Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hello everyone.
It seems like there is a lot of talk about police officers right now and I wanted to write about my thoughts on this issue.

#1. Just because 2 police officers do something, it does not mean that all officers act the same way. When somebody says that all police officers are racist because 2 officers shot 2 black men, they are committing the fallacy of  "Hasty generalization". They make a statement about all police officers, based off of a limited amount of examples.

#2. We do not know what these 2 men did before they got shot. As far as we know these men could have been reaching for a gun to shoot the cop. Maybe the cops over reacted. The point is we do not know. Since we do not know what happened, we should not draw conclusions on whether the cops were racist or not.

I love police officers. My family knows at least 4 of the officers in our town. The chief of police treats Mommy like a daughter, ( well, he at least teases her like she is his daughter. ) My family makes cookies or muffins or some kind of treat and takes to the police officers. We do this a couple of times a year. In fact I am planning on taking the officers brownies on Thursday. We want to show the cops that we appreciate what they do to keep us safe.

On Sunday we had the chance to thank a state trooper for all his work when he pulled us over. We were on our way home from small group at our pastor's house, and blue lights turned on behind us. We had a plate light out and he could not tell if we had a license plate or not. While my siblings had a great time seeing a cop. ( My younger siblings have never been in a car that has been pulled over. ) We had a chance to thank this man for what he does. It just goes to show that not all cops are mean and out to get people, even if there are some who abuse their authority.

I would also like to say that, no matter what people may say, not all white people are racist. Some of the most passionate preachers I know are dark skinned. Robert Gray a man that I respect as a great man of God, is dark skinned. Andrew March, one of my brothers in Christ, says he is my "Proud brown brotha". I am honored to be able to stand with both of these men as we share the gospel on the streets of Portland. While we plead with people as they enter the building within 10 feet of where we are standing. Where parents go to commit premeditated murder of their own children. Andrew has been used by God's grace to save the life of a man outside of the Abortion mill. The man was going to commit suicide and after Andrew talked and prayed with him the man handed him a knife and said "Will you take this". As far as I know, our group has also been able to save at least one baby form being aborted. Praise the LORD for saving the lives of these two people! It is a great honor to be able to call both of these men brothers.

Along the lines of preachers and police officers. Last week in England, 4 street preachers were arrested for preaching the truth. The men were only held for a few hours, But they still have to go back and answer the charges. Among these men who were arrested was Mike Stockwell who I have mentioned before. Please pray for all 4 of these men. Pray that they trust the LORD. Pray also that the judges will judge justly, and will not punish these men for acting righteously.  Robert Gray who was in England, (but not arrested) is now back in the states. I thank the Lord for protecting them and pray that their preaching is used to bring souls to the Kingdom of God.

With Love in LORD,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you fro writing such a lovely blog. God bless you.
