that the Gospel message will not be hindered by those who try to drown it out. With the aid of the two big buildings it carries the preachers voice pretty far.

I got a few pictures of the abortion last week and I may get some better ones next week.

Police Officer next
to Marie, a very
tall deathscort
The hatred that we see when we proclaim Christ, while it is sad can be somewhat expected. People do not just hate us. They hate our message. They do not want to hear that God is angry with the wicked every day and that they need to repent of their sins and turn to Christ in faith. They do not want us to tell them that they are suppressing the truth and they do not want us to call them out for their works of darkness.

Mike who comes out and yells at the preacher knows that God exists. Do people come out and scream at people and call them disgusting when someone dresses up like Santa Claus at Christmas time? No. Why? Because they know that Santa does not exist. If God does not exist why do people bother arguing with us? Why don't they just think to themselves that they are an idiot and keep doing there own thing? I think it is because they know God exists and they are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness as it says in Romans 1.

We should remember that their real problem is that they are in need of a Savior. Our duty is to preach the Gospel in the hope that they would be one of God's elect that they too would see the great mercy that God pours out on all His children.

I do not know how many people knew that tomorrow is National Atheist Day, but it is. Proverbs 14:1 says "The fool has said in his heart 'there is no God'". Therefore April 1st sometimes known as April Fools day can also be known as National Atheist Day.

One person has said that this verse only applies to strong atheists and not weak atheists (who say that there is probably no God). I had a short exchange on Youtube with an atheist on this subject as he made a video to refute Sye Ten Bruggencate. I asked the atheist how he would explain part of Romans 1 that says that everyone knows that God exists. That does not just apply to strong atheists but to everyone in this world. You can try to explain away an argument but God's word is always true. You can not prove the Bible wrong no matter how hard you try.

Just a brief refutation of the atheist worldview seems to be appropriate here. I know that some atheists may object with me already because I said the "atheist worldview". Everyone has a worldview. A worldview is:"a network of our most basic beliefs about reality in light of which all observations are interpreted."~ Dr. Jason Lisle, (Ultimate Proof of Creation, page 25) Just one of the things that atheists presume before interpreting the evidence is that God does not exist. Atheists have an atheist worldview.

Atheists claim that there is no God. We will take a presuppositional approach to refute this claim. The proof that God exists is this: God must exist because without Him it would be impossible to know anything at all. If God did not exist we could have no basis for laws of logic, uniformity in nature, or absolute morality. Without laws of logic we could easily say that anything is true, who cares if things contradict each other if there are no laws of logic. Without uniformity in nature science would be impossible. You could do an experiment one day and the next time you do it something could have changed and you get a totally different result. The world could always change if there is nothing maintaining uniformity in nature.

If there was no such thing as absolute morality there would be no basis for a justice system. Everyone could do what is right in their own eyes and we would have no standard by which to judge them. The atheist uses the resources that God gave him such as life, breath and the ability to speak and to reason to suppress the truth about God. They take for granted things that they have no justification for in their worldview. The choice is either God or absurdity.

Some atheists may say that they used to be Christians. If you now believe that there is no God, you were never a Christian. If they dishonor God by using the very breath that he gave them to claim that God does not exist, they were never His child. Some atheists may say that they looked at the evidence in an unbiased way, but this is not true. The problem is that no one can look at something without having bias. Everyone is biased. We look at the evidence through our worldview and then interpret what we see through our worldviews. Yet the Christian worldview is the only one which can be consistent and therefore correct. The atheists worldview is self-refuting, and thus incorrect.

