Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Introducing Precious Jewels, True love ... no strings attached

Here is a roundup of our week, a busy enough week that I broke into categories!


Some of you who have read Daddy's blog may have heard about Precious Jewels before. Precious Jewels was my family's ministry to the women that worked at the strip club in Key West, Florida. Now I am happy to say that we have changed the focus of this ministry. Precious Jewels is now going to be my family's ministry to women who are going to have (or have had) abortions.

Some people may not think it is good idea to stand 10 feet away from the door of the murder mill (ie. Abortion mill) and plead with people to save the lives of their children that they are about to murder. I would like to ask these people to try doing it just once and see what it is like. ?This video challenges Christians about this issue.

People may not realize until they start sharing the gospel with people that there are people in this country who will do more than just refuse a gospel tract. Since we started going out to the Murder mill people have said to Mommy "Maybe they should have killed you". Somebody has yelled in Daddy's face "you are stupid because you can read." Others will just pretend you do not even exist. It is sadly humorous when someone from our group tries to hand someone a gospel tract and they look liked they are scared of it.

I have a friend who has been arrested in Portland Maine for preaching the Gospel outside the Murder mill. But nevertheless he stands out there with everyone else. Fighting for the right to live for these babies who can not defend themselves. I am happy to say that our efforts have not been in vain. We have never been in physical danger, anymore that other people walking down the sidewalk of a city where people defy God's laws and morality. There is a police officer out there almost every week to make sure everyone is safe. Sadly this means he also protects the women going in to murder their own children. He seems to have no regard for the safety of the babies whose mothers smile on their way through the gates of the murder mill, though their hearts are full of murder.

One time someone said to us "You guys are awesome". The thing is we are not! We are far from awesome! God is awesome! We are sinners just like everyone else in this world. The only difference is God saved us from our sins. Not by anything we did but by the Grace and Mercy of God. So next time someone says you are awesome because of what you are doing for the glory of God. You can use it as an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

So I guess I will share some stories about what has been going on in my life recently. #1 I finished reading the book of Psalms! On Friday we went to the Murder mill. Daddy got to have a great conversation with a young woman out on the street. While this young lady is not having an abortion she had made a sign that said "I support a woman's right to choose" Daddy went across the street to where she was. The 2 of them ended up talking for about 45 minuets. Please pray for her salvation.
There was a man from Romania that Mommy, Daddy and our friend got to talk to. When he found out they were murdering babies, he asked what would happen if he went into Planned Parenthood and told them to stop. Daddy told him that he might get arrested. The man also said that he was going to go upstairs and throw the abortion doctor out the window. Daddy then told him that he should probably go talk to officer Keller before he got any plans.

After we left the Murder mill we went to park and had a good time of fellowship with Donna ( who has been doing abortion ministry for about 4 years ) and some of her kids. If anyone would like to join our group outside the Murder mill. The address is 443 Congress street, Portland Maine. My family is planning on being out there this Friday. We are out from about 9 to 1130am most weeks. Next week ( the first Friday in August) is the Fellowship Conference in Portland so we will be out from about 8 to 9 am. There will probably be more people than usual out that week.

Some people may have a wrong idea of what we do when we are outside the Murder mill. We do not stand out there yelling at people. We do however plead with people to save the lives of their babies. There are a lot of people out there but usually our group includes: either Robert or Andrew preaching the gospel, though Daddy has preached there once. People passing out tracts. Others holding signs. Donna tries to talk to the women as they go in to the murder mill. And then their is "T", she will see someone walking towards us with a death-scort and she will walk with them as they go in, she will tell them that there are people who will adopt their babies or will help them with financial needs related to their babies. One thing that T does is she walks up along side someone and says " We are out here supporting women's rights. The rights of the women in the womb." It is sad how people agree with her on the first part and then do not agree with her on the second part.


On Saturday we went to fort Knox, which is a fort that was built in the Civil War era. While there was never a shot fired from the fort. It is still a fun place to walk around in.

Today we had some green beans to pick from our 4,000 square foot garden. When I say some green beans I mean we picked over 5 gallons. We made about 21 quarts of dilly beans and we have more to pick and can tomorrow.

Prayer needs

I would like to ask for prayers for T who I mentioned earlier. She was playing basketball with her friends. When she jumped up, someone stepped on the back of her ankle and she ruptured her achilles tendon. She is in a cast for more than 5 weeks and then she will have wear a boot for 4 more weeks. Needless to say she is walking on crutches and I think she wants to get back to regular work again as she has a young daughter. Please pray for continued healing for her.

Mike Stockwell is planning on coming back to the states on August 2 please pray for safe travels for him.

With love in the LORD.

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