Friday, October 13, 2017

My Blog Refuted?

Hi everyone,
Recently a friend of ours posted a picture on Facebook and talked about abortion. One of her family members said something so Daddy responded to him. The conversation turned to evolution and Daddy told the man, Charles, that I argued with a professor from Columbia University on Facebook. Charles actually was skeptical that I (informally) debated the professor and said that he must not of known much about evolution.

Now while I will say that the professor is a fool because anyone that suppresses the truth about God by saying in their heart that God does not exist, is a fool according to the Bible. But what I would not say is that the professor does not know what he is talking about when it comes to the issue of evolution. I told Charles to "Google" the professor's name and try to prove his assertion that the professor did not know much about evolution. Charles has yet to provide a single shred of evidence that proves evolution. Anyway while he works on finding evidence for evolution that does not exist he decided to "refute" my blog. He picked my post from last week about the letter to the editor that the reverend wrote in response to my letter to the editor about abortion.

Charles' post is very long so here is link. Charles is working on a video refuting my debate with the professor. I wrote to Brian and Andrew since they are also good with these things. As always Brian thinks we could do a debate. I do not know how exactly we will respond whether in video, blog post, or debate. For now I will just comment about his argument against my last blog post.

I said: One person told me that I should seek help. You know there are many good counselors. I think this person should seek help from the only one who can really help any of us, God Almighty.

Charles said: I would not say a counselor but perhaps a real school? Not the suddo (sic) Christian indoctrination cycle you guys pathetically pass off as a school. I mean a real school, where you are taught science. Not this pretend 'christian' science. Yes, kiddo that is all christian science is, pretend. You are the product of abuse. Being denied truth in favor of fairy tales rather than making that choice for yourself after the age of reason. You did not make the choice it was made for you before you were ever born, by your parents.

You know this man is blaming my parents for what I said instead of me. If that is what he believes than why is he going to blast my name on the internet because of what I said. This guy has my picture on his Facebook page many times. But that is okay it is not my fault it is all my parents fault that is why he is blasting MY name and MY picture?  Why am I being held accountable for what I said if I had no choice in what I believed? This is confusing.

Charles said: So let me pose the question that you seem to ignore. How many hungry and needy children have you cared for? When was the last time you donated money to a children;s hospital? When was the last time you skipped a meal to feed a hungry child. The point this person was making, is your hypocritical double standard. 'Don't kill the unborn, but after they are born, screw them.'' Typical of a Christian but on an open debate not a great move.

Just so you know Charles. My parents believe that children are such a blessing that they have 7 of them. Because of this the state will not let us adopt more children to care for. When our group is at the abortion mill we offer help to mothers. And just because we do not donate money to children's hospitals why is it my job to take of someone else's child? We take care of our own children and then do what we can to help others. I think that is a pretty good approach. And to those who have the resources to care for hungry children by providing meals and such that is great for them. But we use the resources God has given us and other people use the resources God has given them. Is abortion acceptable if indeed we did not care for born babies? Is it acceptable to kill babies because their parents don't want to care for them?

I said: Another person said they wished they lived in a world where people like me did not exist. Well I bet that is how they feel about the one true God but that does not make Him, or me, cease to exist. You can wish all you want but that does not change reality.

Charles said: First, let me strongly disagree with said person. I do not want you Christians to disappear, you're to much fun. '' You can wish all you want''. Funny coming from someone who prays to an invisible creature they have never seen and can not prove is real. Wishing on a star is essentially your entire belief system.

I am a presuppositionalist. I can prove that God exists. But I do not think you are going to listen to me Charles. You know I have a shirt that says something very fitting it says: "I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you." Oh, and while I wish all professing atheists came to a saving knowledge of the truth I think talking to you is fun as well. By the way there are no atheists in the world.  Professing atheists know God exists they just suppress the truth in unrighteousness and last I checked people who do not exist cannot cease to exist. 

I said: Another accused one of the "fundies", I assume she meant one of our group, of saying that pregnancy resulting from rape was a blessing. I admit it, I think that even if the child was conceived because of rape that child is still a blessing. Children are always a blessing! This person may have been the one I had a discussion with on Planned Parenthood's facebook page because they accused me of something similar there.

Charles said: Woa. See this right here is indoctrination at it's finest. You are going to, with a straight face look at someone your own age, who after being brutally gang raped, tell them god blessed them? Let, me get this clear. God blessed them by having them raped so they could have a baby, when they themselves are still a child. Perhaps you should take some time and talk with actual rape victims. Go down to the local crisis shelter. Talk with them, see how many are feeling blessed.

Yes Charles I am going to tell a rape victim that the child in their womb is a blessing from God. Rape is not a blessing. Rape is evil it is a man willfully making the decision to brutally harm a woman It is terrible what happened to them that produced that child but the child is still a blessing and cannot be punished because of the sins of their father. I will love them and will help them in whatever way I can and share the Gospel with them. I will cry with them and do whatever I can to help them heal from their terrible circumstances. But I will not tell them that they can kill a child for the sins of their father which is expressly prohibited in God's word.

