Saturday, September 17, 2016

Street preachers convention!

Hi everyone.
This week God blessed our family with the opportunity to be able to go out to the abortion mill. We had a great time and got to see some people we would not have been able to see otherwise.

On Friday we had multiple street preachers including: Daddy, Mike Stockwell came from New York, Scott Smith from North Carolina, Don Cairns from Virginia, Robert Gray from New Hampshire, and Jimmy Hamilton all the way from Scotland. That was just the street preachers, we also had some of our regular group out from Redeeming Grace Fellowship and Cell53.

This week we had a variety of different comments including: "All of you should have been aborted", "You're sick", someone said I needed my brain washed, And yet another literally thumbed his nose at God. And our day was not void of hearing bad words including the F word which sadly is not unusual for us to hear. My friend Chloe was promoted to "number one" our way of saying someone gave us the middle finger. We also had the more comical questions and comments like: "Are you still stupid?" Our family was wearing matching orange shirts so someone said "You got Halloween costumes." Sometimes people come up with very dumb arguments to try to make us look stupid, sadly it just shows how absurd their arguments become when they reject God. I hope that God grants these men and women repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Once again we had Officer Keller, and he was kind enough to let me take a picture of him and Chloe. By the way Officer Keller, I was just informed that it was your birthday last Sunday. Happy late birthday. I hope that as you celebrate your many years of life you realize that it is God who has
blessed you with life. Every day you live is proof of God's mercy to you.

After abortion outreach some of our group went to Redeeming Grace Fellowship to have lunch. We had a time of fellowship with Donna (who started the abortion outreach in Portland) Jimmy, Mike, Robert, Don, Scott and others. After lunch we went to the cemetery to see the grave of Edward Payson also known as "Praying Payson".

After we left the cemetery we split into groups to hand out tracts. Our family only handed out about 10 tracts, as there were not many people walking on the sidewalk we were on. Robert got to the school when the kids were leaving so he passed out more. Mike and Donna went door to door and passed out a good amount of tracts. After that we all went back to the church and sat around talking some more.

Our family is hoping to go do more open air evangelism with Jimmy Hamilton before he leaves for the UK on the 1st. Jimmy's son is a pastor at a church about 2 hours away from our house so we are hoping to meet Jimmy so that we can minister with him while he is here in the states.

Please be praying for the group of street preachers including Mike, Robert and the others I mentioned earlier as they travel around the country preaching Jesus Christ who was crucified and rose again for all those who turn to Him in repentance and faith. Please be praying for all those involved in open air evangelism all around the world as they strive to serve Christ through preaching the word in the open Square. May we all be encouraged by their witness to take our stand and serve Christ with all we have. Jesus Christ is the only one who is able to save them from eternal damnation and it is our duty as Christians to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with the people of this world before it is to late!

With love in the LORD,

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