Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Response To A Maine Senator On Abortion

Hi everyone,
Recently Senator Lisa Keim gave a speech in opposition to LD 820 and voiced her opposition to taxpayer funded elective abortions. Below is the video of Senator Keim giving her speech and then my written response.
Senator Lisa Keim's speech

"Hello Representative Keim,
My name is Virginia Cowperthwaite. We have corresponded on the issue of abortion in the past, and I watched your video of your speech in opposition to LD 820. I agree with some of the things that you said in your speech, such as the fact that it is a living pre-born child whose life is being taken in an abortion, and the fact that religious liberty should not be trampled under foot in our State by this bill.

I would however, like to point out a few concerns with your speech. You spoke about elective abortions and how tax payers should not be forced to fund elective abortions. One of the issues is that the murder of innocent human beings should never be funded by anyone, even in the cases of rape, incest, or cases where the life of the mother is supposedly at stake. There is never any reason to murder a human being. In the case of rape and incest, we do not murder a child because their father is an evil man. In the case of life of the mother, there is no circumstance where you must intentionally murder a child to save the life of the mother. In a case where the mother's life is at risk, a doctor must do all they can to save both the mother and the child. Both mother and child have an equal right to life given to them by their Creator God. If a baby dies while you are doing all you can to save their life, and the life of the mother, you are not a murderer, you are a human being who cannot always save a person's life. However, if a person intentionally tears a baby apart, or injects poison into them, to supposedly save the life of the mother, they are a murderer.

We should not have a discussion about whether or not tax-payers should fund abortions. We should not even talk about whether or not abortion should be legal in our State. Abortion is murder and must be treated as such.

In your speech you talk about abortion and refer to it as the taking of a human life, but I challenge you that you have the platform to do even more then affirm that abortion is the taking of a human life. You have the platform to proclaim that abortion is murder and must be outlawed. I ask you to oppose abortion in all circumstances. Do not just oppose tax-payer funded abortions, or elective abortions. All abortion is the murder of a human being created in the image of God. I ask that you would use your platform to speak the truth about abortion, and seek to abolish it completely in our State. Please propose a bill that would outlaw abortion in every circumstance and that would make the penalty for abortion the same as the punishment for 1st degree murder. I know that such a bill would probably never make it into law, however, that is not an excuse to allow children to be murdered in your State without doing everything within your power as a representative to stop it. Be faithful to God and what He has called you to do. He has said to rescue those who are being taken away to death and hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11) Do everything you can to seek to outlaw abortion in every circumstance, and leave the results up to God.

Please do not merely appeal to the fact that a majority of Maine voters are opposed to tax-payer funded abortion. I urge you to appeal to the Ultimate Standard, the Word of God. God has said you shall not murder. Even if everyone in Maine agreed to tax-payer funded abortion, it would not make it right. God has spoken and must be obeyed.

The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade but that decision is not law, and does not determine what the States can say about abortion. The States still have every right to make abortion illegal. The question is, will the States do justice and defend the pre-born as commanded by God, or will they sit and allow the Supreme Court to pretend that they have the power to make laws and the power to determine what the States can and cannot do when it comes to outlawing murder, and allow the murder of children to be continued in their State under the guise of law?

~Virginia Cowperthwaite
Thomaston, Maine
Age 16"

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