Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Memorial day, our upcoming week and Planned Parenthood

Hi everyone.
Off topic from this post but it just happened. Showing pictures from the abortion mill to an unsaved family member can cause a fight. My great aunt is in town and I was going to write this post while she was sitting here next to me. The picture I showed her is the one from the side of this blog of me holding the sign "Life is Beautiful". She also saw the End Abortion Now campaign sign: Murder: Still Legal In The U.S. End The Murder Of Children.

That caused a heated argument on how she believes that Planned Parenthood does a lot of good things. She was saying that if we defund Planned parenthood women will not have access to healthcare. We tried to tell her that from the statistics published, only 5 out of 97 abortion clinics that were asked provided prenatal care. She told us to recheck the stats, because we were wrong. It seems my great aunt is an evolution-believing scientist who does not like to admit that she is wrong. We can give her all the facts but she will not admit that she is wrong.

She brought up the story in Cedar Rapids where a shooter came in and shot multiple people at a Planned Parenthood even though they were not there for abortions. My aunt said that 7 people died. We checked the story and only 3 people died while more injured but the total number was not 7 either. One police officer died and 2 other people. One of the other people was with the patient but was not there for anything regarding her health and it is uncertain what the other lady was there for. I am going to write an essay and do some fact checking and I will send it to her and ask her to consider the facts.

I want to love her but it is hard to have a conversation with her on this because she believes she is right and is passionate and I know that God's Word and the facts are on my side and I am very passionate about this too. Please be praying that I can do this in gentleness and respect.

Okay now on to Memorial Day which was the intended topic of this post. On Memorial Day many people are remembering those who gave their lives to defend our country. I am thankful to the many men and women who have given their lives for our freedom. I am also thankful for the many men and women who are ready at any moment to give their lives for the sake of the citizens of this country. I also remember those who have given their lives for the sake of their great commander Jesus Christ.

We have days to remember those who have given their lives for their country but where are the days when we remember those who have given their lives for the sake of Christ's kingdom? I would li.ke to remember those have given the ultimate sacrifice for the ultimate captain. Many courageous men and women have given their lives in the battle for men's souls but their sacrifice is not honored as much as the men and women who have given their lives for a country that will soon perish. Christ's kingdom is everlasting. We should also honor those who have given their lives for an everlasting cause.

Many try to deny that we are in a battle. But it is a fact that cannot be escaped. If you ever doubt that the Devil is at work in this world and that men and women are in the grasp of Satan, go to the abortion mill. Your mind will be changed. You will see the people who are demon possessed. The battle against the powers of darkness talked about in Ephesians is still true for today. We are soldiers in Christ's army. Men and women are willing to give their lives to save the physical lives of others. Who will give their lives for the eternal life of men's souls? How many people have ever laughed at someone and insulted them because they decided to join the army? And how many people have been laughed at, insulted, mocked, spit upon, tortured, and murdered because they devoted their lives to the battle that rages until Christ returns? How many people are willing to serve a human captain no matter the cost? And how many people are willing to serve a captain who lives forever who has redeemed their souls, NO MATTER THE COST!

Today let us remember those who gave their lives for the sake of Christ. Perpetua, Felicitas Polycarp, the Apostles, Stephen, Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Roger Youdarian, Ed McCully, Pete Fleming, Robert J. Thomas, and many, many more. These are a few of the men and women who have paid the ultimate price for their devotion to Christ. They realized that it would cost them their lives, yet they went willingly to their deaths! They counted their own lives as nothing for the sake of making Christ known and giving God the glory that is due Him. Where are their memorials? Where are the parades that are held in their honor? Where are those who follow the example of these great men and women?

Please do not think that I am trying to undermine the sacrifice of those who have died in the military this Memorial Day. I am thankful for their sacrifice but there are those who were soldiers of the cross who deserve our thanks too, and that is what I am trying to point out. A lot of my family has been in the service so I do not want to be seen as undermining what they did. I hope I have made my point without seeming disrespectful.

Later this week we have abortion ministry both Thursday and Friday in Augusta and Portland. If anyone is interested in joining us, on Thursday we will be at the Augusta abortion mill at probably 8:00. We will then go to the capital for a homeschool rally. Sometime after 11:30 we have a meeting with State Representative Dave Miramant. After that we may go to Wiscasset to do ministry with some friends there who are interested in doing evangelism.

I have written to the police departments in both towns regarding the use of amplification. I got a reply from the chief in Augusta and he said that if we are not breaking the ordinances he sent in the email, which do not apply to us, we are fine. So we will most likely be using amplification on Thursday.  On Friday we have the regular abortion ministry in Portland.

We have some exciting news regarding abortion ministry in Portland! As of June 11 Daddy will be working 3 days a week and will have every Friday off! He will also still have every Sunday off which means we can still all attend church together but with four days off every week we should be able to do more ministry together.

If you are interested in joining us for any ministry please write to us at Maine4Jesus@gmail.com to find out where we will be soon. Right now the Summer Solstice in Rockland is coming up along with the Fourth of July outreach which we would love to have people join us for here in our home town. In August we have the Lobster Festival also in Rockland. The Blues Festival will be later this year along with many other other events coming up this summer and fall. Write to us and we can provide exact dates and locations for all these events. Check out our facebook page Equipped Ambassadors for Christ where we post our major events.

Due to our conversation/debate on Planned Parenthood with my aunt today we started looking at their website. First I would like to thank them for their video Across the Line. I highly suggest you watch it. There is some of the video where they say things that we would not say (though some professing Christians have) but they also share at least part of the Gospel in it. While listening we recognized Tony Miano's voice in it. They must have found a clip of him outside an abortion mill and used it for their video. At least they did not make that part up. The pro-lifers actually said some of the things that are in the video.

Also in the Planned Parenthood search Daddy came across some posters that Planned Parenthood has all of which are disgusting such as "Good Morning After" and "Sex positive". These are hanging in the waiting room of Planned Parenthood! I guess it can be expected of them but it is still sickening to hear. Please continue to pray that the atrocity of abortion would be ended now!

Please be praying for Mike Stockwell and Mike Overd as they go to appeal their case in England on June 28. Pray that the courts would rule justly and pray that God would be glorified. Please pray that God would grant these two brothers peace during this trial. Pray also that Mike Stockwell would be safe in traveling both there and back. If I know street preachers at all Mike will probably go and spend some time in England preaching to make the trip worth while. Pray that both men would receive favor in the eyes of the authorities and those who they encounter and that they would be given many opportunities to proclaim Christ.

With love in the Lord,

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