Let us remember that even with all the problems with the atheist worldview we used to be no better than them. We too were sinners who hated God and the only reason that we no longer think the same way as they do is because of God's great mercy. May we continue to share the Gospel with them, not answering them according to their folly in the sense of accepting their false view lest we be like them, but rather answering them according to their folly in the sense that we show them what the logical conclusion of their worldview is, lest they be wise in their own eyes. As Sye Ten Bruggencate said "Be About the Cure".  Continue to share the Gospel with atheists in the hopes that they too would be saved by the free gift of Almighty God through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We just recently bought the movie Voiceless and it is a very good movie. Something that is shown in the film that is definitely true, though sad, is that your church and your family may reject you when you go into abortion ministry. But we were told by our Master to rescue those who are perishing and save those who are stumbling to the slaughter. You may also get in trouble unjustly, but if you are persecuted unjustly for the sake of Christ's name you will receive your reward from God. No matter what may happen to you because of your work for Christ, pray that God would give you the strength to endure for the sake of His name. For people who have not seen the movie yet, I suggest that you watch it, and I hope that it serves to strengthen you as we continue to strive together to see Christ worshiped in all the world.

We recently got some more ministry tools for the abortion mill. We got 100 models of babies in the womb to pass out to show how unborn children are really human. The models come with cards that show what is happening at the different times in pregnancy. Pray that the people who receive these would see how precious life in the womb is. We also have bumper stickers and more things that are hopefully coming soon.

Please continue to pray for brother Paul Washer. He was supposed to be able to go home the other day, but I have not heard if he was actually able to or not. Until he is home I bet that he will continue to share the Gospel with everyone he meets as I have heard that he is witnessing to the hospital chaplains. Continue to pray that he would be fully healed and be able to continue to serve Christ in this world. He is a great servant of God and I am glad that God spared his life that we here on the earth may continue to learn from his example.

With love in the Lord,

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Guest post by Daddy

What would you do if you were newly married, permanently disabled, using birth control, desperately poor, and your husband who said he would take care of you became disabled as well and then you got pregnant?

You are living in a dump, dealing with your new husband's ex-wife  who isn't helping with your 4 year old stepson who was dumped at your door 2 days before the wedding.

You are throwing up constantly from morning sickness, your blood pressure drops unexpectedly, your husband is not only unable to work,but also unable to drive, so you slog through 8 hours at McDonald's taking breaks to vomit and check on your husband who sits home at times unable to even walk or speak.

You are surviving on the gifts of strangers and food stamps. Rent is due today and you have no money. How do you handle all this stress? How could you bring a baby into this situation? What possible future could this baby have? You can't afford to feed yourself, should you just abort your baby?

By God's grace, in spite of the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy and seemingly horrible future, the parents of this baby chose life, not only for this baby, but for any child who God would place in the womb of this mother. The husband still has issues with health, and the mother continues to struggle with her disability, but they have decided to honor God, trust Him to provide for the lives of any children to whom they are entrusted as parents. They also stand for life, pleading to save babies from hard situations, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the only true remedy for their troubles.

And that baby they brought into such a harsh world? Whatever happened to her? She was born in May 2003, just before Mother's Day. She stands and listens to the excuses women make to justify murdering their babies instead of nurturing and loving them. She also writes a little bit about her experiences. You know what she never thinks about? Whether or not she should have been given a chance to live. She is precious in God's sight, made in His image, and her parents turned out OK too.

Her story continues to unfold as the years go by.
Her name? Virginia Elizabeth Cowperthwaite.

Jeremiah Cry and NCFIC evangelism conference.

Hi everyone.
This past week our family traveled to North Carolina for the evangelism conference: The Aggressive Power of the Christian Church, put on by Jeremiah Cry Ministries and The National Center for Family Integrated Churches.(NCFIC). The conference speakers were Scott Brown, Eric Ogea, Jeff Rose, Dave Griffin, Stephen Hopkins, Paul Carrington, and Jason Dohm.

On our way down to North Carolina our van spit out a spark plug. We were in Maryland when it happened and we made it to a hotel where they gave us the name of a car repair shop which we went to. In trying to fix the van we got a socket stuck in it. The nice thing about getting stuck there was it made the noise from the missing spark plug stop. We made it to the car repair shop in the van and they said that while we may get terrible gas mileage it was safe to drive so we got back on the road and made our way to North Carolina once again. Later the socket fell out of where it had been and Daddy could not put it back in. We were still able to drive the van though. God protected us and we made it to North Carolina safely even though our van was making loud noises. When we got there people had already called the car repair shop in North Carolina for us and were finding ways for us to get a vehicle to drive while our car was in the shop. The people at Hope Baptist Church were very generous and it was amazing to see the body of Christ help us so much in everything from housing to meals to vehicles. We were not the only one with car problems though. Stephen Hopkins had his bus break down and it took 10 hours to repair it. By the grace of God they were still able to make the trip so that Mr. Hopkins could speak.

