Sunday, January 22, 2017

Prayer and Proclamation.

Hi everyone.
For those of you who have not yet heard. On Thursday Cody May died in a swimming accident in lake Travis in Austin, Texas. He was a husband, and father of 7 children. He was known by many and was active in the fight for the lives of the pre-born. Cody was a preacher to those on the street who were in desperate need of a savior. Even though I did not know who he was when he died, he is my brother in Christ and his wife is my sister in the Lord. We mourn the loss of this brother and I ask for prayers for his family and friends as they grieve the loss of a beloved husband, father, brother, and friend. Pray that God would comfort the family and that He would use this situation to draw them closer to Himself and to each other. There is currently a page up to raise money for his wife Kimberly and the family. Please pray that they would be able to raise the funds needed so that Kimberly will not have to worry about finding a job but instead will be able to stay home and care for the children. Here is a link to the page where you can donate to the family, Caring for Kimberly.

On Friday we watched the inauguration of president Donald J.Trump. While I may not agree with him, he is the President and as such I seek to respect his office. I would much rather have had Tom Hoefling as President but it was God's will that Donald Trump is President and we will have to wait and see what happens in these next 4 years and what will take place afterwards.

I think that people who are against the new President should find a better way to express their view than by injuring police officers, torching a car and other things. I also wish Christians would take their beliefs more seriously. Unbelievers in this country will passionately fight for their beliefs to great extents. Yet when there is an evangelism outreach Christians usually will not bother to show up. The world can get more people to show up for a football game than the church can get to show up for worship of the only one worthy of glory and praise! The church needs to stop making excuses about why they are not sharing the Gospel. The world is out boldly proclaiming their lies and the church must be out there even more exposing the lies and more importantly proclaiming the Truth. Jesus Christ is KING of kings and LORD of lords! The world is passionate about what they profess belief in and they believe in lies. As Christians we have the truth and we must passionately proclaim the Gospel of Life and Light to this world of death and darkness!

We must stand up and fight against the kingdom of evil! We will not fight with weapons of the flesh as the world does but we will fight with the weapons of spiritual warfare. We must fight the lies with truth, the darkness with light, and we will fight against death by proclaiming true life through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! Church stand up! Proclaim the truth until all the world has heard the news of Christ! Do not worry about what others will think. This is a matter of eternal life and death! If you are proclaiming, in love, Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the sins of His people. You may be mocked and yelled at, you may even give your life for the sake of Christ and His Gospel. But the message is so important and we have been commanded to share it! Go, Stand, and proclaim Christ!

If anyone is in our area, we have many different opportunities for evangelism this year. Two of the activities that our coming up soon are the Winter Fest in Camden and the Super Bowl outreach in Rockland.  Daddy has to work the day shift for some of the days of the Snow Bowl but if anyone is willing to join us for evangelism in the afternoon and evening their help would be greatly appreciated. For anyone that is interested please check out my parents Facebook page here or our ministry page Equipped Ambassadors for Christ.

On this Friday we will be posting on there at about 10:30 in the morning and we will try to do a live video stream at the abortion mill. The thing is, I do not know at what point we will start taking video so we will try to post a time then, after we have been there for a little bit and figured out when Daddy will be preaching and such. During the video we will be showing the preaching and people will be able to see what it looks like on the street.. If I start taking video of the sidewalk or other things. I am sorry I am probably trying to get tracts or something and I should be able to correct it soon enough. But I would much rather have a bad video than miss talking to the women going in and the people walking past. The reason we are out there is to proclaim the Gospel and that is what we will do!

For anyone that is willing, a baby was saved from abortion in California and they are holding a baby shower for the mother. Here is a link to the gift registry where you are able to purchase and send gifts for baby Annabella. Baby Annabella's gift registry. The mother of this precious baby took the first abortion pill. But by the grace of God, they were able to reverse the pill and save Annnabella's life! Please look at the registry and see if there is anything you would be willing to purchase as we seek to support this mother in her new journey of motherhood. Thank you for supporting this family!

Please be in continued prayer for the May family. Pray for Annabella and her mother. And also as we have just passed the inauguration of our new President with rioting and protesting. Pray for the police officers, National Guard and everyone else who is trying to enforce the law in this nation. Pray that they would be protected from those who are seeking to injure them and pray that they would be able to establish peace. But we also know that this nation will not have true peace until they repent and turn to Christ the only way to have true peace.

With love in the Lord,

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