Thursday, March 23, 2017

Guest post by Daddy

What would you do if you were newly married, permanently disabled, using birth control, desperately poor, and your husband who said he would take care of you became disabled as well and then you got pregnant?

You are living in a dump, dealing with your new husband's ex-wife  who isn't helping with your 4 year old stepson who was dumped at your door 2 days before the wedding.

You are throwing up constantly from morning sickness, your blood pressure drops unexpectedly, your husband is not only unable to work,but also unable to drive, so you slog through 8 hours at McDonald's taking breaks to vomit and check on your husband who sits home at times unable to even walk or speak.

You are surviving on the gifts of strangers and food stamps. Rent is due today and you have no money. How do you handle all this stress? How could you bring a baby into this situation? What possible future could this baby have? You can't afford to feed yourself, should you just abort your baby?

By God's grace, in spite of the circumstances surrounding the pregnancy and seemingly horrible future, the parents of this baby chose life, not only for this baby, but for any child who God would place in the womb of this mother. The husband still has issues with health, and the mother continues to struggle with her disability, but they have decided to honor God, trust Him to provide for the lives of any children to whom they are entrusted as parents. They also stand for life, pleading to save babies from hard situations, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the only true remedy for their troubles.

And that baby they brought into such a harsh world? Whatever happened to her? She was born in May 2003, just before Mother's Day. She stands and listens to the excuses women make to justify murdering their babies instead of nurturing and loving them. She also writes a little bit about her experiences. You know what she never thinks about? Whether or not she should have been given a chance to live. She is precious in God's sight, made in His image, and her parents turned out OK too.

Her story continues to unfold as the years go by.
Her name? Virginia Elizabeth Cowperthwaite.

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