Jeff Rose made it to speak at the conference although he had the flu and was not feeling well. There were jokes about him being like Lazarus raised from the dead. He felt terrible but he was able to preach every time he had been planned to speak and he even made it out to do evangelism on the street Saturday night. Steve Hopkins was also sick and Dave Griffin had also been sick. But by God's grace they all made it through their sicknesses and were able to preach. As Dave Griffin said, "it goes to show what frail men we are". Why did God choose us to be His servants except that He may show His awesome power through men who are helpless without Him. We were dead in our trespasses and sins but God showed us His great mercy may we glorify Him with our lives!

The conference was not focused on methods of evangelism but instead on the Gospel which is the reason for evangelism. We were commanded to preach Christ and Him crucified.The only reason for us to go out into the world is because of the Gospel. If we are well rooted in that and know how to defend it against opposition and have been transformed by the power of God, what can we do except to share that message with others? The more we realize how much Christ did for us the more we should want to go out and share that message with others. We do not need "cool" things to draw people in. What we need is more men who are faithful to bring the Gospel to the people in the open square. People need to hear the truth and we as Christians have been shown the truth of God. When people get out and start sharing the Gospel with the world amazing things happen. God is at work in His people and the church has an aggressive power. When God works hearts are changed and lives are transformed and no force of hell can stop His work.

One thing that Stephen Hopkins pointed out that I found interesting was in Genesis chapter one. God says that the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters and then God said let there be light and there was light. Mr. Hopkins was showing how this applies to Salvation. The Spirit of God works in your life and then God says let there be light, the true light being Jesus Christ and that is how people are saved. Yet another way how the entire Bible points ultimately to Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament Jesus Christ is concealed and in the New Testament Jesus Christ is revealed.

Jeff Rose was talking about how we must follow the heart of Christ our King. God has saved us and He has given us a new heart that is on fire for His Gospel, His kingdom and His glory. We m
ust be willing to take His Gospel behind enemy lines. The enemy lines are wherever the Kingdom of God challenges the darkness of this world. Are we willing to take the Gospel to the world who are at enmity with God?

Dave Griffin talked about the treasure that we have in jars of clay and how we focus on the frail jars of clay instead of the glorious treasure that is enclosed in them. We can be prideful and think that we are great but the truth is without Christ we were dead and even now the only reason we are alive is because of what Christ did and not by any works of our own. We are the jars of clay that are frail and weak, helpless by ourselves. God chose to save us because of His great mercy and He is the great treasure that is now inside us. We must not focus on ourselves but instead on Christ who is the glorious treasure that has been revealed to us, the undeserving wretches upon whom God chose to show His mercy. May we continue to focus on Christ and seek to glorify Him in our lives. Let us remember that we are are nothing but Christ is everything!

On Saturday night Daddy, Naomi and I went to Raleigh with about 30 other people to do some street evangelism. After just a little while it started down pouring where we were. We got to talk to a few people but we went to the "sobriety-optional" section of town and after a while Daddy was not feeling well so we ended up leaving after about 2 hours. Steve Hopkins went to the bus station and was preaching there. Mr. Hopkins amp is really big. It is a maybe 100 watt amp, hooked up to a bull horn with a wireless microphone. It is really nice and is a great tool to make it so that more people can hear the preaching. In Portland at the abortion mill we do not use amplification but we have a multiple story building in front of us and behind us so it works great to spread the preachers voice.

On Sunday we finally got to meet Patte Smith from the movie "Babies Are Murdered Here" Patte came to church with us on Sunday and it was great to finally get to meet her in person. While we have talked to her on the internet it is not the same as actually being able to sit down and talk face to face. I hope it will not be to long before we get to see her and her husband Scott again. Scott ministers the Gospel with School Master Ministries.

