Friday, January 6, 2017


Hi everyone.
Today even though we were not able to go to the abortion mill we have heard news from others that brings me to tears. Today a woman went in for an abortion which she was bullied into it by her boyfriend. The grandmother of the baby was crying over what was going to take place and was trying to get through to her daughter to tell her not to do it. The grandmother was able to talk to Brian Donna, and Marguerite. She was sending them text messages and her husband came later. The grandmother texted Donna and said that her husband was on his way and he was going to go up and pick her up and carry her out. She asked them to pray that he would make it in time! 

After he got there he told the staff at the abortion mill that she had a condition that he said could kill her if she went through with the abortion. The staff told him that she could tell the doctors if she wanted to. He then jumped the counter and ran down the hall screaming his daughter's name.  It was reported that the daughter told them to stop but instead they pumped her full of more drugs and aborted the baby. 

The police were there, and it seems like they have pressed charges against the grandfather for jumping the counter to find his daughter, and he may lose his job as he works for the government. How wicked is this nation that a man could lose his job because he tried to save the life of his daughter and grandchild! This is unjust, wicked, and must be stopped immediately!   If the abortionists performed an abortion against the young woman's will they should be charged with serious charges! Even if it was not against her will they should still be charged with murder! They are taking the life of another human being who is created in God's image! 

Pray for the grandmother, the grandfather, and the mother. Pray that God would grant them repentance and faith in Jesus Christ the only one able to save! Today this baby was not saved but the Christians who were out there today was able to talk to the family and if God grants that family repentance and faith in Christ, that will be great joy to us all! We want babies to be saved and we want people to come to know Christ as Savior!  

HOWEVER, good news did come as well! Even though this baby was still murdered, because the grandfather was screaming in the hall, 2 other women heard his voice and did not go through with their abortions! God saved the lives of those babies! Even through our tears God works miracles! 


We love these women and I hope that we will be able to help them and continue to proclaim the Gospel to them! Today was both very sad and very joyous. We lost a precious life and yet we gained 2 more! Pray for all the mothers who went to the abortion mill today. Those who went through with the abortions, those who wanted to stop but were forced, and those who were able to save the lives of their precious children! I will try to keep people updated as I find out more information that is able to be shared. I will try to post more prayer requests and needs as they are available to share.

  •  Pray for the young woman who's baby it seems was murdered against her will. Pray that God will use this situation to show her her need for a Savior and that God would grant her repentance and faith. Pray for her and her parents as they go through this grieving process as the mourn the loss of this precious life! 
  • Pray for the women who were able to save their babies. Pray that they would look to God as they raise their precious children. Pray that they will train them up in the fear of the Lord. Maybe God will one day use them to proclaim the Gospel outside an abortion mill when they are older.  So that they will be able to share hope with those mothers. Maybe they will be used by God to save the lives of babies who are in a situation just like they were in before God saved their lives.
  • Pray also for the grandfather as he may lose his job. Because he tried to save the lives of his daughter and grandchild. The family may need help finding a lawyer but Brian and others may have them contact the Thomas Moore law center which is the one they used when they went to court concerning their lawsuit involving Planned Parenthood.
  • Please also be praying for Robert Gray, Mike Stockwell, and the rest of their team as they are down in Jamaica proclaiming Christ to the people on the island. Pray that God would grant repentance and faith to the people they talk to and pray that they would have boldness and courage no matter what man may say or do.

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."John 15:13

With love in the Lord,

P. S. I was wrong about dates in my previous post, Jesse Barrington will be coming to Redeeming Grace Fellowship next week, not this week.

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