Monday, September 5, 2016

A very very busy week

Hi everyone.
I am sorry that I have not written a post for awhile. The last few days have been quite busy.
On Monday our pastor came over and did not leave until late at night, then on Tuesday Daddy started school as a CNA student/apprentice.

On Wednesday we had friends over for the afternoon and that night Daddy and I were guests on Cell53 Radio. We discussed head coverings and ecclesiology. We had a great time, but people at Cell53 do not seem to know that some people sleep at night, Haha. [Shout out to Brian, Andrew and Tanya]. Nevertheless they are great people and I am honored to call them brothers and sisters. Click here to listen. (by the way I did not pick my nickname that was Andrew, but I was okay with it.)

On Thursday we went to a friends house and then came home to get things ready for abortion outreach the next day.

On Friday our family left the house before 7 am (early) and headed to Portland. We had a great time and we even got to see the famous Officer Keller! Okay maybe he is not so famous. Officer Keller, you said you would look at my blog. If you read this I still plead with you: Repent of your sins turn to Jesus Christ your King, turn to him in faith. No matter how often you scoff God, spit in his face and say that He does not exist. You know that He does exist and whether you believe it or not you will stand before Him on judgment day and you will give an account of your sins. And God being just will hold you accountable for your sins unless you turn from your sins and surrender your life to Christ. If you are still breathing it is not to late to run from your sins and run to Christ. He died and rose again to save all who will turn to Him in repentance and faith. We still love you as a human being and we still lift you up in prayer asking our Father in heaven to save you from your unrighteousness. This is what Christ has done for me, and I hope some day you come to see my King in all His beauty!

 This week outside the abortion mill, we had the usual comments and concerns from passersby including: Me and my siblings are abused by being forced to do this ministry (we love going), or we are being abused by exposure to pictures of dead babies (if abortion isn't murder, then those pictures aren't dead babies); Daddy should be arrested for preaching the Gospel; and many others. As always we were shown the reality of the depravity of people without Christ and the wickedness of the world in which we live.

After abortion outreach we went out to lunch with a couple of people from our group. Rachel, Chloe, Ian, and Wesley at Fort Allen Park.

After that we went to the Ronald McDonald house in Portland to see some friends. Please be praying for their daughter Sherri as she has battled brain cancer since 2006. Her family is amazing and through all their trials they continue to praise God! We got to enjoy family Bible time with this family and some friends who also came to visit.

On Saturday Daddy had to work and we had some extended family over for supper. We then tried to get some sleep for our long car trip the next morning.

We left the house a little bit later on Sunday, we did not have to leave until 7:30 am! We then drove for about 2 hours to visit a friend's church, where at first we were welcomed. Multiple people kindly showed us around and offered child care which, while appreciated, our family does not use. We find in God's Word a pattern of families worshiping together. We don't believe age segregation is proper or helpful.  Sadly, after being told by a few very insistent people that children were not allowed in the service (no exceptions) we left and went to another church where our friend is a pastor. We had a great time at this small church and were excited to be able to see our friend Matt again. Thank you Matt for praying for us every day! It is very encouraging to know that we are being lifted up to the LORD in prayer!

After church we went to Daddy's mother's house to set up a shed. This took a lot longer than the directions said it would, but we worked together. Anyway we got it done and had a little time to visit before we left.

Overall we had a good week, just a very busy week.

For prayer please continue to pray for the salvation of Officer Keller ,and all the Police officers, and "death scorts" who stand by complicit to the murder of many children who have yet to be born.

Pray for Robert Grey and Mike Stockwell as they travel to Maine next weekend to do some open air ministry. Please be praying also for NASA astronaut Jeff William as he travels back to earth from the International Space Station along with Russian cosmonauts Alexey and Oleg.

By the way, our family will not be at the Murder mill (abortion mill) on Fridays for the next 2 months because of Daddy's class times we will not be able to be out on Friday mornings. We are talking about other opportunities for ministry in the meantime. Daddy will only have Sundays and Mondays off for a while.

With love in the LORD,

P.S. Mark here (aka "Daddy"). Our family has a few possible plans for the future in ministry. We would appreciate prayer as we seek to discern the will of God and the need for evangelism, discipleship, and worship that is patterned after the Word of God, specifically the patterns found for ecclesiology in the New Testament. We appreciate your prayers! ~Mark

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