On our way back to Maine we stopped in Washington D.C. and spent a lot of the day at the zoo. We drove around and looked at some places and while we did not stop to preach our van is great at spreading the Gospel message to many people. We have signs on 4 of the windows and we use markers to put signs on the other windows.  If anyone is interested in getting signs for their vehicles Watchman Gospel Signs sells signs that take about 10 minuets to put on and they are only about 10 dollars a piece. If you want temporary signs that are easy to take on and off chalk markers work great. Having signs on the van is great and often serves as a conversation starter.

We will, Lord willing, be at the abortion mill tomorrow to plead for life and most importantly to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I may even get a few pictures this week that I can post.

Please be in prayer for our entire group and for everyone else around the country and around the world who will be out proclaiming Christ and His Gospel.

Patte Smith may be out in North Carolina. Please pray for safety and that the Gospel would be proclaimed unashamedly and with great boldness and passion.

Pray that God would grant people repentance and faith in His Son Jesus Christ who alone is able to save. Pray also that babies would be saved.

Please be praying for Paul Washer as he had a heart attack on Monday night. The paramedics lost him 3 times on the way to the hospital but were able to get him back and he is now in stable condition. Pray for him and his wife and 4 children that they would be comforted in this time. Also that God would spare brother Washer's life. That the family would be drawn closer to God and to each other and that this would serve to strengthen their faith in Christ.

4th of July outreach
If anyone is interested joining us for a outreach on the 4th of July we are considering putting together a float for our local parade and there will most likely be preaching and passing out tracts. Our town is about 2,300 people but on the 4th of July we can have 3-7,000 people on an average year with up to 10,000 people some years. If anyone in our area is interested we would greatly appreciate your presence. We could do the outreach by ourselves but I love the fellowship that you have with other Christians while doing evangelism.

With love in the Lord,

Friday, March 10, 2017

God's work in Portland Maine is amazing!

Hi everyone.
Once again we were given the great honor of proclaiming Jesus Christ at the abortion mill. We saw God work and we are overjoyed at His mercy! Today the officer did not come until around 10 am which is strange because they are usually there by 8:30 or 9. I have tracts that I have hand written just for police officers that are standing outside the abortion mill complicit to the murder of children. Today I gave the officer one of the tracts and he stood there reading it which is amazing in its self. In the letter I share the Gospel with them and tell them that they need to repent and trust in Christ alone for Salvation. I also tell them that they are complicit to murder, perverting justice, and neglecting their oath to protect human life.

After a while another officer showed up in a Paddy wagon which can hold up to 5 or 6 prisoners. Now for those in open air ministry that know that they may be arrested for doing this work, you may think that something is wrong as I did at first. The officer that had been there in the first place, came up to Dan Church and asked Dan to come with him. Dan went with him and we were all amazed with what happened next. The officer proceeded to pray for Dan and it seems like he repented!  He then left the abortion mill. The officer has my letter and our email address and I am hoping to hear from him. Please pray that this officer is granted true salvation by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Join us as we praise God for His mighty works! This is the first time I have seen this happen! Praise God!

We had at least one man that may have been demon possessed and some other people may have been as well. The one man was shouting at Brian who was preaching at the time. He even went across the street and sat down yelling at us. He was asking where God if He was in the shelter and at soup kitchens. I offered him some bread that we had made for homeless people in Portland but he did not take it. Daddy said you know you are on the right side when demon possessed people avoid you. The Bible says that even the demons believe and shudder. Christ has authority over demons and they know it.

We had another man who I do not know if he was demon possessed or what but he started jumping around and growling at us which I found kind of funny. I did not get it on video but it was kind of weird. If he was not playing around it could even be considered creepy.