I said: That was just a few of the comments. Recently another man wrote a letter to the editor about his views on the abortion issue. This man claims to be a "reverend" and calls himself a christian. But I can tell you that in this aspect he is not acting Christlike. You can read the letter here. I am not writing exact quotes due to copyright laws but if you read the letter first this should make sense.

Charles said: Copyright laws do not apply to letters to an editor. 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.'' Ya, I am paraphrasing but I think the point is rather clear. You are judging someone far older than yourself who in all likelihood has studied the bible for twice as long as you have been alive. It is your opinion he is not Christlike. How do you know? Did you meet Christ? Or is your statement based on what you believe the bible says? I suspect the later.

The Bible also says, "Open your mouth judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy" I am "judging" the reverend based on the clear revelation of God. God said something clearly in the Bible, "You shall not murder". When someone says that it is okay to murder I can say to them that God said "You shall not murder" and that is not me imposing my opinion on someone it is me pointing someone who claims to be Christian back to the word of God. And in answer to your question, yes, I have met Christ. He is my Lord and the Holy Spirit is dwelling inside me. It does not matter how long someone has been studying the Bible that does not mean that they cannot be wrong. Everyone is fallible instead of looking to people's flawed interpretations of Scripture look to Scripture itself.

I said: This man thinks that I am entitled to my opinion but I am not allowed to require other professing Christians to to agree with me. I do not require other Christians to agree with my opinion. I just tell them that they need to agree with God's word. There is a difference. My opinion does not matter, what God said in His Word does matter.

Charles said: I Timothy 2:12 ''But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.'' So do you agree with God's word? Are you 'in silence''? Apparently god's word does not matter to you. Only the parts that you think are important and have translated to fit your narrow minded viewpoint, do.

So I am not allowed to speak at all? I am not in authority over men. I can say what God's Word says and when I do that it is not me speaking from my own authority that is God's authority because He said it. When I speak I am not in authority over men I am merely expressing my opinion. Like I said my opinion does not matter.

I said: At the end of the letter the reverend said that in such a context abortion can be morally justified and ethically correct. Since abortion is murder, this "reverend" just said that murder is morally justified and ethically correct in at least certain circumstances! And then he calls himself a person of the Christian faith!

Charles said: Oh no whatever will we do?! This guy who claims to be a Christian disagrees with me! ..... Yes kid it happens. This only offers evidence your bible was written by men, not a perfect god. If it was written by a perfect god then the message within would also be perfect. It would be unmistakable and understood by all who read it without any room to be mistranslated. Oh, and no he said under certain circumstances abortion is justifiable, not that murder is justified. 
To save the life of a mother who happens to be nine years old and was brutally gang raped by an Islamic extremist group, defiantly (sic) seems justifiable. Does it not? Or are you the judge of whose life is more important? If the doctors do not preform (sic)the abortion she dies. Now let's say they share your view and do not preform (sic) it. The mother dies. Is that not murder of the mother? .... I know Christians brain working overtime now.
Yes people are going to disagree with me. I know, trust me plenty of people disagree with me. The problem is not when people disagree with me, the problem is when someone says that they believe God and call themselves a Christian and then deny the plain meaning of God's written revelation. That is a problem. People can disagree with me all they want, they just should not disagree with their Creator and King.

When you say that this offers evidence that the Bible was written by men I have to disagree. The Bible is the Word of God. People are fallible that is why there are different interpretations of the Bible not because the Bible is in error it is because the people reading it are in error.
Let me translate. Abortion is murder in every circumstance. So when someone says abortion is justifiable they say that murder is justifiable. Now I think you are trying to make me feel pity for this hypothetical 9 year old. Yes I would feel sorry for this young mother and would do everything I could to help her, like I said before. Now I would like you, Charles, to provide me with one piece of evidence that shows that pregnancy has ever killed someone. And if the pregnancy has not yet killed the girl how do we know it will? Sometimes doctors make mistakes and misdiagnose someone. And no I do not think that murder is justifiable in any circumstance.

Charles said: You have done nothing but offer opinion. In direct violation of I Timothy I might add. You do realize that Planned Parenthood does more than just abortions right? In fact abortion services make up a very small percentage of what they do. Maybe just maybe, if you I don't know, actually visited a facility and talked to the people inside a light might come on for ya.

Yes Charles I do know that Planned Parenthood offers more than abortions. But no matter how much supposed good someone does that does mean that they are allowed to murder people. As long as Planned Parenthood provides abortions I cannot support them. And if I tried visiting the Planned Parenthood facility in Portland which is where I minister I would be arrested by Portland Police Department. Let's make a deal Charles, if you make a deal with Planned Parenthood in Portland and with the police that says that I will not be arrested for criminal trespassing and that a Planned Parenthood employee will actually talk to me and answer my questions I might go in and talk to them. But sadly I do not think that will happen.

Please be in prayer for our family as on Tuesday we are planning on going to Earth Science Day in Augusta. I am hoping to be able to have conversations with some of the scientists there about evolution and the Christian worldview. Please pray that I would have wisdom and that God would give me the words to say and that God would open the eyes and the hearts of the scientists to the truth of His word. Please pray for their salvation.

With love in the Lord,

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