One lady came up and talked to Stephanie and then came over and Daddy and Brian talked to her. She told them that they can't speak about abortion because they were men, whatever that has to do with their opinion on abortion you can figure out for yourself.  She had written a book about abortion and said that we should read it. She then went across the street and brought back 2 copies of her book. She gave one to Brian and one to me saying "you're beautiful."I guess that is better than somethings that she could have said. Mommy began reading the book and I will not be reading it as it is inappropriate. We will, however, discuss the book, the story, and the Biblical response as a family.

We had a young lady who went in with a women that could have been her mother. Those who walk people to death, how great is this wickedness! People will not only do evil works themselves but give approval to those who do evil. "For although they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them." Romans 1:32.

Sadly today we were reminded that "we are number one", which is when someone gives us the middle finger. This is just a very immature way of expressing your thoughts about us but people still do it. There are also those who will blaspheme the name of God in front of us. What happened to watching your mouth around women and children? There are those things that continue to happen while people are out in the open square proclaiming truth. But let us never accept these things just because they happen so often in this fallen world. May we continue to be disgusted by the evil of this world and the sin in are our own lives which is disgusting in God's sight.

I made cookies for everyone today and while some "deathscorts" can sometimes be polite, when I went down to corner to offer the "deathscorts" that were down there some cookies they turned their backs. I said "It is just a cookie." Am I really that scary that people will not dare take a cookie from me?

We had one man who came up and had a fairly long conversation with Daddy. The man committed the logical fallacy of Appeal to the Majority, which we pointed out. One of the "deathscorts" started laughing. I do not know for sure if she was laughing at that or something else but if it was at something else it was perfect timing.

There was a food stand that opened right near the abortion mill. We had our van parked in just the right place because it was right in front of the food stand. It was also close enough that when people were cold they could go sit in the van to warm up. It was fairly cold today but by God's grace we were all able to bear it.

We are leaving on Thursday to go down to North Carolina to attend the Jeremiah Cry and NCFIC conference. On Saturday night there is 3 hours planned for street evangelism. It is later at night so Mommy and the younger ones will be heading back to the our host family's house while Daddy and I and maybe Naomi will go out on the street with the others. I would like to say thank you in advance to our host family who have opened up their house to us while we are down in North Carolina.  May they blessed for their hospitality.

On our trip we are planning on driving through Washington D.C and New York City. We will be driving our van which is pretty much a driving billboard for the Gospel. We may put new signs on the van before we leave. I will probably have plenty of stories and pictures when we get back. I hope that this trip will be encouraging to us and to others as we work together to further the kingdom of our God and King. We are hoping to meet Patte Smith while we are down there. We are disappointed that her husband Scott will be out of town while we are down there though. We do hope that we will be able to see them again in August at the Fellowship Conference New England.

Speaking of the FCNE conference, you can now register here. If you are in the area I encourage you to register to come. Jesse Barrington will be there again this year and if you have not yet heard his teaching I encourage you to listen to it. You can find it on Sermon Audio and probably Youtube as well. Don Currin from Heartcry Missionary Society will also be speaking. Come for a great time of fellowship and teaching from our brothers in the faith.

Please be praying for this officer that we had today.

Please be praying for our family that we will be safe as we travel and that we would be able to share the Gospel with many people along our way.

Pray that God will be with the conference speakers as they deliver the Word of God.

Pray that if there are any people at the conference who are not yet saved that God would grant them repentance and faith.

Please be praying for a young telemarketer that I had a chance to talk to the other day. We talked for 18 minuets and he was asking questions such as "what do I need to do to change my religion." He was a Catholic. Pray that God would save him from his sins and grant him salvation.

Please be praying for Don Currin's granddaughter Evie. She has recently undergone open heart surgery. Please be praying for her health and for wisdom for her parents and the doctors as they consider whether to give her a pacemaker.

With love in the Lord,

Friday, March 3, 2017

Court declares guilty, justice says not, God says blessed!

Hi everyone.
As you know Mike Stockwell and Mike Overd went back to court on Monday. Sadly things did not go as well for their case as it did for Adrian Clark and Don Cairns. On Tuesday they received the verdict that they were guilty. They have both been fined 2,016 pounds. Their case is in appeal. If they do have to pay the fine I will post the pages where you can donate to help with the fines. But since it is in appeal it may be that they end up not having to pay it at all. What were they found guilty for? Preaching the Gospel that is the only one able to save? The world has now come to a point where they will punish the truth. Will the Christians give in and bow to their demands to stop preaching? Or will the Christians hold their ground and obey the command of their Savior?

Mike, Mike, Adrian and Don have been persecuted for their faith in England but it probably will not be long before the same happens here in the United States of America. Will most american Christians realize something has changed in this nation if it becomes illegal to preach on the streets? Sadly most of them do not go out on the streets even now when we have the freedom to do so. Will Christians have to change anything if and when it becomes illegal to share our faith freely in the public square? If we are already not sharing the Gospel because it is uncomfortable or awkward to do so we may not have to deal with persecution because we have already neglected our duty even before the world said it was illegal.  If we stop sharing the Gospel because one person was offended by it, how much more willing would we be to stop if we faced imprisonment, fines and maybe even death?

This is the spiritual fight that I mentioned last week. Mike and Mike were preaching the Gospel and the world is trying to silence their message and say that they are not speaking the truth. As Mike Overd said in an interview after his court case, he will continue to preach and he will probably be out this week. He will not let the world stop him from obeying his Lord and Savior. While I have not spoken to Mike Stockwell since the court's verdict, I am sure he will be doing the same! May we look to the example of these men as they continue to proclaim Christ and His Gospel among much opposition.

Mike and Mike got in trouble and were charged with Public Disorder and Religiously Aggravated Speech. Because they preached the Gospel, they were charged by the court of England as if they had committed some crime. Those who faithfully proclaim the Gospel are under attack. Will we continue to battle against the lies of the world as they fight against the truth of the kingdom of God?

Please watch this video from the arrest of Mike Overd. Street preacher arrested. He was wearing a body camera which comes in useful for video evidence when needed. As you can see in the video the actions of the Police are very disturbing. Mike falls to the ground and cries out in pain. The officer tells Mike to "get up". And in another picture you see why Mike says that his arm was hurt. The way the officer was holding his arm I bet was not the proper way to treat someone that is under arrest that was not resisting. Mike was just preaching the Gospel and yet the officer and the court treat him as a criminal.

The prosecutor, Ian Jackson said "publicly quoting parts of the King James Bible in modern Britain should be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter". * 

Now quoting parts of the Bible should be considered abusive and a criminal matter? The world is fighting against God, His Gospel, Kingdom, and Word. Will we stand up and fight back with the truth? The prosecutor also said, "To say to someone that Jesus is the only God is not a matter of truth. To the extent that they are saying that the only way to God is through Jesus, that cannot be a truth." *

Actually Mr. Jackson, it is the truth. Whether you like it or not. What you say about this claim does not change whether it is true or not. God says what it true and it is not up to man's fallible thinking to judge whether it is true or not. 

As I was sitting here earlier this week (not being patient!) Jimmy Hamilton was posting updates from the court room. The group was singing, the men were also reported to be singing in their cells when they were arrested. The prosecutor told them to stop. I wonder if their singing was convicting to him? Please pray that God would grant repentance and faith to Ian Jackson. 

Please be praying for John Barros. He is a full-time minister outside the abortion mill in Orlando, Florida. He has been out there doing abortion ministry for 16 years and he said that this is the worst week that he has seen. There is a sale going on for 50% off abortions. Disgusting! There are many women there and the abortion mill is letting women go before they should after the abortions, there are so many of them. Women are there who have had a shot to murder the baby but they are coming back and are in labor but they are going to be delivering a dead baby. You may be able to talk to these women but it must be hard after the baby has died. You know that you can talk to the women and share the Gospel with them but you also know that the baby has already died. Please pray for him as he ministers to these women. Pray that they will realize the error of their ways and turn to Christ in repentance and faith to be forgiven.

Pray for Mike and Mike as they continue to go through the appeal process in court. Pray that the appeal would go through so that they will not be unjustly punished further.

With love in the Lord,

*Christian concern